In University, it's unwise to offend teachers. After all, there is a limit to the number of students who fail in four-year courses.

But the defense offends the teacher, that is digging the road for oneself.

As for Lin Fei, he even saw the movie Jiang Yezhong was watching. If he wanted to clean up Jiang Yezhong, he could easily get the handle.

But, he disdains.


Animals in clothes!

How to teach?

Today, Lin Fei is going to be a messenger of justice. He wants Jiang Yezhong to pay for his behavior and make him disappear from Jiangnan University of science and technology.

In the headmaster's office, headmaster Zhang Guodong just put down the phone. His brain is still in a chaotic state. He can't understand it.

Just now, he received a phone call from the Secretary of the mayor of Jiangnan City. The mayor of Jiangnan City decided to attend today's graduation thesis defense and summary meeting of Jiangnan University of science and technology, and will make an important speech to encourage young people to stay and take root in Jiangnan City, so as to retain and develop talents for the development of Jiangnan City.

That's a good thing!

But I don't know why it suddenly came to their school. You know, in Jiangnan City, Jiangnan University of science and technology is not such a good school. The mayor should go to a better school.

I couldn't figure it out for a moment, but he still attached great importance to it and was ready to ask the Secretary to arrange the venue in advance and hold an emergency meeting.

Zhang Guodong just wanted to pick up the landline to make a call, when there was a knock outside the door.

"Dong Dong Dong."

"Come in!" Zhang Guodong put down the phone, looked to the door and said.


With the sound of opening the door, Lin Fei came in.

Zhang Guodong's original anxious mood, and then see Lin Fei such an unrelated person, become more irritable.

"Classmate, what's up?"

"Headmaster Zhang, I'm in a bad mood. I want to donate some money to the school." Lin Fei seems to be telling a joke.

"Donations?" Zhang Guodong's eyes swept over Lin Fei's body, and his heart was even more agitated. You, a person whose clothes are not worth 200 yuan, came here to donate money. Isn't this a waste of my precious time?

"Ha ha, this classmate, you are willing to take care of yourself. You'd better take care of yourself as your living expenses."

What Zhang Guodong said was quite implicit. He reached out to pick up the phone and would continue to call his secretary.

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth rises slightly. He understands what Zhang Guodong means.

However, he was not angry.

"Headmaster Zhang, I want to donate 20 million!"


"What? How much? " Zhang Guodong hands of the phone directly fell on the table, people are surprised to stand up, look at Lin Fei, surprised asked.

"Twenty million!" Lin Fei smiles to confirm again.

"Sit down!"

"Sit down!"

"Sit down, please!"

Zhang Guodong came out of the table and took Lin Fei to the sofa.

"This classmate, do you really want to donate 20 million?"

Zhang Guodong was a little surprised. When he was in a bad mood, he donated 20 million yuan?

Lin Fei's dress doesn't look like he can take out 20 million yuan.

"I know you're busy. Give me your account number and I'll transfer it now." Lin Fei said.

Zhang Guodong thought a little, went back to his desk, opened the drawer, took out a piece of paper with an account number and gave it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei takes it and transfers it immediately.

Less than a minute.

"Transfer completed, please check."

Zhang Guodong reaches out his hand to pick up the phone on the desk to ask about finance. His mobile phone rings. It's the chief of the finance section.

Zhang Guodong pressed the button to answer the question, and there was a scream from the chief of the finance department

"Zhang, headmaster Zhang, just now our school account suddenly received 20 million, I don't know who transferred it."

The financial section chief said in surprise.


Zhang Guodong immediately took a breath of air conditioning. He didn't expect that it was true!

20 million donation. This is definitely the largest donation received by Jiangnan University of science and technology since its establishment!

Zhang Guodong managed to control his mood and said to the other end of the phone, "I know."

Hang up the phone, Zhang Guodong a change just cold, quickly come back. "This classmate, may I have your name, please? Which young master? What are the needs? "

Zhang Guodong is very clear that donating 20 million at will is not a joke.

"Lin Fei."

"Lin Fei! Just a moment, I'll make you tea! "

Zhang Guodong verified that he had to make the tea himself.

"The principal doesn't have to. My 20 million is not for nothing. I have three conditions. "

"You say! You say Zhang Guodong nodded.

He is very clear that there is no free lunch in the world. He is willing to donate 20 million yuan. If there is no purpose, it would be strange.But what if there's a purpose?

"First, expel the school teacher Jiang Yezhong. Second, recommend me to Ren Feifei's graduate school. Third, 10 million of them will be used as the aid fund for poor students, and 10 million will be used as the annual aid fund for graduating students to start their own businesses. "

"No problem!" The headmaster didn't think much, so he agreed.

To expel a teacher is a trivial matter for a university. Every year, it is necessary to eliminate the last one and make room for the newly recruited teachers.

In the past, it took a lot of thinking to do such things. This time, with a goal, of course, it's easier.

It's even simpler to recommend a graduate student quota. Whoever he wants to go to graduate school is who goes to graduate school.

As for the use of 20 million yuan, this is a great achievement, which was picked up in vain.

"Well, then I won't disturb the headmaster. I hope the headmaster can implement the dismissal as soon as possible." Lin Fei stands up.

Lin Fei's trip is mainly to get Jiang Yezhong expelled. As for graduate students, it's just a mention. Now that they have all come true, they are naturally happy.

"I'll see you off."

Zhang Guodong follows Lin Fei closely and sends Lin Fei out of the office all the way.

Lin Fei just left.

Zhang Guodong immediately called the secretary.

"Xiao Wang, go to the teaching office to adjust the files of Lin Fei!" The headmaster told the secretary.

"All right! I'll go at once The Secretary responded quickly.

The defense room.

"Lin Fei, did you go to find Jiang Yezhong? What did he say? " Seeing Lin Fei, Ma Xiaotian immediately came up and asked in a low voice.

"He didn't agree. I gave him a chance, but he didn't take it." Lin Fei said with a sneer.

"What? Lin Fei, are you ill? Is it... " Ma Xiaotian a face don't understand, even eyes all stare at Lin Fei head, behind half words didn't say.

"What are you talking about? I am very normal. What I should be afraid of is Jiang Yezhong. If I dare to offend Lin Fei, I will let him disappear completely from my eyes. " Lin Fei sneered.

"Lin Fei, what you say is all nonsense, all crazy, and you still say you have no problem?"

In Ma Xiaotian's eyes, to offend the teacher at this time is to give up all previous achievements.

Lin Fei and Ma Xiaotian's conversation is heard by Zhu Yan, a classmate who is not far away.

He laughed

"Lin Fei, you just said that if you didn't grasp the opportunity, you would let him disappear completely from your eyes? Ha ha, are you too boastful? This is definitely the biggest joke I've ever heard Zhu Yan said with a smile.

"Zhu Yan, you heard wrong. Lin Fei didn't say it." Ma Xiaotian is worried that Zhu Yan shouts out and completely offends Jiang Yezhong. He quickly denies it.

"That's what I said." Lin Fei looked at Zhu Yan and said calmly.

Ma Xiaotian

He really wanted to shut up Lin Fei's mouth.

Ha ha

Lin Fei completely amused Zhu Yan.

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