Cao Ming's face was as angry as a pig's liver. He clenched his fists again, and his swollen face became more fiery and uncomfortable.

Cao Liangping stood beside him, his face was livid, and he kept staring at Cao Ming without saying a word.

Cao Ming and others don't know the identity of Yu Junzhe. Cao Liangping knows that, especially when the boss wants to see Lin Fei, it's an active appointment.

Think about the directors. If they want to meet the mayor, they have to be polite to the secretary. They have to wait in line to meet him.

Now, Lin Fei is being asked to see, which is the gap.

Although he didn't know Lin Fei's background, the ups and downs of officialdom all the year round made him grasp the key point at once. He knew that Lin Fei couldn't be provoked and could only hold his breath in the dark!

"Mr. Lin and director Feng, I have contacted the major cinemas in Jiangnan City. At 10:30 this evening, the film" dark night "will be shown in all cinemas in Jiangnan City at the same time. Now the publicity and reporting have begun, and the online ticketing system has begun to sell tickets." Cao Liangping knocked off his teeth and swallowed them in his stomach. He had no choice but to flatter him.

"We don't need your help!" Lin Fei's direct voice is cold to refuse a way.


Cao Liangping laughed awkwardly.

Cao Ming wanted to get angry, but Cao Liangping stopped him with his eyes.

People at the scene can't understand Lin Fei any more now. What's the relationship between Lin Fei and his confidence?

"The tickets for the movie are sold out!"

"Netizens are boiling, strongly demanding that all major cinemas can add another one today."

"Look, some cinemas have already removed scheduled films and are ready to release them in advance."

"My God! It seems that "dark night" will be on fire soon


Some people on the scene surf the Internet and immediately shout when they see the news.

"Brother Feng, call the major cinemas immediately, and" dark night "will be delayed."


Feng Ke was a little surprised at Lin Fei's decision.

"Get rid of all the brand advertisements involving the previous investors. Since they quit, there is no need to give them publicity." Lin Fei looks at those investors at the same table and says in a cold voice.


The former investors who had heard that "dark night" was going to be popular online, but also worried about China and the United States, were instantly dumbfounded.

"Director Feng, please don't! We have supported you before. You have spent so much money for nearly a year. You can't be so ruthless. " Zhang Yunhai was the first to call out.

"Didn't I give you 10% interest just now? Have you forgotten? " Lin Fei asked coldly.

"I, we..."

Other people who want to talk, instant shriveled eggplant.

Lin Fei is telling the truth.

"If you want to get this rare advertising opportunity, everyone can pay the advertising fee, or one-time, or follow the proportion of income after the release of our film, and choose their own mode." Lin Fei gives the choice directly.

"You, you're a little too dark!"

"Yes! You Gree beauty clothing brand, I promise that a word will not appear in the film

Lin Fei doesn't talk nonsense at all, and his answer is very straightforward.

Zhang Yunhai was silly.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, how about this? I'll give you back the money you gave me just now. How about the advertising expenses for the movie? " Xia Shixing responded quickly and immediately stood up and said.

"I agree." Sun Ze followed.

"We agree!"

Some people took the lead and others from behind responded.

Just now, just a few pieces of news on the Internet have made these tycoons who have been in business for many years immediately seize the business opportunities. Although they regret their withdrawal, they have to seize the opportunity behind them.

"Good! I agree. " Lin Fei decided directly.

He didn't even discuss with fengke and Li angqi. After all, he is the biggest shareholder and has the most say.

"Mr. Lin, I agree." Zhang Yunhai also said.

"What do you want?"



Thank you, Mr. Lin

"But you need double the money."

Zhang Yunhai

"If you make a mistake, you have to pay for it. You can do it yourself." Lin Fei said firmly.

Zhang Yunhai moved the corner of his mouth twice, gritted his teeth at last, nodded and said, "I agree!"

In less than half an hour, he lost 5 million, which made him extremely indignant. Looking up at Cao Ming, "Cao Ming, you son of a bitch! We're all in your hole. "

Zhang Yunhai's curse instantly reminds other investors.

"Cao Ming, you son of a bitch. If you hadn't stirred up dissension, we would have returned the original film with additional investment."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have seen the money fall today, which has nothing to do with us, and we wouldn't have lost millions.""Cao Ming, we are going to accuse you of using your father's authority to suppress your fellow stars."


Zhang Yunhai's scolding made other investors turn their anger on Cao Ming at the same time, and the insults came one after another in the banquet hall.

Cao Ming's red and swollen face turned into a monkey's ass this time.

Cao Liangping felt dizzy in his brain, and his blood pressure was constantly rising. Several times, he almost fell over.

Look at Cao Ming's eyes, in addition to hate! Still hate!

Lin Fei didn't even look at Cao Ming. Instead, he looked at Mu Xinxuan, ruoshue and Qiao Tiannan on the stage and said calmly: "in order to thank you for your support for brother Feng in the dark night movie, I decided to take 5% of the box office profit as the bonus for the three of you."


With these words, the scene exploded instantly.

Five percent, even one hundred million has five million. According to the current situation, there must be more than one hundred million at the box office.

When people in the banquet hall looked at Xiang Mu Xinxuan, their eyes were full of envy.

Feng Ke's excited lips keep wriggling. Lin Fei's face is too much for him. It's no less than his support for his film investment. You know, just now, he was rebellious.

As long as they keep Mu Xinxuan and the three of them, there is still hope for their next film to be popular again.

Ruo Xue and Qiao Tiannan are very happy and thank you.

Only mu Xinxuan is calm. Now she can't understand Lin Fei.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, we are also actors in this film." Zhong Zifu said with a very stiff name of Mr. Lin.

"Yes! We are the first and second supporting roles in it. You should not forget us. " Gu lanyue heard the large reward, immediately eyes light, looking at Lin Fei, full of expectation said.

"You want it, too?"


"What qualifications do you have?" Lin Fei suddenly raised his voice and yelled angrily.

"I, we..." The two did not speak for a long time.

"Cao Ming, it's all because of you. I've been killed by you for sleeping in vain, by your hidden rules, and even expelled by the crew. I don't get the bonus. I hate you so much." Gu lanyue can't control her anger any more, and she spouts angrily at Cao Ming!

"You, you give the bitch, don't talk nonsense to me there!"

"Bitches? Your family are all whores, your father is a whore with a sign. Who doesn't know that he is your dependence and your arrogant capital. If it wasn't for him, how could you stop the release of "dark night"! Your Cao family should be investigated and sent to the judicial organ.... "

Gu lanyue is completely provoked by Cao Ming, and can no longer control her anger.

Cao Liangping, whose blood pressure has been surging up, suddenly falls down in the dark

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