Looking at Wen Hao's pain, Lin Fei thought of his mood when Jiang Yu had an accident.

Pull Wen Hao to find a bar to sit down, "brother, have a drink, let's chat slowly."

"How do you know I'm here for revenge?" Lin Fei asks Wen Hao.

"Obviously, I don't know much about refitting cars, but it's like a local tyrant changing them casually. When you come to the repair shop, your eyes are wandering and you look around. You have a purpose Wen Hao despises Lin Fei's intelligence.

Wen Hao lurks in the garage just to watch Jack's movements and wants to find a chance to kill him.

Jack and York always travel together. Wen Hao has never had a chance to start. He is helpless in this garage.

"They put me in prison. Every day I think about Xiaojing's tragic death. She fell down and rotted when she was tortured by them! I just want to kill them every minute! "

"In the month when Xiaojing had an accident, she received the news that she had won the gold medal in the international design competition of F country. Originally, she should have graduated this year. She could become an excellent designer, have a beloved lover and have a wonderful love But she has never experienced anything. She died miserably. She is only 24! "

"I went to them several times. They just laughed at me every time. I couldn't beat them. I'm such a coward!"

"They do all kinds of evil. If they get away with it one more day, they will bring more danger to others."

"I must bring them to justice!"

"We can do it!" Lin Fei pats Wen Hao.

Two people make a plan and plan to take the initiative tomorrow night.

Wen Hao uses his laptop to cut into the international financial group system and retrieve the map of the underground casino.

"Brother, you're a good repairman!" Lin Fei's cool operation of Wen Hao calmed him down.

"Who told you I was a repairman?" Wen Hao stares at Lin Fei.

"Don't you repair my car?"

"Who says a garage is a repairman? I'm an automotive engineer! I graduated from Qingda! " I'll go. It's not a little bit!

"Fortunately, I have a system, otherwise I can't lift my head in front of you." Lin Fei thought. "Can you just cut into their system and get their accounts out?" Lin Fei said to Wen Hao.

"I've tried. Their protective walls are extremely tight. I've tried to crack them. They are easy to be traced back in the process of cracking. Moreover, if I'm not careful, I'll destroy all the contents. I dare not try it easily. "

"The surest way is for us to steal their computers!"

"Yes, give them evidence of their crimes."

Wen Hao and Lin Fei come to the first floor of the garage, press the elevator and swipe their cards to the second floor.

The security guard checked the information on the pass and released it.

I didn't expect there was another cave here!

Giant crown chandeliers, crystal clear jade walls, high-quality Persian red carpet, have the illusion of lotus growing step by step.

The second floor of the gray and dilapidated garage is such a luxurious large casino!

Ten times bigger than the casino of Zhang's group in Hong Kong City!

"Isn't gambling legal in country m? Why is it so covert? " Lin Fei didn't understand.

"Because it's owned by the international financial group. Their office is headquartered here. The casinos are secretive and membership based. In casinos, they also lend. The money launderers are playing here, too. "

Lin Fei is led to a private room by the waiter. Lin Fei casually plays guessing the size.

Wen Hao found the power distribution room as soon as he came in and turned off the power supply of the whole casino.

Lin Fei turns to go out and finds Jack's office according to the map.

I didn't expect that the international financial group's defense level was relatively high. It automatically started the standby power supply and blocked the door of Jack's office.

Wen Hao took out the universal starter from his bag, connected the door lock device, and successfully cracked the password of Jack's office door with his laptop.

After going in, Jack is not in. Lin Fei turns around and doesn't find the computer.

"In the safe!" Wen Hao found a small safe under the wardrobe, connected to the universal starter, and used his laptop to decipher the password of the safe.

"My dear! Your device is OK! Where did you get it? " Lin Fei knew Wen Hao was powerful, but he didn't expect to be so powerful.

"You can't sell it to me!" Wen Hao looked scornful.

In the dark, you can also feel the fierce momentum of Xueba.

"You made it yourself?" Lin Fei was surprised.

"Of course! I've studied a lot of things like that! " Wen Hao is full of pride.

Jack's safe has two guns, a laptop, a mobile hard disk, two keys, and a lot of cash. Lin Fei and Wen Hao are all out.In the dark, the two quickly went to the exit, but unexpectedly, due to the power failure, the exit of the casino automatically closed.

All of a sudden, the emergency power supply system in the distribution room was restored, and all the lights in the hall were on!

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