
As soon as the word came out, everyone was stunned.

From now on, Lin Fei has been in a fierce confrontation with those people, but they are all passive and verbal, and there is no other rude behavior.

Tang Xiong's intention is far-reaching.

Xiao Mengshan understands the situation of the sea and the sky. Just now she saw Li Qingfeng beating he Zhiping. Worried that Lin Fei didn't know how to fight, she pulled Lin Fei quietly to remind him to calm down.


Li Qingfeng's voice suddenly rang.

Hearing this, Tang Xiong almost cried out excitedly.

If Li Qingfeng does it, Lin Fei will not die today.

He quickly suppressed his inner excitement, looked at Li Qingfeng and said, "President Li, Lin Fei, they are making trouble in your sea and sky. You should teach them a good lesson."

Fan the flames.

"I dare to make trouble in the sea and sky." A man burst out of the crowd, and then a muscle burst out of the crowd.

Big fly!

Someone in the crowd recognized it immediately.

Tang Xiong saw big brother Fei stand out, excited almost ran over to hug him and kiss him.

This guy has a hot temper. He doesn't know what to do, but he is very strong in force. Ten or eight ordinary people can't get close to him.

A Xiao Lin Fei, don't you beat him into a ball?

"Dafei, teach Lin Fei a lesson."

Tang Xiong exclaimed excitedly.

"No problem."

Big brother Fei agreed as he walked.

Everyone at the scene stares at Dafei. Many people have already sentenced Lin Fei to death.

To offend Li Qingfeng and Qingfeng society is to think that death is slow.

Lin Fei is like a man who doesn't care.

However, Huang Yaxin beside him was anxious and stood in front of Lin Fei. She said in a delicate voice, "Dafei, you can't fool around."

Dafei didn't respond. He had already squeezed out the crowd and walked out.

However, he did not go to Lin Fei, but to Tang Xiong.

"Dafei, Lin Fei is over there."

Tang Xiong looks at Dafei with angry face, inexplicably produces fear, reluctantly extrudes a smile and points to Lin Fei behind Dafei.

"I want you to make trouble!"

Big brother Fei didn't seem to hear it. He looked at Tang Xiong, swung his fist and hit him in the abdomen.


There was a loud noise.

Tang Xiong seemed to suffocate in an instant. His face twisted and he covered his stomach. He squatted on the ground and couldn't speak for a long time.

Ah, ah

It took a long time to make two low calls.

This accident happened suddenly, and all the people in the hall were silly.

Even Huang Yaxin is silly. One second before, she was worried that Dafei would fight Lin Fei. Unexpectedly, the next second, Dafei would hit Tang Xiong.

Xiao Mengshan stares at Mei Mu and changes between Lin Fei, Li Qingfeng and Tang Xiong. She doesn't expect such a situation. She doesn't understand why big brother Fei wants to fight Tang Xiong.

Who is Tang Xiong?

That's the president of the textile association. Any of his words can decide the fate of a company. Many leaders want to be polite when they see him. Now they are beaten by big brother Feige, which completely subverts their imagination.

"Trouble? I think you are the only one who makes trouble here. You are the one who enjoys dancing most. "

"You think you're smart, everyone's a fool!"

"I let you make trouble in the sea and sky, I let you want to use our breeze club."

Big flywheel round fist, regardless of Tang Xiong's face or stomach, every scold, a blow.

Tang Xiong, not to mention his age, has only half his life left when he can resist Dafei's fists.

"Dafei, stop it first!"

Li Qingfeng spoke.

"The old man who doesn't know what to do."

Dafei has another kick at Tang Xiong, but he still has more than enough.

Tang Xiong began to shout twice, but he just hummed behind him. When he finally got down, he was like a dead dog and rolled aside.

Dafei turns around and comes to Li Qingfeng's back, standing like a good baby, where is the ruffian breath just now.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

Under the leadership of Li Qingfeng, there were hundreds of people in Qingfeng meeting. At the same time, he bowed deeply to Lin Fei. His face was sincere and his tone was polite. It was like the subordinates saw the leader.

Tang Xiong recovered a little at the moment, just saw this scene, just a sound, almost scared the whole soul.

So, what's going on?

Other people in the banquet hall, seeing this scene, were equally confused.


There was a breath of air, and I was very frightened.More some people ruthlessly pinched on own thigh, thought that oneself looked wrong.

Who is Li Qingfeng?

He is one of the four kings of Jiangnan City. The whole west district of the city is his world. It can be said that in the underground world, he is one of the princes, and people in the above world want to give him a third of the noodles.

Now, he even calls Lin Fei Lin Shao. He is polite and unbelievable.

However, they were soon relieved.

Thinking of Lin Feigang's fierce measures to deal with Zhao Guoyong, Ding Zhihao and Pang Mingjian, which one is the simple one is not all solved by talking and laughing.



Even a strong sense of regret filled their hearts.

"President Li, I didn't expect to meet you here again. It's really bothering you."

Lin Fei still keeps the kind of calm and calm attitude towards people like Li Qingfeng.

Li Qingfeng looks at Lin Fei in his early twenties. His heart is full of emotion.

At first, things in Dongfang City made him lose face. In particular, Lin Fei also asked him for 10 million yuan, which was face to face.

At that time, big brother Fei even threatened to take someone to kill Lin Fei. At this time, he received two hundred million yuan from Uncle Tao, which made them curious about Lin Fei.

Next, I was even more surprised when I received a call from Uncle Tao today, asking him to send someone to meizishuang group as a security guard, and telling Li Qingfeng that this is the last opportunity for Qingfeng to go from black to white. We must seize it.

Li Qingfeng's underground career for many years has made him know that the black gang will die in the end, so he always wants to bring these brothers out.

But with so many people, it's very difficult to survive and eat.

At this time, Lin Fei paid 50 million yuan for security.

In two days, he gave 250 million yuan, equivalent to half a year's income of Qingfeng club, which gave Li Qingfeng hope.

Today, when he received a phone call from Huang Yaxin, he heard that Tang Xiong was in a dilemma with meizishuang group in Haitian. Li Qingfeng, who had already regarded meizishuang group as his own company, was angry at that time.

Tang Xiong, who is so immortal, calls Li Qingfeng and wants to make use of him. Li Qingfeng comes naturally. He has already prepared a big meal for Tang Xiong in his heart.

As for he Zhiping, it is an episode.

Tang Xiong really took him as a gunslinger, which completely angered Li Qingfeng, so big brother Fei taught him a lesson.

"Lin Shao, don't call it that. If you don't dislike it, we should be brothers."

Li Qingfeng is very low-key, even with flattery in his tone.

At the scene, everyone looked up at Lin Fei and waited for his response.

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