
"If this 250 is really Lin Fei." Zhu Yan was the first to laugh.

Then the whole crowd burst into laughter.

"Teacher, just a moment, he went to the toilet, I'll call him right away!" Ma Xiaotian finished and ran out directly.

"Everyone be quiet! After a while, Lin Fei will come back, and we'll give him a surprise... "

Zhu Yan's hands made a downward pressing gesture and said.

His proposal was immediately approved by all the students, and everyone consciously stood in two teams, leaving an aisle in the middle.

At the moment, Lin Fei has been dragged by Ma Xiaotian to come to the reply room.

"Lin Fei!"


"Lin Fei!"



Every time Zhu Yan shouts Lin Fei's name, other students will shout out the second half of the sentence, and the whole building can hear an echo.

"They have gone too far!" Ma Xiaomei is angry, but he is stopped by Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you must pass the defense and hit them hard in the face." Although Ma Xiaotian has determined that Lin Fei can't pass the defense, he still encourages his friends that he hopes Lin Fei can create a miracle.

"Don't worry!"

Lin Fei patted Ma Xiaotian on the shoulder and said in a positive tone.

As for Ma Xiaotian, Lin Fei has 120 likes in his heart. If he is not a man, Lin Fei wants to marry Ma Xiaotian. This is his real friend.

"Lin Fei!"


When Lin Fei came to Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan gave him the loudest sound.

Lin Fei stops and his eyes suddenly stare.

"Do you still want to fight people Zhu Yan scared to step back, pretending to be calm asked.

"Hit you? I'm afraid I'll dirty my hands! "

"Lin Fei, don't be too arrogant. It's time for you to blow your hide."

"Also, I'll tell you that my defense score has come out. 99 is the highest score. If I can't score 100, my defense score will be 100. And you? Consider your own miserable fate

Zhu Yan listens to Lin Fei to say that he won't beat himself. Suddenly, he comes to the bottom and straightens up.


Lin Fei suddenly raised his foot to Zhu Yan's abdomen.


Zhu Yan sent out a scream, hit the two valets after turning over, heavily hit the wall next to him.

"Lin Fei, didn't you say not to hit people?"

"I mean I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty, but I don't mean I can't move my feet?"

"Zhu Yan! You 250! "

Lin Fei finished and stepped into the reply room.

"You, your mother! When you come out and see what I'll do with you? " Zhu Yan to reply room angry voice to shout a way.

Ma Xiaotian reluctantly did not laugh, but in his mind is Lin Fei's words "Zhu Yan! You 250! "

What a relief!

Lin Feigang just appeared in the reply room, Jiang Yezhong immediately roared.

"Lin Fei, get out of here! If you are not allowed to come in here, your thesis will be unqualified! I forbid you to reply! "

Lin Fei looks at Jiang Yezhong without saying anything, but his eyes are just two words -


"Lin Fei, do you hear me? Get out of here! Get out of here now

Jiang Yezhong was deeply stimulated by Lin Fei's expression.

"Be quiet!" At this time, suddenly a big drink sounded in the reply room.


Everyone in the room looked at the east door of the reply room.

The door was forced to open, and then saw the headmaster Zhang Guodong came in with a gloomy face. He walked quickly, with a strong cold face, as if someone had robbed his headmaster's position.

Zhang Guodong is followed by a woman with a standard Chinese beauty face, long hair, black eyes and exquisite appearance, which gives people a cold feeling of resisting thousands of miles away.

However, the biggest feeling of this woman is her unusual temperament.

Lin Fei saw the beauty, Shua stood up straight body, body lazy instant disappeared.

Ren Feifei!

I just want to study as a graduate student. On the one hand, it's because Ren Feifei is beautiful. On the other hand, it's because Ren Feifei has a doctor's degree in management in M country. He is only 27 years old and is already an expert in management in China.

The beauty of Bai Fu Mei is what any man yearns for.

Although Lin Fei has no other idea, since he wants to go to graduate school, he should choose one he likes. Don't you think so?

Jiang Yezhong see Ren Feifei, two eyes mercilessly to her chest gouged out two eyes, only hate not a pair of perspective eyes, otherwise we must thoroughly see through.

I don't know if I feel Jiang Yezhong's eyes. Ren Feifei's frowning eyebrows are twisted together in an instant.Other teachers in the room were peeping, feeling Ren Feifei's dissatisfaction, and immediately lowered their heads.

Ren Feifei's eyes swept over Lin Fei's face without any stop, but it made Lin Fei's heart beat faster.

At this glance, she is more charming than Mu Xinxuan.

"Headmaster Zhang, why are you here?" Jiang Yezhong had changed his face and ran to Zhang Guodong with a smile.

"I'll see the defense!"

In fact, Zhang Guodong has already arrived. He has been monitoring in the back conference room, waiting for Lin Fei's reply.

Lin Fei did not appear, he did not appear.

Lin Fei didn't have a number and didn't have the qualification to reply. It was Zhang Guodong who asked the Secretary to inform the teacher at the door before he called Lin Fei in.

As for the next Ren Feifei, Zhang Guodong is in the heart of a wry smile.

He agreed to Lin Fei's three conditions, but Ren Feifei didn't agree to accept graduate students at will -

refused on the spot!

In Ren Feifei's opinion, her students must have real talent and learning, and those who rely on money and relationships should not be allowed to come in.

Zhang Guodong said that at last Ren Feifei reluctantly agreed to come and have a look. If Lin Fei really has something extraordinary, she would agree to take Lin Fei, otherwise

Although this is only a concession, it has made Zhang Guodong very satisfied.

Who knows, this Jiang Yezhong is not open-minded. When he sees Lin Fei, he has to go out and directly claims that his thesis is unqualified. This makes Zhang Guodong, who is looking for reasons to expel Jiang Yezhong, a little angry.

There was no attack on the spot, which has given Jiang Yezhong face.

"Headmaster Zhang, I don't think Lin Fei's graduation defense is necessary! I've ruled it out. " Jiang Yezhong didn't see Zhang Guodong's anger, and he still said unknowingly.

"Oh? Why? "

Zhang Guodong looks at Jiang Yezhong and asks.

One of the conditions for Lin Fei's donation of 20 million is to expel Jiang Yezhong, which makes him interested in the things between the two people and want to know what happened.

Ren Feifei did not speak, has picked up Lin Fei's paper to read.

Just see the topic "the drawbacks of the development of modern enterprises and solutions", heart secretly sigh, a look is to spend money to buy degrees.

Although she didn't want to continue to watch it, she wanted to refuse the headmaster's request, so she forced herself to watch it, just

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