At the moment, Tang Xiong is sitting on the ground, leaning against his chair. He can hear clearly, but he has been beaten so badly.

"President Tang, they all choose me as president. What do you say to do?"



Tang Xiong was choked by the blood in his mouth and coughed.

In the heart don't mention much depressed, where is this inquiry, clearly is to show off ah!

Lin Fei's next second seemed to confirm his idea.

"When I first entered the gate of Haitian Yise Hotel, I said that it would be more suitable for me to be the president. However, for your own sake, you don't agree with anything. Look, it's all right now? Zhao Guoyong, Ding Zhihao, Pang Mingjian, and so many other people have been brought into the police station. You are responsible for all of them

Lin Fei's words are like a ruthless knife, but it's a blunt one. It stabs Tang Xiong's body a little bit. It really hurts.

"Lin, Lin Fei, you win."

"You are wrong! It's not that I win, it's that justice wins over evil. "

Lin Fei suddenly stood up straight, as if a different person, suddenly raised his voice and said.

"Yes! Justice triumphs over evil. "

Chen Hai called out the second.

"Justice triumphs over evil."

The roars of others were pouring in the hall.

Xiao Mengshan and Chen Hai's eyes to Lin Fei are full of heat, even full of excitement.


Ultraman hero!

However, Lin Fei seems to want to overturn their good impression of him.

All of a sudden, he raised his hand and rubbed the corner of his clothes. He looked scared and said, "I've got your kindness. But I still can't be the president. "


The people at the scene were all silly, looking at each other, as if they were asking, what else?

"President Tang has been in business for many years, which makes you fear that he will..."

Lin Fei said half stopped, but in the eyes of that means, everyone understood.

"I have photos to prove the relationship between Tang Xiong and my secretary."

"I also have proof of Tang Xiong's corruption of membership fees."

"I have video evidence of Tang Xiong blackmailing our company."


With one heart, Mount Tai will move!

Now, these people have only one idea, let Lin Fei nod as president, let Tang Xiong fall.

"That's a legacy of your history, not my business."

Problems left over by history?

In an instant, everyone already understood -

Lin Fei agreed.

"I'll call the police now."

"I'm looking for the bill now."

"I'm looking for the video now."


People are busy.

A moment later, he was quiet again, looked at Lin Fei and said, "Dong Lin, it's all finished."

"Oh! So fast? "

"Do you think Tang Xiong will bite when he arrives at the police station? Will he involve others?"

"It's full of injuries, isn't it?"

Lin Fei seems to be in trouble again.

At the moment, Xiao Mengshan understood Lin Fei's meaning and only had two words to describe it -


However, Lin Fei is at ease. Don't these people like to be guns? Then go on!

Other people are not stupid. They have no choice but to ask for help.

If I had known the present, why should I have known the beginning?

Now Lin Fei said that a decision made by meizishuang could turn them from a multimillionaire to a beggar on the street.

After all, with the current strength of meizishuang group, if they do not cooperate with them, they will lose at least three-quarters of the market in Jiangnan City.

In order to survive, dignity is a fart?

Now Lin Fei asked them to present their beloved women, and it is estimated that some people would do so.

This is the reality of society.

"Tang Xiong, you are a scum."

A person who is close to Tang Xiong is the first to react. He just kicks Tang Xiong.

Other people don't have to teach them. They come forward one after another and rush to do it.

Sitting on the ground, Tang Xiong suffered. The old pain didn't slow down, but the new one came. He curled up on the ground, arched under the table several times, and dragged out to fight like a dead dog.

"Ah, ah! Don't try so hard! You should be responsible if you are killed. Just touch it lightly. "

Lin Fei saw that there were several people up and down in front of him. They were all dead feet. He stopped them immediately.

After being reminded, the people behind kept their anger down and turned the beating into touching.

When he stopped again, Tang Xiong's injury didn't get much worse, but the humiliation of being scolded, patted on the face and trampled on his head with the sole of his shoes was more painful than killing him.

Lin Fei walked past with a smile."Tang Xiong, do you feel better?"

"Lin, Lin Fei, a scholar can be killed, not humiliated."

"Unfortunately, you are either an official or a villain. And whatever you scold, anyway, I can't miss anything! It's just that you have to go to prison and enjoy yourself! "

Tang Xiong rolled his eyes angrily and almost took a breath on the spot.

What Lin Fei said is really shameless, but what can he do?

Originally, Tang Xiong wanted to wait until the prison reported that big brother Fei beat him violently. Now, Lin Fei let so many people fight against him. Who would he report?

Full report?

It's a slow death.

Prison is not a place to enjoy happiness. Anyone who bribes a criminal is enough for him to drink a pot.

He was teased by Lin Fei.

But there is no way, can only accept in silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since you have elected me president, I will accept it."

Lin Fei suddenly stood up, looked at the crowd and said aloud.



"Chairman Lin!"


The hall was boiling.

Lin Fei raised his hands, pressed down and said, "as president, I promise three things. First, all things are treated equally."

"President Lin is fair, benevolent and righteous."

The applause was even louder.

"Second, there is no need to pay dues. All the expenses of the textile association are borne by Lin Fei."

Just smaller applause, raised again, like the voice of the piano music gradually high, let people infatuated.

In some people's eyes, there is even a twinkle of excitement.

Most of the so-called Association presidents, in order to be able to control the membership fees, use this name to dominate the political and commercial circles.

On average, the annual membership fee of each company is at least several hundred thousand.

It's not much, but it's not a small number after a long time.

The key point is that Tang Xiong, the president, not only seeks personal interests, but also doesn't help everyone. He even often attacks everyone and seeks interests.

Now, Lin Fei directly announced his membership fee, which is a world of difference.

Even just just Lin Fei deliberately refused to force them to fight against Tang Xiong's anger disappeared without a trace.

Instead, look at Tang Xiong's disdain, which is a kind of extreme disdain.

They felt that they had made the wisest decision to elect Lin Fei as president.

"My third commitment is -"

Lin feidun.

The scene was quiet for a moment. They all stood up and waited for Lin Fei's announcement.

The first two are shocking enough. The third one will not

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