"What is this?"

With a roar, Lin Fei took out a bag.

Li Dongguo and Ang Lee shrink their necks in fright. They can't believe the facts in front of them, and they can't imagine how Lin Fei found them?

You know, it's not a simple entrance, but a well-designed one.

It cost Ang Lee 500000 to design the entrance.

Open on weekdays, but also need to move the cabinet, do not know people, would not think of.

It's double insurance.

And Lin Fei found out that

At this moment, the onlookers have followed Lin Fei's eyes. Inside the bag are two pieces of 95 supreme cigarettes and two bottles of Maotai liquor, which are the items on Lin Fei's ticket.

"I don't know why I'm here!"

Li Dongguo immediately came forward to deny it again.

"I don't know, do I? What's this? "

Lin Fei once again took out a bag from the inside and threw it directly to the ground. With a crash, the bag broke and a resume fell out.

Xiao Mengshan's secretary quickly bends down to pick it up and hands it to Lin Fei.

"What's the matter with this resume of Bai Qiang?"

Lin Fei asked harshly.

Li Dongguo was silent.

"Bai Qiang, what's going on?"

"I, I don't know."

Bai Qiang hesitated for a long time and denied it.

"You said in front of the door that you had sent cigarettes and wine to Li Dongguo. Should that be it?"

"No! It's not from me. "

Bai Qiang's eyes twinkled and he faltered.

"Good! Good

Lin Fei is very angry.

He began to take out the items one by one. If he didn't take out one, he would find a resume, including middle-level and new recruits.

When more than a dozen resumes were held in Lin Fei's hands, they all bowed their heads and remained silent.

However, no one would admit it.

"If a company wants to develop, it needs integrity. If an employee wants to be based on the company, he needs integrity. Now I'll give you one last chance to stand up and say, "I'll let bygones be bygones, otherwise..."

Thinking of the stability of the company, Lin Fei decided to give them another chance.

Silence, is still all silence!

Although Li Dongguo was nervous in his heart, when he saw all the silence, he took a breath.

Advance and retreat together, share honor and disgrace.

Let Linfei completely helpless.

"Lin, Lin Dong, I have a recording here, which may help." Yunnuo's voice came out again.


Everyone's eyes instantly focused on yunnuo.

Those who bowed their heads showed fear in their eyes, for fear that they would become the unfortunate one.

"Minister Yun, broadcast it."

Lin Fei is very happy for yunnuo to stand up at this time.

On the contrary, Li Dongguo, with cold light in his eyes, looked at yunnuo viciously and warned him.

However, yunnuo is determined to open the mobile phone, which immediately spread the voice of men and women.

"Mr. Li, you have to promise to promote people!"

"Don't worry! As long as you serve me well, there will be everything. "

"I hate it! How do you want to be served? "

"What do you say?"


As soon as the sound came out, everyone at the scene immediately judged that it was the conversation between Li Dongguo and Bai Na.

When I heard the fierce human movement of the two people inside, everyone's eyes were constantly changing between the two people.

Li Dongguo is a fool.

White Na is full of blush, eager to put into the ground seam.

However, her eyes soon focused on yunnuo, and she roared angrily: "yunnuo, you bitch, you have done something to steal."

"Yunnuo, you son of a bitch!"

Li Dongguo didn't admit that he was dead, and the giver would not admit it, but the recording completely betrayed him, which made him completely angry.

Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan look at each other. Instead of speaking, they look at yunnuo.

They were also curious about how wino got the recording.

As for others, their eyes also fell on yunnuo, some despised, some angry, and some gloated.

"Li Dongguo, I didn't record you secretly. You recorded it yourself and threw it into the garbage can. I found it when I cleaned up the garbage."


Yunnuo said that Li Dongguo himself was the first to call it out.

He suddenly remembered that because he was too excited and Baina was too coquettish, he always liked it, so he burned a CD and wanted to take it back to enjoy it.

Later, because he was busy, he cleaned up the office and threw it into the garbage can. Unexpectedly, yunnuo picked it up and left evidence."Yunnuo, you mean woman!"

Li Dongguo roared angrily.


"Li Dongguo, I've just been on guard against your persecution, because I have no way back at this point. Otherwise, those dirty things you throw in the trash can will disgust me to death. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for playing with bina. "

Yunnuo said with a sneer.

"Son of a bitch! You stole it from me, too. " Bai Na is stimulated and rushes to Li Dongguo like a female tiger.

"Bina, get out of here!"

Li Dongguo raised his foot and kicked Bai Na heavily in her abdomen, knocking her over on the spot.


Bina sat on the ground and began to cry.

When all the people at the scene saw this scene, they didn't sympathize with each other, but more despised Bai Na and Li Dongguo.

Crying for a long time, Bai Na raised her head and looked at Li Dongguo.

"Good! Li Dongguo, if you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust. It's a big deal. We'll end up together! "

"Lin Dong and Xiao Dong locked a hard disk in Li Dongguo's drawer, in which everyone gave him money, gifts, and even sold the color recording. This is his main means of controlling the company's personnel."

Bai Na does not do two endlessly, simply sold Li Dongguo directly.


Li Dongguo yelled and ran to his desk.

He's fast, Linfei's faster!

I have come to the desk first, directly pull the lock open and take out a black box to move the hard disk.

"That's it."

Bai Na very Jieqi of say.

Li Dongguo sat on the ground like a deflated ball.

He knew that once the announcement was made, he would be dead.

Sweat has seeped from the forehead of many people at the scene, especially some female workers and even some female leaders.

"Li Dongguo, would you like to call the police or should I?"

Lin Fei asked, shaking the hard disk gently.

"I, I call the police myself!"

Li Dongguo knew that his behavior had already constituted a violation of the law, so he called the police and turned himself in.

With shaking hands, he took out his mobile phone, entered the number as if holding a heavy weight, and pressed the dial out key.

Lin Fei has a sneer on his lips, without any sympathy.

Heaven's iniquity can be forgiven, but self inflicted iniquity cannot be forgiven.

Thinking of yunnuo's weak woman being persecuted like that, Lin Fei is even more angry with Li Dongguo.

At this moment, sitting on the ground, Bai Na wiped her tears, looked at Lin Fei and said with pity, "Lin, Dong Lin, I just reported Li Dongguo. Look..."

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