Lin Fei's eyes closed slightly and he entered the system of divine consciousness again.


"Why are you begging me again?"

Little Lori's voice of ridicule rang out.

Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "yes! Please again


Little Lori looked at Lin Fei with a smile, "what good will you do me if you ask me this time?"

"Didn't you say I belong to you tonight?"

"Cut! You are taking advantage of me

"Never mind! We are one, you and I are the same

Lin Fei took out a look of indifference.

"Who is one with you? You and your wife and those women are one. I am me. I can control you. "

Little Laurie said unconvinced.

Lin Fei stood up and said, "whatever you think or say, that's what it is. You decide for yourself."

Little Lori stares at Lin Fei and is completely defeated by his scoundrel.

Finally, she browed and looked at Lin Fei, "I can help you, but there's no problem, but you have to promise me something."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Fei asked.

"You have to let all the zhangjias die in the streets of Hong Kong tonight."


Lin Fei took a breath and looked at little Lori. Her eyes were full of surprise and vigilance, even a strong sense of incomprehension.

He wants Zhang Jia to be removed from the four big families in Hong Kong today, but the request of little Lori is too harsh and exaggerated, isn't it?

Lin Fei can't do such a cruel thing.

Staring at little Lori, "is there no other way?"

Little Lori shook her head. This is my request, the only one.

Lin Fei hesitated.

Now the stock market in Hong Kong City is in turmoil. If you let Zhang's people die in the street today, your own will be equivalent to detonating a heavy bomb in Hong Kong City, and he will become the target of others.

"Don't say no!"

Little Lori said, and made a look of indifference.

Lin Fei stared at little Lori for a long time, "forget it! If you lose 70 billion, you lose. I don't care! "

Lin Fei gave up.

Between winning money and life, Lin Fei chose to respect life.

Little Lori didn't expect that Lin Fei would make such a choice. She was shocked and stared at Lin Fei for a long time.


I laughed.

"I don't know. You are still very kind! Well, that's the end of it. "

What does that mean when Lin Fei looks at her

"I'll help you!"

"Didn't you say?"

Lin Fei looks at little Lori and asks.

Little Lori shook her head. "I just want to test you to see if you lose yourself in front of money. You can keep sober and kind now. I don't think your original intention has changed, so I decided to help you. "


Lin Fei breathes out a breath and looks at little Lori. Suddenly, he has an impulse to strangle her.

Little Lori sticks out her tongue at Linfei. "You belong to me tonight."

With that, he disappeared from Lin Fei's eyes.

At this moment, he Guan was slowly picking up the wooden tube in his hand. Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of her eyes, and then a firm idea appeared in her mind -


The hand strength slightly transports the foot, inside three color words slowly rolling, PATA, all turned to three six o'clock.

The female lotus official's mouth corners show satisfied smile.

Next to Zhang Tian, Zhang Jiaming eyes are staring at female lotus officer, face is very simple.

Tang Lingling's eyes swept over the female lotus officer's face. Seeing the smile in her expression, she already understood the meaning.

Looking at Zhang Tian and Zhang Jiaming, he nodded slightly, indicating that he had won.

Zhang Tian and Zhang Jiaming take a long breath and look at the direction of the monitoring room.

He is proud in his eyes and calm in his face.

Zhao Ya and Huo Lei, who are staring at the picture through surveillance, are nervous, with a strong sense of tension in their faces.

The two women took a look at Lin Fei and found that his eyes were still slightly closed. His face was calm and speechless. They closed their eyes fiercely.

The two women couldn't understand Lin Fei's calmness.

Even if Lin Fei is very rich, he doesn't care about 70 billion or even 700 billion, but he doesn't spend it like this.

The female lotus officer looked at the monitor with a sneer and raised the wooden tube slowly.

There is only one concept in her eyes, that is, Lin Fei lost.

The wooden tube finally left the base, and the three color words appeared in the eyes of the people.Results -

three six points!

This -

zhangjiaming and Zhang Tian, who were already ready to celebrate, were just like being stuffed with cotton on their chest. They couldn't breathe well and almost fainted.

Tang Lingling is ready to taunt Lin Fei at the surveillance. When she sees the result, she shakes and covers her mouth, but she doesn't cry out.


The female lotus official suddenly exclaimed excitedly.


The crowd at the scene looked at the female lotus officer like an idiot.

Why are you so happy when you lose?

Zhang Tian and Zhang Jiaming shut their eyes to remind them that they were wrong.

The result -

is still true.

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