Lin Fei looks at Bai Na with a calm expression. "What am I looking at?"

"Mr. Lin, I used to be in the sales department. I'm very nice to you. Can you let bygones be bygones to me when I think about my old love?"

Bina began to get closer.

"Lin Fei is really unfit to be chairman of the board."

"Experience without experience, ability without ability."

"What does he have besides a few stinky money?"

Lin Fei looks at Bai Na and repeats the three sentences with a smile.

These three words are exactly what Bai Na commented on Lin Fei just now.

Now, it sounds like three sharp swords stabbing into Bai Na's heart.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, you don't see little people! I have no eyes. I can't spit Ivory out of my dog's mouth. I... "

"Enough! Bina! Meizishuang group, what I know most is you. You are mean to people, especially for us interns. You are either oppressed or blackmailed. Even if you don't have it, I will fire you. "

Have seen shameless, have never seen such shameless, Lin Fei can't bear.

"Lin, Lin Fei, this is revenge."

"Whatever you think! If there's a problem, go to the police station and say


Bina turned her eyes and passed out.

"You deserve it!"

Lin Fei said without sympathy.

This is the first time in many years that Lin Fei has been so mean to people.

He could not forget that Bai Na deliberately made trouble for him in order to curry favor with Zhang Qi.

He could not forget that Baina had deliberately signaled him to give him a present, otherwise he would not be given a job.

He can't forget

At this moment, everyone's eyes to Lin Fei began to be full of awe, because in his eyes saw cold-blooded, saw merciless.

"You security guards are fired!" Lin Fei turns to see the security guard around him, and his tone has returned to calm.

"Lin, Lin Fei, am I fired, too?" Bai Qiang asked weakly.

"Aren't you a security guard?"

Lin Fei sneered and asked.

"I'm just a temporary security guard here. You arranged it."

"Temporary security is also security! Even if you are a security guard for one second, you are also a security guard! "

Lin Fei tone is very firm said.

"Lin Fei, you..." Bai Qiang roared out.

"Bai Qiang, whatever you want to say, just say it." The wind is light and the clouds are light.

"Lin Fei, you are retaliating."

"You're a mean person."

"Your conduct is not worthy of the chairmanship."

Bai Qiang's work for meizishuang can be said to be the work of the whole family.

However, three days ago, because of flattering Zhang Tianze and offending Lin Fei, Lin Fei arranged to be a security guard.

He was very depressed and depressed.

But he didn't tell his family that it was hard to tell.

Even if he was unable to go home on duty at night, he was looking for other reasons to explain to his family. As for work, he said that he worked in the personnel department, which made his parents feel proud.

Now, Lin Fei is going to fire him.

He was scared and desperate, so he became completely crazy.

Thinking that Bai Qiang is also a group of interns, Lin Fei suppressed his anger and said to him, "Bai Qiang, three days ago, I asked you to be a security guard. In fact, I wanted to kill your spirit and let you know what defeat is."

"Lin, Lin Dong, in this case, don't you fire me, OK?"

Hearing this, Bai Qiang seemed to see hope, softened his tone and began to beg.

Lin Fei shook his head.


"Because you didn't take responsibility!"

"Why do you say that to me?"

Bai Qiang is not willing to accept this kind of evaluation.

"Just now, I asked you twice in a row, and you didn't admit it. Even the second time I took your resume, you didn't admit it. How do you say you have responsibility?"


Bai Qiang's eyes are full of regret.

"Bai Qiang, in fact, I am even more disappointed that you are too narrow-minded and kind-hearted!"

"Lin Fei, you are the chairman now. You can say whatever you want. However, I think you are narrow-minded and deliberately retaliate. "

Bai Qiang sneers at himself.

"You're wrong again. When Wang Pang and Ang Lee asked me to buy cigarettes and wine at the gate, I asked you, you didn't have the slightest sympathy, or even schadenfreude. At that time, I already sentenced you to death. Did I give you two opportunities, or did I give you two opportunities


Bai Qiang's heart is full of bitterness.

In the crowd, those who had sympathy for Bai Qiang had no sympathy at the moment.

As Lin Fei said, you didn't seize the opportunity.The fundamental reason is that he is too narrow-minded, otherwise he will take the initiative to stand up, and his fate will be different.

"Lin Fei, I have a contract with the company. If you terminate the contract with me, I can sue you." Bai Qiang's tone is much weaker, but there is still a trace of hope in his speech.

"Xiao Dong, Bai Qiang's dismissal, according to the contract compensation, and then give him half a year's salary." Lin Fei turns to look at Xiao Mengshan and says.

Xiao Mengshan nodded and did not speak.

At the moment, she was frustrated.

First, her uncle and Zhang Tianze made trouble on the board of directors of the company, and now another Li Dongguo took bribes. She was inexplicably disappointed in her past management of the company.

"Bai Qiang, are you satisfied with this?"

Bai Qiang nods bitterly when Lin Fei asks.

Don't live if you do evil!

When people look at Lin Fei again, their disdain just now has become less and less. Some people even give him a thumbs up. For Bai Qiang, an intern of the same batch, he has done his utmost.

What happened here has already shocked other employees of the company. At the moment, inside and outside the door, there are many employees, almost all of them are here.

Lin Fei's eyes swept over the people's faces, and his body exuded a strong momentum. He suddenly opened his mouth and asked in a deep voice, "what does the development of an enterprise depend on?"


The voice in the crowd was different.

"Very good answer! Meizishuang group, in the past, abandoned the system. From today on, meizishuang group will start from the establishment of the system. "



There was an instant of applause.

Without system, how can there be fairness?

In the past, many employees could only be angry and speechless.

Meizishuang group has become the company with the highest salary in Jiangnan City, and it is also a fertile land for moth breeding. Because of this, the system has long been abandoned.

If it wasn't for Xiao Mengshan, what would it be like now?

Zhang Tianze makes people ha ha, and Li Dongguo makes people ha ha. Can such managers have sunshine?

Today, Lin Fei, the new chairman of the board, gives them hope and light.

In the face of such a wave of applause, Lin Fei is also full of emotion.

He is very clear that if he wants to be the richest man, his strength is limited and he needs thousands of people to help him create wealth.

Think of here, Lin Fei suddenly heroic dry cloud.

"I'd like to announce today that from now on, for every 10% increase in the total assets of meizishuang group, I will reward all employees with 100 million yuan out of my own pocket."



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