York sees Jack's office in a mess. Through the surveillance system, he sees Lin Fei and Wen Hao who are about to run away. He picks up the walkie talkie and says, "catch them!"

As soon as the power supply is restored, Lin Fei swipes his card and rushes out of the gate of the casino with Wen Hao.

The security guards received York's order and quickly pursued them with guns.

"Get in your car!" Wen Hao motioned to Lin Fei, threw his things into the back of the car, and jumped on the Porsche 997 bought by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei just jumped on the co pilot, the door is not closed, the car is like an arrow out of the repair shop.

Lin Fei felt a strong push back feeling, "OK, man, you refit this car like an airplane!"

"Of course, I haven't had a dry meal in the repair shop for half a year!"

Xueba is Xueba. What you learn is like what you do and love.

Lin Fei and his wife are driving at top speed. The hitman's car of the international financial group comes from all directions. Wen Hao steps on the accelerator to the end, and the engine makes a huge roar.

Young men and women whistling at Porsche at night. Isn't this the live version of speed and passion?

It's so cool!

"Come on, handsome boy

Before their voice reached Lin Fei's ears, the Porsche disappeared in the street, leaving only a smog of car exhaust.

Several cars of the international financial group were in hot pursuit behind him. The beater stretched out his body from the window and shot at Lin Fei's car. He threw two batons to the bad youth who cheered Lin Fei.

Several bad youths saw that these people were armed and knocked down on the ground. They didn't dare to speak much. They scolded a few words and then took it out.

Wen Hao saw the two cars behind him speed up sharply, trying to crush himself. He stepped on the accelerator and swung the steering wheel quickly. The Porsche 997 was moving like a snake.

Lin Fei takes Jack's gun out to the back of a few shots, Wen Hao speed, Lin Fei was thrown scattered, there is no shelter, basically this bullet is wasted.

Lin Fei gets back in the car, but Wen Hao is not there. He enters the system.


"Little Lori, I'm so dangerous that you don't come out to help me!" Lin Fei pretends to be angry.

"Come on, come on, pick what you need, don't waste time on me!" Little Lori is cute and doesn't worry at all.

"When I'm free, I'll waste my time on you!" Lin Fei pinches little Lori's face and goes into the shop.

Choose left and right, change three static symbols.

After quitting the system, Lin Fei signals Wen Hao to slow down a little, reaches out from the skylight, throws three static symbols onto three cars, and then quickly returns to the car to avoid the bullets.

Wen Hao accelerates again.

The three cars were moving forward at full speed. Suddenly, they were stuck with a stop sign. The car slowed down suddenly and rolled out. Some of the thugs who stretched out of the car were thrown out for more than ten meters. Some of them were crushed to the ground by the car. They were bleeding and broke down in black smoke.

"OK, man, you have a special function!" Wen Hao was stunned by Lin Fei. Before, his series of dazzling skills were not enough in Lin Fei. No wonder they went to the United States alone and chose the international financial group!

"Average, third in the world!" Lin Fei doesn't mind that Wen Hao knows his secret. These days' contact shows that Wen Hao is affectionate, righteous and trustworthy.

"Brother, can I learn your magic Wen Hao teases Lin Fei.

"It's said that it's magic, so you have to learn by chance!" Lin Fei smiles mysteriously.

"Master, where are we going now?" Wen Hao asks Lin Fei.

"Go to my villa first. Let's have a good meal and have a good bath! You can't be a great master! " Lin Fei looked at Wen Hao, two people disheartened, looked at each other with a smile.

They drive to Lin Fei's seaside villa. Han Bing has been waiting for Lin Fei. He can't get in touch with Lin Fei and walks around the room anxiously.

"Good sister-in-law!" Wen Hao greets Han Bing as soon as he enters the door.

Han Bing looked at the embarrassed man in front of him. He didn't like him at all. He thought where Lin Fei was going to get a beggar. When he heard the word "sister-in-law", he immediately laughed and said, "you are Lin Fei's friend. Go upstairs and take a bath! The servant has finished the meal

See the scratch on Lin Fei's clothes again, very worried, "didn't you get hurt?"

"It's OK. It's not all in full shadow." Lin Fei's task today is very beautiful and very happy.

After taking a bath, the three of them sat around the dining room to eat. Lin Fei motioned for several helpers to go down with their food.

Han Bing noticed that Wen Hao was also a very handsome young man. After listening to their adventures, he patted his chest and said, "why don't you call the police! How dangerous

"Well, I've met them many times. It's useless to call the police without absolute evidence." Wen Hao doesn't like the police in M country.

"The most urgent thing is to hand over these important evidences to the Longguo police and the international police. This is double insurance. We have to freeze their accounts in time to prevent them from transferring their funds! " With that, Lin Fei felt more and more precious and quickly entered the system of divine consciousness.

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