"In one year, double the profits and assets of all your companies."



There was a sound of surprise, followed by a flood of applause.

There are tears in many people's eyes.

It was tears of excitement and excitement. Many companies have been working hard for many years, and they always wanted this textile association to win benefits for them, with few results.

Now, Lin Fei has made such a promise, and it's still a one-year agreement, and it's within reach.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all my three promises will be fulfilled, but I also have a request for you."

Lin Fei spoke again and the scene was quiet.

"President Lin, please tell me. We will do it."

"Yes! We absolutely agree without any conditions. "

"We will definitely support any decision made by President Lin."


Lin Fei is the real leader in their heart at the moment, and has been sincerely supported from the heart.

"Good faith management, quality first, reputation guarantee."

Lin Fei spoke one word at a time. His voice was loud, sonorous, powerful, enlightening and thought-provoking.


There was applause.

Xiao Mengshan was the first to drum up her palm.

Lin Fei's request is too correct, too wise and too manly.


The applause went on for a long time.

Everyone's face flashed with shame, but everyone's face was full of self-confidence and sunshine. Lin Fei's request, they can do it, they are willing to do it.

Looking at everything in front of him, Lin Fei was secretly happy -

the task of monopolizing the textile industry in Jiangnan City has been completed, but his monopoly is to win people's hearts, rather than money.

This is in line with his feelings.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, handsome to complete the task

Little Lori's voice sounded.

"There's no time for you."

Lin Fei had a word with him and went back to reality.

Look at Tang Xiong sitting on the ground.

"Tang Xiong, a president, carries the hope of all people, rather than seeking personal gain. This is the fundamental reason why you failed today."

Lin Fei's words are like the last straw to defeat the camel.

He has just seen Lin Fei's three promises, one request, and the reaction of the public. Now Lin Fei has hit the nail on the head, which makes him unable to calm down any more. He is filled with grief and indignation, and he faints to death. Until the police take him away, he doesn't open his eyes.

The next banquet, completely became a festive banquet, Lin Fei undoubtedly became the protagonist.

On the spot, these raw material suppliers signed a new contract with meizishuang group. As for the 31 million yuan they compensated, Lin Fei wanted to return it, but refused to do so. He took the initiative to ask for a membership fee from the textile association.

This night, finally calm.

Finally, we're waiting for wine and people to enjoy!

The end of the song!

Xiao Mengshan was still in a dream until she got into the car.

"Xiao Dong, I'm sorry to call your little wife for acting today."

Although Lin Fei drank the wine, he was still very sober and looked at Xiao Mengshan's face with apology.

Lin Fei in Xiao Mengshan's eyes at the moment is a perfect man. She is not only handsome, but also has a man's mind and magnanimity. Especially when she talks about three promises and one requirement, even a woman who has never really been attracted to men is attracted.

At this moment, when I heard the title of "little wife", I was not unhappy, but I had a kind of expectation.

"Do you really want to apologize?"

"Of course."

"Then tell me, who is the woman you like?"

"Ha ha! I didn't expect that Xiao Dong also liked gossip. "

"Whatever you say!"

Xiao Mengshan unconsciously shows the appearance of a little woman.

Lin Fei raised his eyes to the night. His eyes were confused and fell into silence.

"If snow?"

There was no response.

"Huang Yaxin is interested in you, but you are not."

Xiao Mengshan continued to speculate.

"Don't be funny, Xiao Dong. Everyone has his own secret. It's a secret. "

Lin Fei had a bitter smile on his face.

Without an answer, Xiao Mengshan was disappointed, but she was a smart woman and didn't ask again.

But soon she spoke again

"Lin Fei, how do you know Huadie?"

Xiao Mengshan looks at Lin Fei and asks.

"When I thought of calling her today, I didn't pay attention to her appointment."

"Nothing else?"

Xiao Mengshan thought of Huadie's 24-hour on call, and her eyes flashed a thick color of eight trigrams."What can I do for you?"

Lin Fei shakes his head and grins bitterly. Xiao Mengshan seems to have changed and cares about her own affairs.

"What a pity!" Xiao Mengshan seems a little disappointed.

"What a pity?"

"Such a beautiful woman, you have no other idea."

Xiao Mengshan looked at Lin Fei in disbelief.

"What do you think?" Lin Fei became more and more confused.

"Aren't you men all lower body thinking animals?"

Xiao Mengshan looks funny.

"Cut! If I did, I should be the first to attack you! "

"I'm different from her. If you conquer her, you may have surprise, even unexpected benefits."

"What's the advantage?" Lin Fei was intrigued by her words.

"Maybe you can be a father directly! Ha ha... "

When Xiao Mengshan finished, she couldn't help laughing.


Lin Fei almost died on the spot. "She has children?"

Lin Fei was really surprised.

"Yes, Huadie's daughter is in primary school. Isn't it a surprise?"

Xiao Mengshan wants to meet Huadie, so she has a special understanding of her.

"It's really a bit unexpected. No matter how the woman looks, she doesn't seem to have had a baby. Besides, and..."

"And what?" Xiao Mengshan can't help but ask curiously.

"Looks younger than you. Ha ha... "

This time, it's Lin Fei's turn to laugh.

Xiao Mengshan was infuriated by him again, and the number d was prone to burst.

"Well, you don't mind. My greatest advantage is that I like to tell the truth and seek truth from facts."

"Also, don't be so excited, it's not good to break it again, and it's not my reason this time!"

Lin Fei ignores Xiao Mengshan, who is in a state of rage. Thinking of that time in Xiao Mengshan's room, because of carelessness, she tore her clothes and underwear, Lin Fei can't help but peek at it secretly.

"Lin Fei, you want to die!"

Xiao Mengshan is furious.

Lin Fei has jumped out of the car and run away.


Xiao Mengshan clapped the steering wheel angrily.

Lin Fei goes to the park outside the hotel and sits down. He is waiting for time.

When you have nothing to do, the divine consciousness enters the system.

"Little Lori, here I am."

Cried Lin Fei.

Be quiet!

There was no response.

"Hello! I am your master! Here I am

Lin Fei raised his voice.

There is still no response.

"Cut! Pretend to be mysterious Lin Fei yelled, and he was about to open the storage space. As a result, he didn't open it.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Fei asked.

"You cow, you open it yourself!"

Little Lori's voice came out.

"Open it for me."

"No matter!"


"I don't care if you hurt me!"

Lin Fei almost vomited blood. NIMA's voice is just a voice. Is it still human? How to think?

"Are you human?"

"I won't tell you!"

"No, you have the ability to think. In the end what is it? Jump out and let me see! "

Lin Fei is full of curiosity.

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