Hit people!

Yes, I did.

However, it was Li Qingfeng who started the fight and he Zhiping who was beaten.

"Li Qingfeng, how dare you beat me?"

He Zhiping thought that Li Qingfeng would have all kinds of reactions when he met him. He even thought that Li Qingfeng would blush and apologize, but he never thought that he would hit himself.

"Making trouble on the sea and sky and breaking the rules are like slapping me in the face, Li Qingfeng. Whoever hits me in the face, I'll hit him in the face. "

In a word, it's very simple. But it's domineering.

"Good! Li Qingfeng is cruel to you

He Zhiping covered his sour, numb and painful face, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned his head and looked at the two bodyguards behind him, and said angrily, "let's go."

With that, he went out without looking back.

Li Qingfeng's mouth is a great humiliation to him. He wants revenge very much, and he wants to beat Li Qingfeng immediately. His mother doesn't know him.

However, with three bodyguards and hundreds of people behind Li Qingfeng, he Zhiping can only bear the humiliation with indignation.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of people at present. He is the chairman of Tianli real estate, with nearly 10 billion assets. It is humiliating enough that he was beaten. If the argument goes on, and Li Qingfeng is completely angered, I still don't know what the result will be.

A good man can't afford to lose.

He Zhiping chose patience.

However, the hatred became greater and stronger, which completely strengthened his action at night.

Out of the banquet hall, he Zhiping immediately called and asked the other party to kill Lin Fei, Li Qingfeng and others tonight.

Hang up the phone, he Zhiping Nannan said to himself: "tonight, we must let Lin Fei and Li Qingfeng and others completely regret, completely disappear."

Li Qingfeng's domineering relief of the crisis gives Huang Yaxin a long breath. He glances at Lin Fei, and his heart is like two fawns scurrying around.

How handsome!

How charming!

In this world, men will be moved when they see beautiful women, and women will be moved when they see handsome men. Human nature is interlinked.

Lin Fei can be said to have completely moved Huang Yaxin's heart, but he did not pay attention.

"President Li, can you stay for the party?"

Tang Xiong was a little annoyed when he was ignored by Li Qingfeng, but when he saw that Li Qingfeng was just fighting he Zhiping, his anger disappeared.

Thinking that this is the same sky and sea, and Li Qingfeng's industry, he has an idea that he wants to invite Li Qingfeng to the banquet. When he announces that he will be fired from meizishuang group, if Lin Fei can't help getting angry, he will not be the enemy of himself, but the enemy of Qingfeng.

The more you think about it, the more brilliant you are. The more you think about it, the happier you are.

Li Qingfeng didn't speak. He just glanced around.

People feel li Qingfeng's eyes, smile and nod. Some people even want to talk to each other, but they have no chance.

When passing by Lin Fei, Lin Fei didn't have the courtesy of those people, even with a deep smile.

Tang Xiong saw all this clearly, and he was secretly happy.

Silly X! In front of Li Qingfeng, he pretends to be forced to die quickly.

Tang Xiong suddenly feels that he is lucky today. After losing Zhao Guoyong, Ding Zhihao and Pang Mingjian, although he Zhiping is an interlude, Li Qingfeng, who is here this time, finally has four big figures and can hold the stage.

At the moment, Li Qingfeng's eyes had fallen on Tang Xiong's face. He asked with a faint smile, "president Tang, if you have anything to say, I'm very short of time."

When Tang Xiong invited him to the banquet, Li Qingfeng did not make a statement, but directly asked Tang Xiong about his purpose.

Very direct.

Seeing Li Qingfeng's relaxed expression and relaxed tone, Tang Xiong immediately felt confident and said, "President Li, I'm going to announce that the meizishuang group of Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan has been expelled from Jiangnan Textile Association, so you can be a witness."

"Oh! Then you go and announce it! I'm here to witness. "

Li Qingfeng is still calm and seems to have nothing to do with himself.

Unfortunately, Tang Xiong didn't notice Li Qingfeng's anger and irony.

Tang Xiong is very happy and confident. He raises his hand to tidy up his clothes. He looks around at the suppliers of raw materials for the banquet. Finally, his eyes fall on Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan.

He raised his head, straightened his chest, looked coldly, pretended to cough twice, raised his hands slightly and trembled, "you colleagues in the textile industry of Jiangnan City, it's said that there are no rules and no square. In the development process of Jiangnan City, meizishuang group has infringed on the interests of countless businesses, and they are striving for money and unfair competition..."

"No nonsense! Let's get to the point

Lin Fei suddenly looks at Tang Xiong with a thick disdain in his eyes.

Tang Xiong had already made a good draft in his heart. After a long time of deliberation, he thought about how to brew emotions, how to mobilize emotions, how to arouse public indignation, and how to make the exit of meizishuang group a pleasant thing.

As a result, he was interrupted by Lin Fei before he said it or rendered it.It's like trying to scream, but it's stuck in the throat and doesn't come out.

Tang Xiong's eyes are about to burst into flames. He looks at Lin Fei. He really wants to kill Lin Fei.

Peeking at Li Qingfeng, he has an idea and wants to speak again.

"Don't talk nonsense, Tang Xiong. We don't have time."

Chen Hai interrupted again.

"Good! You, you are in a hurry to die! I hereby announce that the meizishuang group of Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan will be expelled from Jiangnan Textile Association! "

Tang Xiong was angry. He straightened his neck and roared out.

However, he decided to say it. However, after this sentence was said, it was cold. There was no expected applause or support. His eyes looked at those who had already done the work. They all looked up at him and no one expressed their opinions.

Looking at Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan again, their expressions are surprisingly calm, especially Lin Fei, just like looking at an idiot!

Tang Xiong is a little confused.

In fact, those people on the scene didn't want to make a statement, but were shocked by the strength that Lin Fei showed before. No one ran out foolishly.

"That's it?"

Lin Fei looks at Tang Xiong and asks with a faint smile.

"That's it."

Although Tang Xiong is embarrassed, he still responds loudly to Lin Fei's provocative questions.

"Well said! Well said! Give me a hand. "

Lin Fei said as he looked at the crowd and began to applaud.



A few applause came out, but it was Lin Fei and Chen Hai. As for the others, they didn't clap.

Chen Hai applauded because he adored Lin Fei. In his opinion, everything Lin Fei did was right and heroic.

It's better to have applause than not, which makes Tang Xiong even more shameless -

because it's a naked irony.

"Lin Fei, you are too arrogant. You are making trouble in the sea and sky!"

An insidious scheme formed in Tang Xiong's mind.

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