
Sitting on the sofa in the house, Lin Fei suddenly heard a familiar sound.

La la la!

This time, the little Lori sound of the system is not the sound of speaking immediately, but the sound of singing.

Lin Fei's mouth twitched. He wanted to pull her out and beat her with his hand


"Your mind is dirty!"

Little Lori's voice of ridicule came out.

Lin Fei


Lin Fei for this naughty and funny system, little Lori, although only heard its voice, but did not see the person, but the heart is already hate do not want, so not angry said.

"I don't know how to feel for fragrance and jade, and I don't understand the customs. No wonder Mu Xinxuan has left." Said little Lori, almost in the same angry voice.

Lin Fei almost vomited blood on the spot.

Really hit people in the face!

That's very direct.

I don't think about my psychological feelings at all.


"Get down to business."

"Good! Congratulations to the owner, the project with profit more than 100 times has completed one tenth. "

"How much has been done?"

It's a tenth. It's big for Lin Fei.

"One tenth!"

Lin Fei is depressed in his heart. He has been busy recently, and the result is only one tenth.

"It's all right! There are twenty days left. "

"I know!"

"If you finish one tenth every ten days, you can only finish three tenths. Haha..."

Little Lori said at the end, and she laughed wildly.


Lin Fei almost vomited blood.

"Are you driving me away! Then I'll go, and the reward will be free. "

"Come back!"

Lin Fei said viciously.

"Smile! You give me a smile! Otherwise, there will be no reward. "

Ha ha

Lin Fei opened his mouth and laughed twice, which was uglier than crying.

"Dear baby!" Little Lori couldn't help laughing.

Lin Fei fiercely closed his eyes, he was completely defeated.

"The reward of merit is worth 100 million."

"Two billion dollars."

"A bottle of X-ray eye drops will be awarded."

Lin Fei's mood is beautiful after the rain!

"How's it going? Are you happy? "


"Just now I asked you to smile. Did you suffer?"

"No loss."

Lin Fei really wants to hold little Lori and kiss her.

"Is the perspective medicine dripping on the eyes to have the perspective function?" Lin Fei now has a better understanding of the system reward items, and is no longer as ignorant as before.

"Congratulations! That's right


"Master, your voice is so excited that you don't want to peep, do you?"


Lin Fei was about to sit down on the back of the sofa.

Are you that lewd?


Little Lori was very happy with her smile.

"Raise all my physical attributes to 100."

With 100 million merit value, Lin Fei can finally open the flowers.

"Spend 100000 merit points, and add 1 attribute to agility."

"Spend 100000 merit and virtue points, add 1 attribute to your figure."

"Spend 100000 merit points, add 1 attribute to sound."


"Congratulations, master, the upgrade is complete!"

Lin Fei once again open their own attributes, nine attributes, all into 100, the heart of the United States dada.

That's what perfection is.

If you look at the merit value, plus the last invisibility cloak and donation to XXX department, the reward is 10 million, and there is still more than 70 million. Don't mention how happy I am.

Look at the store next to you. You can see more things in it. There are books, medicinal materials and various skills

Lin Fei suddenly felt that his system was an inexhaustible treasure.

"Master, you slowly narcissistic bar!"

Little Lori said, the voice disappeared, and Lin Fei's divine consciousness returned to reality.

Lin Fei stood up from the sofa. He didn't know whether he was too strong or light. He jumped three meters and almost hit the wall.

With a slight wave of the hand, a strong wind immediately blew by.


Lin Fei is so surprised that he runs to the bathroom. He wants to clean it well

He family villa in Jiangnan City.

"Ouch! It hurts

He Shuheng was lying on the sofa, whining.A woman in a black gauze top, white trousers and shawl hair drips tears in her eyes as she applies medicine.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Come into a 50 year old middle-aged man, suit and shoes, dignified, just two sideburns cream, but neatly combed.

At a glance, I know that I am a successful person, and I have a strong sense of success.

"Zhihua, you can count it."

The woman stopped her hand, wiping her tears, and said.

"Don't cry, Archie!"

It was he Zhihua who came in. He comforted the woman and went to he Shuheng.

His body is blue and purple, and his fists and kicks are shocking.

"Shuheng, what's going on?"

With a question, the atmosphere in the room immediately became dull.

"Uncle, you must avenge me! I'll make him live worse than death. I'll make him regret what he did. I'll make him regret coming to this world. "

He Shuheng lies on the sofa, and his voice is full of venom.

He Zhihua heard he Shuheng's sad cry and his mouth twitched.

"Hum, if you dare to bully my family like this, you're looking for death."

"Why does Li Qingfeng not care?"

He Zhihua answered AI Qi's phone just now. He had a general understanding and asked.

"I don't know."

"What's the other person's name?"

"I only know my surname is Lin, but I don't know my name."

He Zhihua's mouth twitches again, incompetent!

I don't know people's names after being beaten.

"Whose name is written under the name of Dongfang City?"

"Han Bing!"

"Han Bing?"

He Zhihua repeated, immediately took out the phone, looking for someone to investigate Han Bing.

Three minutes later, I received a phone call and sent a text message to Han Bing.

When he Zhihua saw that he was a fresh graduate of Jiangnan University of science and technology and had left Jiangnan City for Yanjing, his anger turned to Lin Fei.

"Uncle, send someone to take back Dongfang City and destroy the one surnamed Lin to me."

Seeing that he Zhihua's action is so smooth, he Shuheng looks excited.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"But according to what you said, this man's skill is not bad, so we must not act rashly to deal with him. There is no time to deal with him today. I want to solve the problem of He Jie as soon as possible. He has been implicated in the Public Security Bureau by Bao Zhi and others. This is the important thing."

He Zhihua said with a slight frown.

"You are in charge of He Jie's business, but my business is not urgent?"

He Shuheng roared in disappointment.

"It's not that I don't care, it's that..."

"What is it? Am I not your son? "

In a word, he Zhihua and AI Qi were stunned on the spot.

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