
What a show!


"Lin Fei, you'd better tell me that there is no answer. I'll keep investigating."

"Where do I have the answer? Besides, if you want to investigate, you can do as you like! "

"You are my suspect, so I decided to investigate you."


“OK! Then I'll stay in this hotel and watch you all the time. "

Jiang Yu said and raised his arms high. He didn't care about going away.

Lin Fei can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva when he sees the smooth and clean abdomen and the more prominent part of it.


It's very interesting!

"You are not afraid of me in case..." Lin Fei said deliberately with a threat.

"Yes! Get the license first


Lin Fei suddenly fell down on the sofa.


Jiang Yu gave a proud laugh.

This is the most ironic thing in the world.

At the beginning, Lin Fei begged Mu Xinxuan to get married with him.

As a result, he was ruthlessly rejected.

Now, Jiang Yu wants to get married with Lin Fei. Are you sarcastic?

When Jiang Yu sees Lin Fei's bitter eyes, he is surprised again. Is it because Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan are really in love?

If so, do you say it or not?

Thinking of her brother's love for mu Xinxuan and the engagement between the Jiang family and the Mu family, she couldn't help getting tangled.

Jiang Yu naturally won't look at Lin Fei. Besides, even if she looks at Lin Fei, she won't take the initiative. This is not her character.

What she has done is still testing the relationship between Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan, and the result is that she is stronger than a diamond!

You know, in terms of your appearance, if you want to find a boyfriend, there are not hundreds, at least hundreds of second generation ancestors or rich and powerful people waiting to choose.

But there is only one reason why Lin Fei is unmoved -

deeply loves Mu Xinxuan.

"Lin Fei, I won't tease you any more."

Jiang Yu turned around and put on his clothes again.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?"

Lin Fei thought she would leave when she was dressed, but she was disappointed.

"I won't leave until I find out why the two Lin Fei and who is emperor Zhenwu."

Jiang Yu stares at Lin Fei, picks his eyebrows and says with provocation.


"Whatever you want!" With that, Lin Fei stood up and went to the inner room.

It's haunting!

Lin Fei slammed the door.

Jiang Yu stares at the direction of the room with a sneer -

if she gives up easily, it's not Jiang Yu!

Inside, Lin Fei takes out his cell phone and dials uncle Tao.

"Lin Fei! Do you want to buy me a drink again? "

Peach uncle see Lin Fei phone, is also Leng for a while, immediately thought of Li Qingfeng's phone.

Li Qingfeng didn't say anything on the phone, but Uncle Tao understood that Li Qingfeng was also revealing a bit of information to him, that is, Lin Fei was very overbearing.

Therefore, for Lin Fei's call, uncle Tao was very complicated, so he joked.

"Uncle Tao, I'm admitting my mistake to you. Today I'm pretending to be a tiger."

Lin Fei is very frank.

This shocked uncle Tao again.

"Yo! What does that say? "

Uncle Tao pretends not to know.

Lin Fei smiles. Uncle Tao is not only a tiger, but also an old fox!

However, he has a very good impression of Uncle Tao.

"Uncle Tao, this is what happened..."

Lin Fei took the initiative to tell the story again without any concealment.

After hearing this, uncle Tao secretly praised the honest young man. He didn't lie, even more detailed than what Li Qingfeng said.

"Lin Fei, you can handle this matter."

Uncle Tao is still testing Lin Fei.

"Uncle Tao, I won't ask for Dongfang City in vain. I'll give you two hundred million yuan and a lot of money. It's up to you to deal with it."

Lin Fei said very brightly.


Uncle Tao took a breath and was surprised.

Lin Fei is right.

"Lin Fei, this can not be given."

Uncle Tao was moved and said directly.

"Uncle Tao, people's hearts are broken. It's hard for the team to take. I'm Lin Fei. You give me the account number in a moment, and I'll call you the money. "

Lin Fei has a firm attitude.

"All right then!"

Uncle Tao finally agreed.

After chatting for a while, they hung up and Lin Fei called two hundred million yuan directly.Uncle Tao looked at the message he received, looked up out of the window and muttered to himself, "the pattern of Jiangnan is going to be completely disrupted."

However, he did not have any fear, but more surprise, more relaxed.

During the Qingfeng meeting, Li Qingfeng was drinking with brother Zhao, brother Dafei and others. A few people didn't speak, just drank muggy wine.

Today's events in Dongfang City make them very depressed, very depressed.

If it comes out in the future, there will be no face. How can you still mix in the road?


The sound of the bottle slamming on the table came.

"Brother Feng, I'll take charge of this matter directly. You don't need to be responsible."

It was a man in his thirties, with an inch in his head, full of GADA meat and a fierce face.

He is big brother.

"Count me in." Brother Zhao immediately stood up.

"Count me in." Several other people came forward one after another.

Li Qingfeng raised his hand to stop the crowd.

"Brother Feng, you can't hesitate about this. Even if you go to Uncle Tao, he has to make a point of it..."


Big brother Fei's words did not finish, Li Qingfeng put the phone on the table rang.

Seeing that the name of Uncle Tao was shown above, everyone was quiet for a moment.

Li Qingfeng picked up the mobile phone, pressed the connect key and said politely: "Hello, uncle Tao!"

"Qingfeng, you are wronged by today's events in Dongfang City." Uncle Tao said.

"Uncle Tao, this is what I should do."

Li Qingfeng didn't know what uncle Tao meant by the phone, so he continued to say in a low key.

"I can only say that you have done a good job. I'm glad."

Li Qingfeng has a twitch at the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashes from his eyes. Uncle Tao supports Lin Fei and shows his weakness. "Uncle Tao, I'm flattered."

"Just now, Lin Fei called me and told me everything. He called me 200 million yuan. Dongfang City bought it at the market price."


Li Qingfeng was stunned.

"I know that Dongfang City has half of your shares, and it earns a lot every day. So I put two hundred million into your account. You can handle it. As for this matter, that's it."

Uncle Tao's tone was calm, but there was a trace that could not be discussed.

Li Qingfeng was shocked.

This time, it's not the hatred for Lin Fei, but the shock that uncle Tao likes Lin Fei.

If it is normal, uncle Tao will leave one hundred million to Li Qingfeng.

Now all the two hundred million are given to Li Qingfeng. The implication is that he values both Lin Fei and Li Qingfeng and doesn't want any more unhappiness.

It's understandable to value yourself.

So much for Lin Fei

"Uncle Tao, I'll keep half."

"Don't you dare to listen to Uncle Tao?"

"No, no, no!"

Li Qingfeng said in a hurry.

"He's there. You can handle it."

Uncle Tao finished and hung up directly.

"Brother Feng, what does uncle Tao say?"

Just hang up the phone, big brother can't wait to ask.

"That's the end of the matter."

"Brother Feng..."

"Lin Fei gave the money."


"Gave two hundred million to Uncle Tao, uncle Tao gave us all."


There was a scream and silence.

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