Cao Ming's face turned black, just like the pig liver that can't be released. It's as ugly as it is.

They look at Lin Fei at the same time. They are angry in their eyes. They want to burn Lin Fei to powder immediately.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

The best homeowner!

This voice has been echoing in people's ears.

"Well, don't be angry. Lin Fei tried his best to attend the banquet. He thought he had a plan."

"Haven't you heard that some female stars, because they don't know whether they are true or false, marry fake rich people and have to work hard to make money to help people pay their debts?"

"You see, in order to realize his wish, he deliberately used such clothes to make people think that he was playing pig and eating tiger, and let others despise him. Then he attacked back and won the return of beauty! This routine is definitely deep enough, but it's a bit too middle. "

Cao Ming doesn't want to lose his temper in front of Mu Xinxuan. He first adjusts, looks at Lin Fei and continues to belittle him.

Mu Xinxuan didn't say anything. Now she is more suspicious of Lin Fei.

I even wonder if he directed what happened last night on purpose?

No matter what the reason is, she can't forgive Lin Fei at present.

"In fact, the waiter didn't lie just now, and I didn't act because I'm not an actor!" Lin Fei light response way.

I'm not lying?

Lin Fei did not lie.

But all of a sudden, the whole atmosphere really fell into a complete embarrassment.

Ha, ha

Gu lanyue sneered twice, did not speak, but the meaning is very obvious.

"Lin Fei, if you admit your mistake generously, you will lose face at most. But it's too much for you to insist that you are the best homeowner. " Zhong Zifu reproached.

It's a bit immature and I feel like I'm going to die for face.

In order to be forced to brag so much, it's just a brain problem.

You boast that you are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars now. Even if it's a little outrageous, you can barely believe a million dollars.

But it's ridiculous that you boast that you are the most powerful homeowner with a value of at least 300 million, or that you are dressed like this.

"Well, you are, you are." Cao Ming said with a smile and a look of a fool. Then he said, "Lin Fei, you may not know what two or three hundred million is. Let me explain it to you.".

"If you have two or three billion, you can buy at least four of my brilliant film and television companies."

"You can buy at least eight Xinyuan hotels."

"In addition, if you have two or three billion yuan, you can put your money in the bank every day. You can drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, soak in beautiful girls and travel all over the world."

After a thorough comparison, no one on the whole table believed what Lin Fei said.

Because Lin Fei really broke the leather.

That's not the way to brag.

Even he and Cao Ming can't compare with the most powerful homeowner. How terrible do you think about it, and what are you?

But no one laughed at him.

Because Cao Ming is an able man, and he is the person these stars all look up to.

Lin Fei didn't speak any more. Since these people didn't believe him, he didn't have to explain anything.

But it can be seen that even Mu Xinxuan is dissatisfied with his statement.

"Distinguished guests, the publicity banquet of" dark night "is about to start. Please choose the right seats. The film crew will thank you in a moment."

Just then, the host of the banquet stood on the stage and spoke.

This eased the embarrassment of Lin Fei's table.

"Lin Fei, you just sit here and don't move. I believe there is no suitable position for you." With that, Cao Ming stood up and walked to the first main table in the banquet hall.

Mu Xinxuan and others also stood up. As members of the film crew, they were about to give a collective thanks.

As soon as she stands up, Mu Xinxuan takes a look at Lin Fei. In fact, she wants to tell Lin Fei that it's good to be a down-to-earth person and not to pursue those false names.

However, when she saw the faint smile in Lin Fei's eyes, she swallowed it again.

It's better not to say.

When Cao Ming came to the first main table, he saw that many of them were film and TV dramas. He was smiling and was about to sit down.

"Sir, are you Mr. Lin Fei?" The waiter, who has been standing by, asks with the list.

Lin Fei?

Cao Ming was stunned!

"Ha ha, he is Cao Ming, general manager of brilliant film and television company, not Lin Fei." Sitting next to the empty seat was a fat man, who was very familiar with Cao Ming and said with a smile.

"I'm very sorry! Mr. Cao, you can't sit at this table. "

"Why?"Since Cao Ming came to the hotel today and met Lin Fei, he has been eating all the way. Especially just now, although he suppressed Lin Fei on the surface, he didn't expect that when he came here, the seat was reserved for Lin Fei, which made him completely angry.

"Sir, it was arranged by director funk. His original words are that all the people sitting at this main table are investors of the movie "dark night". Non investors can't sit here. " Said the waitress with a professional smile.

Cao Ming

"How much has Lin Fei invested? I invested 10 million yuan, but I used to be the largest shareholder. How can I sit on the left and hang my head now? " The fat man asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. Even you, Angela Li, are not qualified to be the master. It's estimated that Lin Fei should put in a lot." Others at the same table echoed.

"Lin Fei, you are known as the best homeowner in Jiangnan City. Please come and sit here. There's a place for you. It's specially reserved for you."

Cao Ming now has the feeling of brain congestion, he has no other ideas, just want to humiliate Lin Fei, severely humiliate Lin Fei.

The original noisy scene, the moment quiet down.

"The best homeowner in history?"

Isn't this the most talked about thing in this banquet hall just now?

Is the real owner here?

The eyes of all the people looked at the direction of Cao Ming's eyes.

Lin Fei was really comfortable sitting there. He was communicating with Zhao Ren, and he didn't want to come.

Now, Cao Ming broke the window paper completely, and he had to come over.

When Lin Fei stood up for a moment, the scene immediately hissed.

There was even mockery.

The best homeowner in history?

Ghosts believe it!

Dressed like a beggar.

"Come on, let's applaud for the most amazing homeowner in history." Cao Ming was very clear about the reaction of the crowd. He took the right opportunity to clap his hands in front of the crowd.

The laughter of the people at the scene was even louder.

Cao Ming!

Many people do.

What he said is ironic, and many people know it.

Applause and laughter came and went.

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