People scattered, Lin Fei and Han Bing in the company of Wang Rui, the eastern city of the whole check.

This time, when we go to know Dongfang City again, we can see that our attitude is obviously different, and what we see is even more different. Even Lin Fei is surprised at the location of Dongfang City and the daily harvest. No wonder he Shuheng will open his mouth to take care of Han Bing. He is really rich!

After the visit, Lin Fei made a series of arrangements for Wang Rui to leave the Oriental City with Han Bing.

Two people just out of the Oriental City, Han Bing directly rushed to Lin Fei's arms, hands clasped Lin Fei's waist, face buried in Lin Fei's chest.

Although across the clothes, Lin Fei can clearly feel a stretch, which is very interesting.

No more words, silence is better than sound.

Even a fool knows what Han Bing thinks at the moment.

However, Lin Fei did not hold Han Bing tightly with his backhand, but let him hold it freely.

After a long time, Han Bing raised his head and flashed disappointment in his eyes, but it was soon replaced by a kind of determination.

"Lin Fei, let's open a room."

With that, Han Bing looks directly at Lin Fei without any evasion, even full of burning enthusiasm.

He never thought that a man or a woman would have a relationship with Han Bing before he opened the marriage.

But today, she was moved.

Lin Fei gave her not only a surprise, but also a kind of moving, a kind of selfless contribution.

Even if she doesn't worship money, she is also moved by Lin Fei's friendship.

As a result, she has no regrets.

What's more, they have been classmates for four years and are very familiar with each other. They have never liked Lin Fei, but they have absolutely no bad feelings. Now, they are full of good feelings and full of happiness.

Lin Fei is able to understand Han Bing's inner excitement at the moment. With a smile, he helps Han Bing sort out a wisp of messy hair in front of her eyes and says faintly: "we are classmates!"

A very common answer.

A true answer.

It shows his pure thought.

Han Binggang just hugs Lin Fei, and even deliberately uses her chest to squeeze Lin Fei's chest. Her whole body is close to Lin Fei. She feels Lin Fei's body change, but Lin Fei doesn't have a backhand around her, which makes her feel frustrated.

Obscure failure, put forward to open a house, that is a more straightforward expression.

As a result, he was still rejected by Lin Fei.

He refused.

Han Bing's face is red and dripping, hot and hot.

"When you get to Yanjing, you can study hard and call me whenever you have difficulties. I'm your strongest support."

Lin Fei looks at Han Bing with clear eyes and caring tone.

"Lin Fei..."


Lin Fei put his finger to his mouth and made a silence.

"Wang Mengyao betrayed me because Zhang Qi was rich. If I play with your feelings at will, what's the difference between me and Zhang Qi? "

"Money can change everything, but it can't change the original intention."

"We are classmates. Classmates should help each other. That's my original intention."

Han Bing's eyes are blurred, and tears gush out in an instant. He rushes to Lin Fei's arms, hugs Lin Fei again, and makes a sobbing sound.

I'm moved!

There is happiness!

Of course, there are also disappointments.

Lin Fei holds Han Bing tightly with his backhand this time and allows him to release.

Do not forget the original intention, only always.

When Lin Fei tells Han Bing, he is telling himself.

Maybe when Wang Mengyao just left her and had a super money generating system, Lin Fei also wanted to become the richest man and live a luxurious life surrounded by money and beautiful women.

However, with the development of Mu Xinxuan's departure, Lin Fei knows more clearly that his original intention is rare.

There is only one lover, Mu Xinxuan.

Despite all the difficulties and dangers, the situation remains unchanged.

"Lin Fei, I remember! But I will always be yours. "

Han Bing said chokingly.

"Actually, you don't have to..."

"You don't understand!"

Han Bing interrupts Lin Fei's words, but there is a trace of determination in her eyes.

It was a trace of her own determination

Lin Fei can refuse Han Bing and keep pure friendship, but he can't decide what Han Bing thinks.

In the end, I can only shake my head and smile bitterly.

Took a taxi back to the hotel.

The most amazing homeowner in history still lives in the hotel, for nothing else, just because he feels that there is the breath left by muxinxuan in the room.

Of course, this is also a kind of waiting.

In recent days, he didn't know how many wechat messages he sent, but only one result -


It's blocked!

Only he knows the pain in Lin Fei's heart.

However, it also made him more determined that Mu Xinxuan would not marry him.Lin Fei pushed open the door of the hotel room and was stunned again.

Jiang Yu, wearing a black tank top and a pair of white sports pants, is taking a picture of Tao Te Ching copied by Lin Fei, with a big smile on her face.


Lin Fei pretended to cough twice.


Jiang Yu's hand movement did not stop, still taking photos.

"Beauty Jiang, this is my private room. Why did you come in again?"

Lin Fei said, deliberately eyes on Jiang Yu's vest.

Very high!

So much so that the waistcoat curls up and the bottom of the belly is exposed.

If you look from the side, you can definitely see the color of the underwear inside, even

Jiang Yu didn't care. "How am I dressed?"

"Not so much!"

Lin Fei didn't say well.

"No temptation?"

Jiang Yu stopped taking pictures and came over with a smile.

He stopped less than ten centimeters away from Lin Fei.

Further on, I'm afraid the two faces haven't touched each other, and the body has already been in close contact.

"Beauty Jiang, are you tempting me?"

Lin Fei deliberately shows a pair of color, staring at Jiang Yu's body.

"Hehe, are you interested? You can feel it

Jiang Yu is not only not afraid, but also deliberately quite.

"Say it! What's the matter? "

Lin Fei won't be fooled or obsessed.

If you really want a woman, Han Bing's meat will not give up.


"You're smart. Tell me, what's the matter with emperor Zhenwu? "

After Jiang Yu's interrogation of Zhu Yan and Hao Juan today, he was knocked down by thunder again. They all mentioned emperor Zhenwu and repeated what they said at the scene.

How can there be emperor Zhenwu?

Jiang Yu doesn't believe it.

However, thinking that Hao Juan's mobile phone is in Lin Fei's hands, Jiang Yu is not surprised immediately.

After all, the last two Lin Fei events, and the tempting sound in the middle of the night, let her know that Lin Fei has this ability.

The more Jiang Yu thought about it, the more eager he was for the answer. After finishing the treatment, he ran back to the hotel in a hurry.

Lin Fei is not there. Seeing the copy of Tao Te Ching on the desk, he is so happy that he finally takes revenge on Lin Fei.

So I decided to take a few pictures and send them to my circle of friends for drying.

"Is emperor Zhenwu an immortal? If there is an immortal, please tell me and let him help me find Mu Xinxuan. "

Lin Fei pretended to be very interested and asked.

Jiang Yu

She wants to give Linfei a slap.

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