Ma Xiaotian looks very anxious. He turns around barefoot, mumbles in his mouth and looks anxious.

"What's going on?"

Lin Fei is completely speechless about his friend's abnormal behavior and asks with a smile.

"Lin Fei, at this time, you still laugh! You know what? You can't pass this thesis defense! "

Ma Xiaotian suddenly looks dignified and says to Lin Fei.

"Oh? Why? " Lin Fei was stunned.

He chose a business investment topic. If he had talked about this topic before, it might have been a kind of illusion. Now, because of the house purchase and the investment in the movie "dark night", he can say that he has a deeper understanding of this topic, and he is sure to be able to reply with ease. Ma Xiaotian's words surprised him a little.

"Ah! Lin Fei, as a brother, although I don't want to hit you, I still want to tell you that you have a psychological preparation! "

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei was completely amused by Ma Xiaotian's performance.

"Lin Fei, why do you feel like a different person? It seems to have calmed down a lot. "

"But, alas! But you must have answered your graduation thesis

"What's more, not only she, but also your" wild seed "teacher has openly said that your thesis is too boastful to pass the defense."

Ma Xiaotian finally said it without hesitation.

Lin Fei frowned and didn't say anything for a long time.

The task of the system is to study as a graduate student and get a graduate degree. Now it's OK. The undergraduate defense may not pass. Isn't that a pit father?

"Lin, Lin Fei, I know this matter is very hard, but I hope you can be a little stronger, big deal next year to change a teacher, the same pass."

Ma Xiaotian thinks Lin Fei is stimulated, so he shakes his arm to persuade him.

"He wants me not to pass?" After a while, Lin Fei's eyes narrowed, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"Wild seed" is a private name for Jiang Yezhong.

Others don't know about him, but Lin Fei is very clear about him. Jiang Yezhong is usually very powerful. When he chose his topic, he asked Lin Fei to give him two cigarettes before he agreed.

During this period of time, Lin Fei learned through other channels that Jiang Yezhong had been using the defense link for many years, either to let male students give gifts and money, or to make hidden rules for female students. Many people were very angry.

At the beginning, the reason why she chose him was that Wang Mengyao chose late. In the end, only Jiang Yezhong could choose him.

Now, unexpectedly

Although Lin Fei doesn't know why Wang Mengyao knew the news ahead of time, at the moment, Lin Fei's view of the problem is no longer so superficial. He can think that there must be a problem in the middle.

However, now that Jiang Yezhong has spoken, he is a scum.

This kind of person is not worthy to be a teacher!

"Lin Fei, go and give Jiang Yezhong some gifts or some money now. Maybe you can make some accommodation. Before a while, you'll really reply and it's over!"

Ma Xiaotian said anxiously.

"Yes! I'll go to see him as soon as you tell me, but... " Lin Fei showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

If put before, Lin Fei encounters this kind of thing, the only way out is to beg Jiang Yezhong, even kneel down to beg.

But now that Lin Fei has a system, will he ask for it?

"Lin Fei, I have only one thousand yuan left. Take it and try to find a way to solve the problem."

Ma Xiaotian took out ten red tickets from under his pillow and put them into Lin Fei's hands.

Lin Fei holds the money in his hand and looks at Ma Xiaotian.

Ma Xiaotian seems to feel a little less, sorry brother, his face showed a bitter smile, "I only have these, if only more!"

Lin Fei grabs Ma Xiaotian's hand and shoves the money back into his hand. His eyes are full of affection and he says: "good brother! I don't need it! "

"Lin Fei, no need? If you don't have money, you'll never get through

"With him? Not enough! "

Lin Fei finished, patted Ma Xiaotian on the shoulder, turned and walked out.

"Lin Fei, don't be impulsive. It's a big deal."

Ma Xiaotian wants to chase after him and finds that he is still barefoot, while Lin Fei has disappeared.

Jiang Yezhong's office.

There is a gap in the door. Jiang Yezhong's fat body is like a wall, and the only obvious thing is the back of his head.

Lin Fei had a fire in his heart. He didn't even knock on the door. He pushed the door and walked in, even with a strong momentum.

Jiang Yezhong's two eyes are staring at the computer screen at the moment, and the direct person has gone in.

Hearing Lin Fei's footsteps, he was so scared that he went to close the web page in a hurry. As a result, accidentally, the click became maximization. It happened to be the sports pictures of men and women, especially eye-catching, especiallyJiang Yezhong reacted quickly, quickly blocked the screen with his body and turned to the door.

When he saw that it was Lin Fei, he was so angry that he dared to disturb his interest and scared him.

"Lin Fei! Don't you know how to knock when you enter the office? Do you understand the rules, and do you know the consequences of writing your paper like shit? " Jiang Yezhong's face was gloomy and he began to scold.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm here to defend my thesis." Lin Fei said while walking to Jiang Yezhong.

"Oh? You want me to pass my thesis, don't you? It's very simple. "

Jiang Yezhong gave birth to a cunning smile at the corner of his mouth. He rubbed his fingers and asked for money.

Lin Fei gave a cold smile, which he had already guessed.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention. He pulled a chair and sat down. It seemed that he didn't think it was enough. He cocked up his legs.

"Lin Fei, you..." Jiang Yezhong is angry.

"I've come to beg you, and I don't intend to beg you. Now you have a chance, that is to let my thesis defense pass smoothly! Otherwise... "

"Or what?" Jiang Yezhong asked with a playful smile.

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed: "otherwise, I promise you will pay a heavy price!"

"What? Let me pay a heavy price? You're a poor college student? Ha ha, what a joke Jiang Yezhong couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Yezhong is a cunning man. He always bullies people who suffer losses and have to bear them silently.

Lin Fei is exactly the object in his eyes.

With Zhang Qi's mutual pursuit, nature enjoys it.

"Boy, I'll leave my words here too. You make me very unhappy today, and your thesis is very watery. If you don't give me a satisfactory compensation, I will not only make you unable to pass the defense this time, but also in the future, so you won't get your diploma!"

Lin Fei's face sank after hearing the speech.

"Wild seed, you are a scum. You really don't deserve to be a teacher! Since you don't cherish the opportunity I give you, you'll wait to regret it! "

Lin Fei stood up and left, just like he didn't come to beg Jiang Yezhong.

In fact,

is also true.

"Wild seed!"

Jiang Yezhong hit the table and roared.

"Bastard, how dare you call me" wild seed "! How dare you talk to me like that! I promise you, it must be you who regret it

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