Cao Liangping was soon carried away by the ambulance.

Cao Ming followed the ambulance.

However, until he left, Gu lanyue was still abusing.

This makes Cao Ming thoroughly disgraced in the circle!

Those investors at the banquet left shaking their heads and sighing, while they kept abusing Cao Ming.

In the end, the actors and crew members who fought with him also left in shame.

But no one else left. On the contrary, the banquet became more and more heated. Everyone went to Lin Fei again and again, toasted, gave his business card, left his phone number, and added wechat

Originally, Lin Fei was a poor boy who was looked down upon by everyone. In the blink of an eye, he became the main character of the banquet.

If it doesn't, it will make a big difference.

Today, Lin Fei had many difficulties when he entered Xinyuan Hotel. He was insulted again and again when he entered the banquet hall. Even when he was sitting at the first table, he was also looked down upon by countless people.

Even when Cao Ming was the most arrogant, many people looked at him with disdain and ridicule.

However, just now, Lin Fei completely overturned everyone's impression and became a successful loser. He became the youngest rich man in Jiangnan City, a respected rich man and a respected rich man.

The end of the song!

Feng Ke drank too much, this is the most proud time of his life, "dark night" has just been released, but he can foresee the coming box office revenue.

Until Zhao Ren took him away, he was still shouting "Lin Fei is my brother! It's my best brother


"The system prompts that the second revenue will arrive."

The soft and cute loliyin makes Lin Fei's heart tremble.

"Didn't I just get involved? The movie just came out?" Lin Fei was puzzled by the sudden start of the system.

"The advertising revenue of the movie" dark night "is close to 100 million. Today, the revenue from its release has exceeded 20 million, and the final box office revenue will exceed 3 billion."

Soft and cute loliyin, what she says is surprise.

"Will there be such a high box office? Are you sure? "

Lin Fei asked excitedly.

"Of course! We are a system with the ability to foresee the past and the future, so when you choose to invest, you already know whether you can complete the task. "


Lin Fei feels fooled by the system!

"You should be happy. Now there are more than 6 billion in your account, which many people can't achieve in their lifetime."


Lin Fei couldn't help praising.

"Here's the reward for this mission."

"What is it? Tell me Lin Fei can't wait.

"Reward 20 million merit."

"Reward a stand in card."

Soft and sweet loli sounds again.

"What's the use of a stand in card?"

"A stand in card can get your real person out of danger, and the fake person can take the risk for you."

"Isn't that equivalent to one more life?"

"It's understandable."


"Great! Now help me upgrade all the attributes to 60. "

Thinking that he has such a super stand in card, coupled with the continuous improvement of quality, Lin Fei is now about to go crazy with joy.

"Spend 100000 merit points, and add 1 attribute to agility."

"Spend 100000 merit and virtue points, add 1 attribute to your figure."

"Spend 100000 merit points, add 1 attribute to sound."


Lin Fei directly increased all attributes to 60.

Agility and spirit were originally the lowest, but now they have reached the same level. Lin Fei feels that his body becomes lighter and lighter. It seems that he can jump several meters with one step.

As for the improvement of spiritual attributes, in front of the virtual board, you can see more system functions.

Lin Fei's temperament became more handsome and comfortable.

"Congratulations, master, the upgrade is complete!"

"What's my next task?"

"Master, are you sure you are ready?"


The task of one billion yuan was completed on the same day, which greatly increased Lin Fei's confidence. Now he only wants to make money and realize his goal of becoming the richest man as soon as possible.


"A new task has come -"

"get a graduate degree!"

"I -"

"isn't the money generation system used to make money?"

"Money includes both tangible and intangible. Your knowledge and wisdom are money as well as investment. "


"All right!"

Lin Fei is helpless.

Especially when I think of my graduation defense tomorrow, my heart"What do you think?" Xinla Xuan's voice came back to the reality system.

Lin Fei looks at the entire banquet hall. There are only two people left in the empty hall, he and Mu Xinxuan.

"Don't look at me!" Seeing Lin Fei's eyes, Mu Xinxuan said coldly.

Although Lin Fei's performance is very good today, many women are secretly looking at him, but she will never be with Lin Fei. She is still angry in her heart, which is her first time.

"I don't look at you! I want to hold you

With that, Lin Fei has stepped to Mu Xinxuan's side.

Mu Xinxuan wants to escape, but it's too late.

Lin Fei has not only changed his temperament, but also his body has become extremely agile since he loaded the Xuan level force.

Although drunk a lot of wine, but still not drunk, action is still very sensitive.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Go back to sleep!"

Hearing sleep, Mu Xinxuan seems to have been trampled on her tail and quickly dodged. As a result, she stepped on the hem of her dress and fell to one side.

Lin Fei put his hand around her waist and said with a smile, "do you want to sleep so much?"


Mu Xinxuan's eyes turned black and almost vomited blood on the spot.

Like a frightened rabbit, she suddenly stood up, tried to calm down, pretended to be calm, looked at Lin Fei and said, "I have something to ask you!"

"Go back and talk!"


"The hotel last night!"

Mu Xinxuan said angrily, "first answer my question."

"What's the problem?"

"Why did you invest in the dark night movie?"

"Make money!"


Mu Xinxuan takes a long breath. She doesn't want to be sentimental, but she absolutely doesn't want to owe Lin Fei.

"But I invest more for you!"

"For me?" Mu Xinxuan has just calmed down and has made waves again.

"Yes! It's for you

Mu Xinxuan looks at Lin Fei with both eyes and solemnly asks, "what if they all lose?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"You, you're rich?" Mu Xinxuan asked suspiciously.

"It's not very rich at present, but it will be in the future!" Lin Fei thought of his task to become the richest man, suddenly said.

Ha ha!

"I didn't expect you to brag!" Mu Xinxuan joked with a smile.

"I'm not bragging! But you are stupid

"Why am I stupid?"

"If you get up this morning and get married with me, half of these 200 odd houses are yours now, which is enough for you to earn a few years." Lin Fei laughs.

Mu Xinxuan's eyebrows were twisted into a line

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