A 20-year-old young girl, with shawl hair, wearing a self-cultivation Qipao, fair skin, painted light makeup, very elegant, very low-key, and a bit shy.

However, her dress proved that she was just a waiter, which made Cao Ming, Zhong Zifu and Gu lanyue immediately displeased.

Lin Fei is surprised. Isn't this the girl who rents Aunt Zhang's house?

Gu lanyue just wants to drive away, but mu Xinxuan has already spoken.

"Yes, give me your book and pen."

"Good, good!"

The girl looked very excited and quickly took out a book and a pen from the tray. It was obvious that she had been prepared.

Mu Xinxuan opened the book and wrote down her artistic signature on the title page.

"I signed it for you, too." If Snow says next.

Qiao Tiannan is silent all the time. When he sees Mu Xinxuan and ruoshue signing, he also signs.

"Little sister, sister, I'll sign for you, too." Gu lanyue finished, took the book and signed it.

He glanced at Lin Fei, his eyes full of disdain.

Zhong Zifu also signed next.

The girl's face became more and more ugly because of the signature of Gu lanyue and Zhong Zifu.

"If I'm not an artist, I won't sign." Cao Ming said impatiently.

"Mr. Cao, your handwriting is the most valuable one. Which of us don't want your signature?" Zhong Zifu complimented.

"Yes! With a stroke of his pen, President Cao said, "money is raining all over the sky. That's the most important signature." Gu lanyue then fawns on him.

"Lin Fei, would you like to sign her name?" Cao Ming's compliment to the two people is very useful. He looks at Lin Fei and says in a scornful tone.

"He signed? Who wants it

"Zhong Zifu is right. His signature is a waste of paper and pen. If you sign in to this book, it's blasphemy to us. " Gu lanyue said.

Lin Fei sneered and shook his head, not caring.

Cao Ming was very dissatisfied with Lin Fei's disdainful attitude and said with anger, "don't be unconvinced. If she asks you to sign, it's either too stupid or I'm stupid."

"Lin, Mr. Lin, would you please sign for me?" Cao Ming's words just fell, the waiter turned to look at Lin Fei, with the tone of discussion asked.


"Mr. Cao, you see, you are right. This woman is really a fool."

"Who can say that it's not? I'm so sorry that such a stupid woman should be a waiter for such an important banquet and sign for us."

Zhong Zifu and Gu lanyue complain.

"I'm not a star." Lin Fei looked at the girl and said faintly.

"I know you are not a star. I, in fact, come here to get your signature." Said the waitress in a shy tone.

She didn't speak. Since she heard about Lin Fei's deeds at the gate of Aunt Zhang, she decided to find Lin Fei's autograph to encourage her to work hard.


People at the scene thought they heard wrong.

Even Mu Xinxuan's eyes are full of surprise. As for Gu lanyue and Zhong Zifu, they all want to stand up and tear up the book they just signed.


"You are my example!"

"Role models?" Lin Fei was even more surprised.

Ha ha

"Will he be an example to others?" Gu lanyue seems to have heard the biggest joke in the world.

Zhao Ren has now raised his head to look at the girl, his heart is also surprised, because the girl should have the same feelings with him, very strange.

"Some people may make money by one face, some by selling their bodies, some by family connections, but you make money by your own brain and wisdom. This is what I admire most and is the tallest example in my mind." The waitress looked at Lin Fei and said sincerely.

"Little girl, if you talk nonsense again, I'll tell you that the manager has turned you out." Gu lanyue heard that she made money by selling her body, which hurt her self-esteem. She couldn't help threatening.

"Mr. Lin, if I can get your signature, I'd rather be dismissed from my job." The salesgirl ignored Gu lanyue and continued.

Mu Xinxuan frowned slightly and looked at Lin Fei. He was about 1.8 meters tall. Apart from his handsome appearance, she couldn't see anything extraordinary. Why did the waitress worship him so much?

"In fact, my signature is really worthless." Lin Fei takes over Ben and pen with a smile. Facing the sincerity of the waitress, he can only accept it with a smile.

"From yesterday to today, Mr. Lin has become the most valuable house in Jiangnan

"Of course, for me, it's a kind of motivation, a kind of self flagellation. I will hang on the head of my bed every day and tell myself that only when I have a dream can I have a future."Female service tone incomparably sincere said.

"What a silly woman! You deserve to be poor Gu lanyue muttered.

"You, what did you say?" Zhong Zifu asked in a shocked tone.

"What to say?" The waitress has a bad impression of the two people, and is even more dissatisfied with interrupting her communication with Lin Fei.

"You say he's the best homeowner in Jiangnan City?" Zhong Zifu said this, although very painful, very tangled, but still asked out.

"Yes! Mr. Lin is the best homeowner who trades more than 200 houses a day. What's the matter? " The waitress asked curiously.

Zhong Zifu

Gu lanyue directly covers her mouth and stares at Lin Fei's eyes.

Mu Xinxuan and others were also extremely surprised.

Cao Ming couldn't help stirring up. He felt cool on his back. How could it be?

"Ha ha, little sister, you are very interesting. I hope your dream will come true." Lin Fei smiles, signs and hands it to the waitress.

Ha, ha

"He's the best homeowner. What a joke!" Zhong Zifu seems to be deeply stimulated and can't help shouting.

"Lin Fei, where did you come from? Even if you want to find a more reliable one, will you Gu lanyue doesn't believe it either.

"The thinking of the poor can't be understood by the rich. Just take it as true and satisfy their vanity." Cao Ming has now returned to calm, said to Zhong Zifu and Gu lanyue.

"As I said, what I want most is Mr. Lin's signature. As for the movie star Mu Xinxuan, the signatures of the three of them are OK. It's blasphemy for you two to leave them in my notebook, so..."

There was a hiss.

Just now the paper signed by Gu lanyue and Zhong Zifu was torn off by the female service.

Both of them have angry faces.

"And this gentleman, your signature, in my opinion, is not fart. It's not enough for me to lose all the trash cans. Besides, you are the real fool, 100% fool

The waitress will Gu lanyue and Zhong Zifu's signature paper into a ball, throw them in front of them, turn around and leave.

Leave the people who broke their glasses on the spot.

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