Lin Fei's speed is also very fast, almost in an instant, people have rushed to less than three meters away from Liu Tianyu.

With the four King Kong, zhilang takes a quick step forward and stands in front of Liu Tianyu, blocking Liu Tianyu behind him.

Lin Fei was immediately surrounded and became a turtle in a jar.

A turtle in a jar is attacked by a group.

However, Lin Fei at the moment is not a turtle, on the contrary, he is a rising dragon, a dragon that will travel for nine days.

How can a dragon be trapped? Let alone a small turtle, what can a bigger cage be?

Lin Fei raised two sticks at the same time and drew two beautiful curves to the left and right. The two sharp wind sounds like two sharp blades tearing apart cloth.

It's just the air.

The two hands of this hit with savagery, with arrogance, exuded arrogance, but also with the kind of disdain for Liu Tianyu, heavily hit down.

It's a sharp blow. It's a blow for me.

However, this action is very simple, even without any characteristics, but it gives people a strong visual shock and a spiritual shock.

Aggressive savage, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant.


No match for domineering!

Liu Tianyu's face suddenly changed, and the face of the explosive wolf in front of him also changed. Even the intelligent wolf and the four King Kong behind him also changed greatly.

In front of him, Lin Fei was like a dragon with its head raised high. Looking up at the sky, he wanted to take off, jump and soar.

This is the God of war that -

cannot resist and defeat.

Liu Tianyu had already trembled with fear, and even felt powerless.

He can send people to smash meizishuang's group, challenge Li Qingfeng's majesty across regions, and even be afraid of Li Qingfeng's counterattack, even face it with a smile.

Because he knows his strength, he has full self-confidence, he has proud self-confidence, he has domineering self-confidence -

among the other three kings of Jiangnan City, there is no one who can defeat him.

However, in the face of Lin Fei's simple and rude attack, there was a feeling of being controlled, a feeling of powerlessness, and even despair and sadness.

Even, he had the intention to give up resistance and let Lin Fei attack.

With the wind coming closer and closer, Liu Tianyu suddenly woke up.

At this time, the stick of Lin Fei's right hand is less than 20 cm away from his shoulder. If he hits it, he can be sure that his bone will be broken and become a useless person.

After all, Liu Tianyu is Liu Tianyu, the president of Yutian society, and also an expert in the middle of Xuanji.

At the critical moment of his life and death, he suddenly regained his mind and moved to the elixir field. An internal force was injected into the soft whip, which immediately seemed to be frozen and hardened quickly. Then he met Lin Fei with his right stick.

At the same time, his body is rapid retreat, want to open the distance with Lin Fei.


The wooden stick collided with the soft whip and made a sound of metal collision.

Lin Fei's stick heavily hit Liu Tianyu's soft whip filled with Qi.


There was a crisp crack of ice.

The hardened soft sword in Liu Tianyu's hand broke apart in an instant, just like a piece of ice was broken into countless pieces. Instead of sections, it turned into a stream of dust and flew directly into the air.

Not only that, Liu Tianyu's arms also seem to be hit by a high-speed car, numb, and then limp down.

The bones of the fingers and forearms were all broken.

However, Liu Tianyu has rich experience and is still trying to retreat in this desperate situation.

The stick in Lin Fei's hand almost rubbed his nose and fell down. The strong momentum even left a thin bloodstain on his face.

But no matter what, Liu Tianyu finally escaped the inevitable attack.

"Run, run."

Liu Tianyu, who avoided Lin Fei's inevitable attack, didn't attack again and didn't give the order of encircling and killing. Instead, he gave a loud order to escape.

And he was the first to turn around and run.

The middle level master, the first master of yutianhui, is seriously injured by Lin Fei. Let others resist. Isn't that seeking death?

He ran away.

Unfortunately, just in front of him, the wolf didn't even have the chance to escape. Lin Fei's left stick hit him heavily on his right shoulder.

After the crisp click sound, the explosive wolf didn't even call out. His body was like a pool of mud on the ground.

A cry of escape.

A crisp sound.

It's a complete shock.

It's totally frightening.

Yu Tianhui's followers who look up to Liu Tianyu collapse, tremble and fear.The most powerful Liu Tianyu is able to recover a life, and the explosive wolf directly lies on the ground, but in front of them are invincible people, let these people look up to the people, they all failed.

And let them escape?

More importantly, Liu Tianyu took the lead in escaping?

Is this Liu Tianyu, the president of Yutian society?

Is this the first master of yutianhui?

Many people's brains are blank and can't believe what's going on in front of them.

You know, Yutian club can develop to today, Yutian club president Liu Tianyu's insidious and ferocious is known to all.

There was once a man who was afraid of running away in battle, but he killed him in front of everyone. The purpose was to make an example.

What he hates most is deserting.

Today, however, he didn't attack but defended. He ordered to escape and took the lead.

At first, in these people's eyes, even if Lin Fei is strong, what can he do alone?

As long as we surround it and rely on the advantage of the number of people, we can defeat it and control it.

After all, there are hundreds of them, and they can even kill Lin Fei.

They were all waiting for Liu Tianyu to issue an attack order. As long as Liu Tianyu said something, they would fight Lin Fei to death. Even if they were killed by him in the end, they would not be deserters or dare to be deserters.

However, as the president of the Yutian society, Liu Tianyu fled like this, took the lead in escaping, and still left that sentence to escape?

Many people feel that they are dreaming, but everything is true.

After all, Liu Tianyu's escape figure is still visible, and even blood splashes in the air, which makes them have to believe.

In fact, Liu Tianyu never thought that he would run away. He always thought that if he wanted to run away, he would not be afraid of death and would dare to give up his life. However

But at this moment, he did not hesitate to escape, and even allowed his subordinates and his brothers to escape as soon as possible, which violated his own rules.

It's just because of Lin Fei's domineering spirit, which deeply shocked him.

At the thought of that domineering spirit, Liu Tianyu felt cold on his back, cold and sweaty.

Let the brothers fight with such people, that is to die.

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