The perfect man.

Beautiful words.

The temptation of money.

The feeling of heartbeat.

At the moment, the two women have forgotten their identity. They only have Lin Fei in their eyes and only one idea in their heart, which is to buy a house for Lin Fei.

"What's your name, sir? How big a house do you want to buy? "

Another receptionist had already responded, smiling at Lin Fei. His eyes flashed with deep feeling, and he asked with surprise and appreciation in his eyes.

"Just call me Mr. Lin, I want to buy..."

Linfei pauses.

"Mr. Lin, my name is Shu Ying. I'm glad to serve you. Let me know the house you need. I'll handle it for you now."

The receptionist who spoke first was the first to speak again.

Another front desk face showed displeasure, just want to speak, Lin Fei opened his mouth.

"The two beauties are so beautiful and likable. I think you're the only one?"

"The two of us?"

Shu Ying asked suspiciously.


With that, Lin Fei took out two bank cards, one in each hand, and gently pushed them toward the two women.

Two women's eyes suddenly shine brilliantly, look to Lin Fei's eyes is sparkle twinkle.


What a gold!


The two looked at each other.

Nod at the same time.

"Mr. Chelu and I can meet all your requirements."

Shu Ying said, holding Lin Fei's right hand in both hands, Che Lu is not willing to lag behind, holding Lin Fei's left hand.

Lin Fei's heart is a wave.


Even in order to buy a house, they began to hint that they could sneak rules. This is -

dog blood!

Damn it!

Even if I really want three people, last night and this morning, Jiang Yu and long Nu are hundreds of times better than them. With their long legs and thin waist, and the movement breath of their whole body, they can make people turn into tanks, march forward bravely and go completely crazy!

Lin Fei pretended to be happy on purpose.

The two women are secretly happy in their hearts. No matter how perfect a man is, he can't stand the temptation. The water in his eyes is rippling and colorful, which makes him more charming.

"These 20000 are your hard work expenses. The password is six eights."

Lin Fei spoke.

The two women held their hands more tightly and felt more excited.

In fact, Lin Fei doesn't give them bank cards. They also want to roll the sheets with Lin Fei. It's so cool.

It's an idea that comes at the first glance.

In their line of business, it's OK to sell commercial houses and villas. Many times, it's called taking customers to see villas. In fact, they can only sell their houses after they go to villas to meet the various needs of those people.

This has become a hidden rule, and they have all experienced it.

Compared with those fat belly or arrogant and domineering rich second generation, Lin Fei's low-key introverted, handsome and charming, let them willingly devote themselves, even if two people go to accompany at the same time, they are willing to have a try.


That's the absolute charm!

How can I not be surprised and unhappy to pay myself back now?

"Mr. Lin, I'll offer you the house now. You can choose for yourself."

Compared with Che Lu, Shu Ying knows more about men.

She has taken out a source book from the drawer and opened it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction and began to search at will.

There are 45 buildings in it. There are more than 3000 multi-storey and high-rise houses. You can choose them at will.

On the other hand, the voice of the salesperson continued to spread to Lin Fei: "there is still the last building left, fifty houses. We will buy them in order..."

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth showed a proud smile.

As expected.

"Drink some water, sir, and choose slowly."

Che Lu brings a glass of water and puts it in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei just finished, looked at Che Lu and Shu Ying and said, "I want to buy the whole building."

It's not very loud, just so that everyone in the room can hear it.

On the other side, the salesperson just finished, leaving the last building.

Lin Fei's voice exploded in the room, and then

"No, I've been waiting in line for more than three hours to buy a house."

"I buy a house by number. I have to buy it."

"I want to buy it, too."


The crowd was boiling.

The salesperson's eyes are also on this side.

"Shu Ying, what are you doing?"

The seller's eyes were obviously unhappy.

"Lan Lan, Mr. Lin is our client. He is choosing a house."Shu Ying straightens his waist and looks at the woman who is called LAN LAN. He responds without showing weakness.

They work as receptionists, and they rotate every day.

Shu Ying and Che Lu are salesmen themselves. Originally, it was their turn to be on duty today. They were very unhappy and had bad luck voluntarily. Now they are very happy to come to Lin Fei, such a luxury customer.

"You are receptionists today, not salesmen. Don't you know?"

Lan Lan was a little angry and yelled.

"What if we're receptionists? Mr. Lin is our repeat customer. He wants to buy us a house. Of course, we should give him a warm reception. "

Che Lu was not willing to be outdone and stood up.

"Repeat customers? I think it's still in bed! "

Blue blue see their performance is about to be robbed, also anxious, speak also no scruples.

"What does it have to do with you? If Mr. Lin wants to buy a house, I'll sell it. If you have the ability, let Mr. Lin buy your house! "

Shu Ying's face was gloomy, with anger in his eyes. He fought back hard.

"Cough, you have 45 houses here. I'll buy any of them, and it won't affect your continued sales, will it?"

Lin Fei spoke.

"What? Isn't there only one house left? "

"So you're lying."

"It's a deceptive hunger marketing. Nima, I stood for three hours in vain. "

"What are you? In order to buy this dilapidated house, I started arranging numbers six months ago. "


The crowd was frying this time, and everyone was shouting.

Lan Lan's face became pale and a little depressed, but she was more angry with Shu Ying and Che Lu.

"You did it! I'll go to the manager now. "

With that, Lan Lan turned around and left.

"What happened?"

The voice rang out, and then came the sound of high heels Dangdang Dangdang under the feet of women.

Lin Fei looked up and saw that the woman's hair was on her head, and a leopard print clip was on it. Her face was wearing a charming smile, and she was very fashionable.

However, the most attractive thing about this woman is the pair of Danfeng eyes, with a touch of amorous feelings and all kinds of charm. It shows the characteristics of mature women and mature women. It is estimated that even the eunuch will become a normal man here.

"Manager Xu, Shu Ying and Che Lu are responsible for the reception work and participate in the sale of houses, which leads to the leakage of our housing supply and now leads to the dissatisfaction of buyers."

Lan Lan takes the lead.

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