"Brother, didn't you go to the restaurant? This is to see the beauty can't walk? " Lin Ke'er teases Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looks at the butterfly and thinks of the exciting scene just now. He almost has a nosebleed.

In front of them, these three girls are not beautiful enough to be compared with each other.

That uncle is named ASO Gudao. He majored in medicine and has been a doctor for many years. He has rich working experience in pharmaceutical enterprises.

The three "beauties" are female students from Kyoto University. They are all medical majors. ASO Gudao likes to go to Kyoto University for a lecture when he has nothing to do. The female students are flocking to him.

By the east wind of Kurosawa spring, Aso Gudao has become the president of the Kyoto Branch again. There are a large number of harem beauties, 3000 of whom are free to choose.

This time I came to the hotel for a holiday, I just wanted to show off and let these girls completely obey me. I didn't expect that I met Lin Fei by such a coincidence.

"I ate a bowl of noodles and gave you fruit, so I came out to breathe." Lin Fei said to Lin Ke'er with a smile.

Lin Ke'er and Hua die are really hungry, but along the way, they heard someone saying that the restaurant is haunted, and they didn't dare to eat.

Lin Fei had a good chat with the two beauties. ASO Gudao was banging and banging all the time. He murmured, "Dong Lin, I don't dare any more. Please forgive me!"

"Didn't you just want to teach me a lesson?" Lin Fei smiles.

"No, no, I'm blind. Lin Dong, please spare your life Aso Gudao grabs Lin Fei's feet and refuses to let go. Lin Fei has goose bumps.

"Didn't you say I was a little white face?" Lin Fei looked at several people playfully.

The butterfly chuckles and smiles.

"No, I'm the white face." Aso Gudao quickly explained that everyone was laughing.

Aso Gudao shook his head again and again, "I'm not a white face. I don't deserve it. I'm a dirty uncle. Please don't fire me, Mr. Lin, if I have strong working ability. "

The three girls next to him can't believe that this little white face is Lin Fei, especially Tu feiyuan, who claims to be a fan of Lin Fei. He looks at Lin Fei with his mobile phone for a long time.

"I'm more handsome than the photo, right?" Huadie thinks the three girls are cute.

"Ah! It's really Lin Fei! It's really Lin Fei of the earth group! " The three girls screamed, and Lin Fei quickly covered his ears. It was terrible.

Hula -

the three girls surrounded Lin Fei with enchantment. They wanted to take a group photo and sign their names.

Lin Fei only felt that the three of them were more like flowers, which made people dare not look directly at them.

Lin Ke'er and Hua die see Lin Fei's difficulty and pull him, "come on, brother, let's go upstairs to have dinner."

"Mr. Lin, please give me another chance! Let me do anything Aso's face is covered with blood.

Lin Fei raised his face and said, "first of all, don't play the sign of the earth group and cheat outside any more. With the reputation of Lin's traditional Chinese medicine or Kyoto Hospital, you can cheat female students. If you dare to have this kind of behavior again, it's not as simple as firing!"

Lin Fei's words are sharp, with the intention of killing, and Aso's ancient island shivers.

Aso island a listen to their own play, repeatedly nodded.

"Second, the best hospital in the world, and even the best hospital in China. Because the basic conditions of Kyoto Hospital are there, I don't want to see you lying on the credit Book Eating old money. In that case, I can call a beggar on the roadside to be the president. "

Aso Gudao was so excited that he had a runny nose and tears. "Thank you for taking care of me. You are my reborn parents. I will do well. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

Aso Gudao seriously kowtowed to Lin Fei three times.

On the one hand, Lin Fei can't bear the trouble. On the other hand, there are no suitable candidates. It's not easy to change people in the future.

"The probation period is three months. It's hard to change people!" Lin Fei said with a cold face.

"Well, please rest assured that I will prove my ability." Aso is deep and firm. He is confident that he can do these things well.

Lin Fei really doesn't want to stay any longer. It's really creepy to contact them.

It was not easy to get rid of these people. Three people went directly to the restaurant. The restaurant of hot spring hotel was very luxurious. The service staff were polite and of high quality. They saluted and said hello.

Three people sat down to look at the menu, vaguely heard someone murmur, "really ghost ah, a bowl of instant noodles on their own down! And it hasn't been spilled on the table yet... "

"I saw it, too! And there's a sound there! "

"Yes, the automatic water dispenser is making instant noodles!"

"Oh, how terrible! I've got goose bumps! "

Lin Ke'er's face turned white with fright. He frowned and said, "brother, let's go back to the room to sleep. Don't eat. It's terrible!"

Lin Fei choked his smile, but he couldn't tell them that it was his own prank, otherwise it would be exposed."Ah Fei, when did you go back to your room to take a bath? I didn't even see your dirty clothes go in." Flower butterfly looks at Lin Fei strangely, Lin Fei's smile is too strange.

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