Manager Xu's name is Xu Yu. If he Zhiping sees her, I don't know if she will be stripped off at the moment, because she is he Zhiping's private secretary.

After accompanying he Zhiping last time, she was arranged to work as a manager in Fulin home sales office. This is her first time as a manager.

Fulin home is the real estate of Tianli real estate. Lin Fei let people know after investigation yesterday. At the same time, he knew that it was open for sale today, so he came here.

He wants to give he Zhiping a big surprise.

At the moment, seeing the manager coming, he also laughed in his heart, and the good play was going to be staged gradually.

At the moment, Xu Yuwen heard about the leakage of the housing supply, and his face was suddenly gloomy. You know, every time a developer buys a house, he first has to sell the worst house, and it's still the worst house type among the worst.

In this way, it will be difficult to sell, so we take the measures of reluctant to sell, hunger marketing, to mobilize the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of home buyers. After they take away the bad ones, the good houses will be sold gradually.

As for the explanation, that is the mouth of developers, who can decide?

Xu Yu looks at Shu Ying and Che Lu and is about to blame them.

"Manager Xu, this Mr. Lin wants to buy the whole building, and he is our repeat customer, so we specialize in service."

Shu Ying is the first to explain.

If you make a mistake, you must find a way to make it up.

Xu Yu had already arrived, and his anger pressed back in an instant.

Buy the whole building?

All of a sudden, his face was full of surprise, then surprise.

Although the real estate prices in Jiangnan City soared due to the emergence of Lin Fei, the most successful owner in the early history, the subsequent sales were still weak. Therefore, the company came up with all kinds of tempting sales methods and wanted to sell them as soon as possible, but the pressure was still huge.

Now, it's a pleasure that someone wants to buy the whole building.

"Manager Xu, do you think he looks like someone who can afford to wear fake goods and sunglasses from a roadside stall?"

Lan Lan sees Xu Yu's face become slow and says in a hurry.

Xu Yugang was just attracted by the quantity, but he didn't look at it carefully. Now he looked again, and his eyes were straight.

She felt as if her heart had been lost in an instant, and her eyes didn't want to leave any more. Even now she wanted to go to the toilet to deal with her personal affairs, because -

she had a reaction.

Too, too handsome.

What about the stall?

He Zhiping has been pressed by him for several times. He has already known all kinds of famous brands. When he saw Lin Fei's clothes, he knew that they were genuine Versace limited edition. As for sunglasses, they are a fake.

But that doesn't mean much.

"Sir, do you really want to buy the whole building?"

Although Xu Yu felt a little uncomfortable walking, she hurried forward and said with a flattering smile.

"Of course, even more."

Lin Fei's tone is flat, but his voice is more beautiful.

Xu Yu felt that her pores were all opened, and she wanted to jump into Lin Fei's arms.

Shu Ying and Che Lu look at each other, but they are full of confidence when they think of two people accompanying Lin Fei.

Men, who don't want to play wonderful and exciting?

They look at each other and encourage each other.

"Manager Xu, you can't be cheated by him. I think he is very unreliable."

Blue blue a little depressed, the voice again from behind.

Xu Yugang wanted to respond. There was a sound of footwork outside.

"Hello, who is Mr. Lin?"


When people heard about it, eight men with guns appeared at the door.

"Manager Xu, you see, if he is really a liar, someone has come to arrest him."

Blue blue face with a smile called out.


Shu Ying smiles. "Blue, what's your look? They're armed escorts, aren't they? "

"Money carriers." Che Lu added.

Blue face turned red to her ears. She didn't look at it carefully just now, but she was in charge of escort.

"I am."

Lin Fei came out slowly with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lin, all your money has been delivered. Do you want to unload now?"

A bank employee came forward and asked respectfully.

"Unloading, all in these two beautiful reception desk here."

Lin Fei points to Shu Ying and Che Lu.


Everyone breathed at the scene.

Shu Ying and Che Lu's face are already smiling.


What a local tyrant!

Blue face is black now.

"Lan Lan, you see Mr. Lin's money has been sent, or is it a liar?"

How can Shu Ying miss such a good opportunity.Blue blue depressed mouth, did not dare to speak.

Because Xu Yu's eyes had been eager to turn it into ashes.

If it wasn't for her, Xu Yu would have warmly welcomed Lin Fei.


Xu Yu quickly steps towards Lin Fei. When she comes near him, she deliberately steps unsteadily and pounces on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei grinned at the corner of his mouth and didn't hide. On the contrary, he took the initiative to help him.

Gentlemanly, absolutely gentlemanly.

Xu Yu just took the opportunity to hold Lin Fei's arm, and then half of her body pressed on Lin Fei's arm.


A very beautiful elasticity, coupled with the whole body sent out the breath of maturity, but there is a charming -


Unfortunately, Lin Fei did not move, on the contrary, more disdain.

"Mr. Lin, this is a hundred million. Would you like to go over it?"

Bank staff pointed to the more than 20 password boxes on the ground, with a very respectful tone.

He has been in the bank for nearly ten years. For the first time, he met a client with a cash withdrawal of 100 million yuan. Moreover, it was the first time that he saw the branch manager personally coordinate this matter, so in his eyes, Lin Fei is the VIP in the VIP, so he should be respectful.

"Don't count. Let's work hard and help me take out all the money and put it on a wall."


Lin Fei's words just came out, and everyone at the scene called out.

Many people were shocked when they heard that there was a hundred million in it. Now, when they heard that they had to put it all out, they almost had a heart attack on the spot!

Shu Ying and Che Lu almost danced excitedly, and looked at the blue eyes with more disdain.

Blue blue's face was so gray that she could not believe it was true.

"Come here, everyone

Xu Yu was surprised by the shock and immediately asked for help.

Now she wants to hug Lin Fei and kiss her. Even if she wants her in full view, she will accept it.

As a manager, many people just don't agree with her. They think she comes out by sleeping with her.

Responsible for the sales of Fulin home, there are many people who have already made coffee, got their mobile phones, and are ready to see the horrible pictures, and then made them into videos and sent them to the circle of friends.

Unexpectedly, a local tyrant like Lin Fei, a super local tyrant, not only wants to be rich, but also wants to show off her wealth. Isn't this to help her do publicity?

She really loves Lin Fei.

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