The appearance of a group of people eased the tense atmosphere of the scene.

Although still depressed, but at least relaxed a lot.

The four of the four King Kong have a special nickname -

four little wolves.

On the surface, in addition to the five wolves and Liu Tianyu, these four people are the most powerful.

Everyone has reached the middle stage of the yellow class and is no longer in the ranks of ordinary fighters. Ordinary people are not their opponents at all.

Just now, when the violence in the hall made the people around keep quiet, zhilang and Baolang were not spared, and their faces were strangely ugly.

"How dare you come here alone to make trouble!" Intelligent wolf didn't immediately start, just coldly toward Lin Fei asked a, that eyes are also dead staring at Lin Fei's eyes, seems to want to see who this is from his eyes.

But zhilang was disappointed, because he sadly found that there was no such eyes in his memory.

His judgment is -

Lin Fei is a devil.

"I'm not here to make trouble."

"What are you here for?"

"I'm here to do good?"

"Good thing?"

Smart wolf's voice is full of sneer, do good will hurt?

"Of course, to do good deeds, I will put out the Yutian club and let Jiangnan City have more sunshine."

Lin Fei's voice is not big, but he is full of arrogance.

Zhilang's brow was so angry that he was so arrogant. Even if he showed his strength just now, he was going to destroy the yutianhui. What's this?

However, he would like to know who Lin Fei is?

"Who are you from the breeze club?"

The wise wolf asked suddenly.

He is deceiving, hoping that Lin Fei doesn't pay attention to it for a moment and let it slip.

As a result, he was disappointed.

"How can qingfenghui make me stand out for it?"

In a word, the identity is more weird.

"What a arrogant tone. I want to see why you are so arrogant." Suppressing the anger in his heart, zhilang snorted coldly, and then slowly drew out a sword, which was not long but cold.

And the four little wolves around him also took out their own weapons. Huaixing's is an axe, Wang Bin's is a long stick, Xiang Yi's is a sharp knife, and fan Quan's is a mace.

Lin Fei didn't care about these people at all. He even took one more look. He looked at Liu Tianyu in the crowd again.

"Liu Tianyu, are you so useless? Do you really want to wait until I get rid of all your men before you come out? "


"To die!"

"Kill him together!"

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't put himself and others in his eyes, Zhi Lang is furious. With one hand shaking, he is about to rush out to kill Lin Fei. A voice full of domineering rings.

"Wise wolf, stop it."

Liu Tianyu spoke.

Liu Tianyu's voice rings out. Zhilang and others who are rushing forward quickly stop their figure, and then respectfully stand aside.

Wearing a black tight T-shirt, black casual pants and casual shoes, Liu Tianyu walked steadily.

Maybe it's to frighten Lin Fei and release his momentum without reservation.

In the middle of the Xuanji period, the cultivation of the whole court is the highest.

With his tall and strong body, he is full of momentum.

After the hands of yutianhui, those members can't help but bow their heads and dare not look directly at Liu Tianyu's momentum.

However, in front of Lin Fei is a paper tiger.

"People leave their names and geese leave their voices. Others want their name to be known. Why don't you show your true face to others? "

"That's who I am."

"You're lying."

With these words, Liu Tianyu took a close look at Lin Fei. His black skin was high, fast and low. His face was full of flesh, and his eyes were full of rebellious spirit.

On the contrary, it is slender and elegant.

It's obvious that the head and face don't match the body very well.

This made him more convinced that Lin Fei was lying.

"Since the hero dares to come here alone, why don't he show his true face?"

Liu Tianyu said again, and his voice was still gentle, but he couldn't hear any anger.

"Liu Tianyu, I know what you mean. But I didn't lie, that's me, that's me. "

"What's your name, please?"

Although Lin Fei's arrogant voice is very annoying, Liu Tianyu still asks calmly.

"Don't know, do it!"

Lin Fei looks at Liu Tianyu's position. It has to be said that Liu Tianyu is extremely cautious. His position seems to be in the front, but as long as Lin Fei moves, the intelligent wolf and explosive wolf, who are only half a body behind him, can definitely step forward at the first time and stop themselves, and he can even take this opportunity to attack directly.Not only that, the four King Kong and others around him can also take advantage of this opportunity to surround themselves, so as to beat themselves in groups.

He is worthy of being the boss of yutianhui. Even if he is full of confidence in his own strength, he doesn't have any arrogance. He is so cautious in every move.

Of course, Lin Fei is also very clear that Liu Tianyu would not have come down personally if he had not relied on them.

He has seen the people in the hall. Liu Tianyu is the only one left. The seven of them are the most powerful. Once they are defeated by themselves, the others are just small fish and shrimps.

But what about that?

Dare to Meizi Shuangdong his base camp, he is going to take the nest of yutianhui, not to be rude.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a sense of obliteration, and then without waiting for Liu Tianyu to speak, his body has been running forward at full speed.

He's here to kill people, not to negotiate. Since Liu Tianyu has finally come near, it's reasonable to finish the task.

Liu Tianyu and others really want to know the origin of Lin Fei just now, so that if there is any problem, they can find the object of revenge.

But they obviously underestimated Lin Fei's resolute idea. He even said that he would fight, and the route of forward attack was so direct that he came to Liu Tianyu.

No matter how many strong people are around Liu Tianyu.

Liu Tianyu's gentle eyes at this moment suddenly looked like a sharp sword coming out of the sheath, which was so sharp that a soft whip appeared in his hands for the first time.

The intelligent wolf and explosive wolf standing behind him hold the weapons in their hands for the first time and deal with them at any time.

As for the four little wolves, they spread out at the first time to form an encirclement, which can not only prevent Lin Fei from escaping, but also form a siege.

The cooperation between Liu Tianyu and zhilang is quite similar to that of Meng Lianggu. Liu Tianyu is the General Commander. No matter how powerful Lin Fei is, once he is under siege, he has to die.

Whether Liu Tianyu or zhilang, they don't believe that Lin Fei can defeat himself and others.

Once Lin Fei misses the chance, they will have the chance to hang Lin Fei togethe

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