Three people still keep forward posture, in the hands of the stick also hit forward.

It seems to be myself, but my body has lost control -

my leg is broken!

And Lin Fei has passed through the middle of the three of them.

Lin Fei's other stick was casually carried on his shoulder, as if he had never moved.

Everyone was shocked by the lightning strike. Even those who wanted to rush to help behind them were all shocked and hesitated.

It's not a fight, it's a game!

Under one stick, six legs are cut off as if by a knife.

The key is no consciousness, no scream, no


With the plop of falling on the ground, three people's mouths gave out a hoarse cry.

This sound made the women in the basement feel cold all over -

it was so sad.

Hundreds of people at the scene felt thirsty, cold and hot, uncomfortable.

Hula, there are more than 20 members of Yutian club just now, but when they see Lin Fei's careless strike, no one dares to step forward to stop, and even many people have a tendency to shrink back, because they find that they will soon become the three people who challenge Lin Fei with their own strength.

Lin Fei squints at the members of the Yutian club who surround him. A sneer that others can't see appears at the corner of his mouth. The cold voice comes from his mouth again, but it's far from his original voice. Even the most familiar people won't recognize him.

It's not that he intentionally changed, but that after wearing the mask, he is another self in the darkness of human nature. Everything has changed except his body.

"Liu Tianyu, come here quickly and let me beat you to death, so that I can go back to rest." Lin Fei looks at Liu Tianyu hiding behind the crowd, points with his finger and says haughtily.

The boss of black astringent Club pays attention to face. If he clamors like this, Liu Tianyu will not come out. Even if he can't beat him today, Liu Tianyu's prestige in the eyes of everyone will be greatly reduced.

Without prestige, he's nothing.

This is the rule of the underground world -

the strong are respected.

Of course, Lin Fei now has full confidence to bring them down. The reason for this is to frighten them and disturb the morale of the army.

"Boy! Don't be arrogant. Let's pass me first. " Lin Fei's voice just fell, a tall man in a vest rushed out of the crowd and rushed over.

His name is fierce wolf. He is the third of the five wolves. He is also the person in charge of the management of Shengshi Haoting.

Fierce wolf's fighting power is also extremely strong, reaching the peak of yellow level. It's no problem to bring down more than ten warriors.

Lin Fei's two moves just now, though extremely shocking to him, also inspired his inner arrogance and blood.

Fierce wolf has quickly rushed to Lin Fei, and his hands are holding a small arm thick steel pipe. While running, his hands have already held the steel pipe handle, and even lift the steel pipe to his upper right, which is about to fall down obliquely. It seems that he is going to smash Lin Fei into meat mud.

The fierce wolf takes the lead, and his strong arms match the weight of the steel pipe, which weighs more than ten jin. This smash is full of momentum. If it is really hit, it will be beaten into meat mud.

Even if Lin Fei really uses the stick in his hand to resist, Lin Fei's thin body, in their view, is also impossible to really resist this heavy blow.

However, Lin Fei didn't resist, and didn't evade. He had no other expression except the irony flashed by his eyes. And the stick in his hand, like a sword, stabbed.

It's as fast as lightning. The stick is like a sharp sword. It goes right into the wolf's left arm.

Enter from the outside, penetrate the flesh and blood, stab the bone, pass through the left arm, pass through the right arm, two arms into a sugar gourd.



The pipe fell off from the wolf's hand, and the shrill scream echoed in the hall. His two arms tried to get rid of the stick in Lin Fei's hand, but failed. On the contrary, it was more painful.

The beads of sweat, which are big enough for soybeans, roll down in an instant, and the body is tottering.


Lin Fei jerked back his stick.

The wolf's two arms appeared a nearly 10 cm blood hole, and the blood gushed out.

The wolf fell back in the next second and fainted in pain.

Everyone in the hall witnessed it.

If they haven't really shaken from the bottom of their heart in the first two times, this time they have shaken from the bottom of their heart.

Fierce wolf is definitely the main force, but also one of the five Wolves of yutianhui, the combat effectiveness is super strong.

Once there was a conflict with the Qingfeng club. The fierce wolf beat down more than 30 members of the Qingfeng club by himself and got away successfully.

Now, looking at his arms round wound, coma still continue to twitch the body, the scene once again fell into a silence, it is the death of loneliness, even if they have a lot of people, even occupy all the advantages, but everyone's eyes are full of fear, but also a heartbreak like fear.It's terrible. It's terrible. Is it a human or a ghost? How can there be such a master?

Everyone's eyes are wide open, face unbelievable, looking at all in a daze.

At the moment, even though they have been fighting for many years, they have never had such a fear.

"Liu Tianyu, if you are a man, get out quickly, don't waste time, don't let a group of waste come out for you to die."

Lin Fei is still standing in the same place, his face is still light, even with a relaxed smile.

It just gives people a sense of shock and terror from the soul.

Lin Fei's words sounded like thunder, which shocked everyone. The whole hall was quiet, and no one dared to say anything. Just now, he thought he was a fool and a joker. What he saw was a devil.

There was a confusion in the crowd, then a separate Road, and a group of people came out of the crowd.

In front of him was a young man, surrounded by several men who were much stronger than those around him.

Wearing a black suit, this man has a tall, thin face, sunken eyes and a firm nose. He is a rare beautiful man. He is the fifth of the five wolves - Intelligent wolf.

It looks very docile on the outside, but in fact it is extremely insidious and cunning.

At the moment, he instigated a folding fan, full of elegance, full of romantic.

His cold breath, coupled with his temperament, is very attractive.

Next to him was a man with dark skin and a little strange length. His lips were very thick and his eyes were squinting inward. Even his facial features had basic problems. It was like a random patchwork. It was very uncomfortable. But his kung fu was very high. This man was the fourth of the five wolves - explosive wolf.

The other four people around him are also the four famous vajras of yutianhui. They are Huaixing, Wang Bin, Xiang Yi and fan Quan.

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