"It's so funny that no man is taken advantage of. What's more, you such a white face come to such an expensive hotel just to take advantage of others, right

"Oh, don't worry, I'm the type you can't afford." Lin Fei was so angry with the girl that he couldn't speak and his face turned red. "I'm sorry to see you like this. Normally, you just sat on me. You should pay me 200000 yuan! "

"You're shameless, you want 200000 more!" Uncle said and kicked Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't dodge until uncle's fat foot arrived and suddenly slipped down from the bottom of the water. Uncle kicked out with one foot and stood in the water with the other. He fell down in the soup pool and choked several mouthfuls.

"Cough!" Uncle struggling to get up from the water, but also want to fight with Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't bear it and said, "uncle, if you don't have enough strength, just forget it. I'll make another appointment another day. You can find a few more people. Otherwise, you old arm and old leg, there's something unexpected. I can't bear the responsibility."

"Well, do you know who our brother is? Say it to scare you to death

"Well, he's a loser. What can he know! Tell him that he can't understand the life of the superior! "

"Our brother is very powerful. He is the president of the Kyoto Branch of Lin's hospital. That's the hospital where the first-class people go to see a doctor for maintenance!"

"Do you know Lin's hospital? It's under the international group, the strongest earth group in the world! "

"Lin Feilin is always my dream lover!" A fat ugly round girl said, Lin Fei felt a chill.

"Our brother said that when we graduate, we will work there too!"

Lin Fei's mouth widened in surprise, and the three girls despised him even more? Now you know who our brother is, are you afraid? You are good to beg for mercy, compensate us for the loss, we can consider forgiving you! "

Lin Fei looked at the hospital president who was not very healthy and said to him, "are you the president of Kyoto Branch?"

"Of course! Mr. Kurosawa's choice Uncle a face of Ao Jiao, "boy, in the future outside don't be too arrogant, pay attention, today I give you a lesson, you must remember!"

Lin Fei calmed down and called Yamei Kurosawa. Without waiting for Yamei Kurosawa to speak, he said, "Yamei, change the president of Kyoto Branch! He pretends to be a public servant and deals in power and sex! And tempt the students with work

With that, Lin Fei hung up.

Uncle was going to do it again. When he heard him call, he couldn't stand up and said, "who are you? So you can pretend! Are you in a movie? "

The phone screen of uncle by the pool flashed, and uncle pointed to Lin Fei, "you boy, wait! I'll deal with you when I get off the phone! "

"Hello, who is it?" Uncle arrogantly picked up the phone, really disappointed, clearly is killing an ant, but was interrupted.

"Baga! You're fired! " Kurosawa murmured, "you fool!"

President of Kyoto Branch hospital is the best position in all hospitals. He was assigned to this position because he was a classmate with Kurosawa Chun. The Kurosawa family rose up and enjoyed all the glory. He was also honored as a good friend.

"Mr. Kurosawa, what's the matter with you? Have you had too much? " Uncle doesn't understand.

"You have offended the first lady! You have offended Lin Fei! " That's all Kurosawa knew, and then he hung up.

"Miss? Amai Kurosawa? Lin Fei Uncle didn't understand. I saw that this little white face called a woman just now. Is that He, he is Lin Fei?

Uncle quickly in the mobile phone search up, a comparison, what!

He, he is really Lin Fei!

Uncle at this time want to die heart all have, own big boss in front of, but by oneself offend of dead ground.

Uncle plop in the soup pool, kneeling in front of Lin Fei, "Lin Dong, I'm wrong, don't fire me!"

As soon as the three girls saw what happened to their backers, they came to pull him, "brother, are you hungry? Or high blood pressure? Are you confused by this loser? "

Uncle pushed them away, "get out! You killed me, bitches

The three girls looked confused. Just now I heard someone say that they are haunted. Uncle, it must be evil!

"Brother, what's the matter with you? If you don't feel well, let's go upstairs and have a rest! " The girl suggested.

Uncle took Lin Fei's foot and said, "Dong Lin, please forgive my ignorance. I didn't mean to. I was blinded by that slut and slandered you. I'm sorry!"

Uncle knocked down hard, choked all over his face, and knocked his head on the stone at the bottom of the pool. He broke blood and kept knocking.

Lin Fei looked at the bloody pool, do not know who thought relatives came, quickly out of the pool to avoid suspicion, in case of misunderstanding can not be good.

"Brother, what are you playing here?" Lin Ke'er and Huadie see Lin Fei disappear. They come downstairs to find him. Unexpectedly, they are standing beside the soup pool.Uncle looked up and saw two gorgeous beauties holding Lin Fei affectionately. Looking at the three girls next to him, he realized that Lin Fei didn't lie.

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