"President Zhang, the topic he selected for his thesis is actually" the disadvantages of modern enterprise development and solutions ". For a student like him who has no social experience at all, it's a fake thesis without any actual content..."

Facing Zhang Guodong's inquiry, Jiang Yezhong immediately began to show his theoretical level, and criticized Lin Fei's paper as worthless!

Zhang Guodong did not speak, but frowned. Is Lin Fei really so bad?

"Mr. Jiang, have you read this paper?" Ren Feifei suddenly frowned and looked up at Jiang Yezhong.


Ren Feifei took the initiative to talk to Jiang Yezhong, which made him a little excited, and his voice trembled.

"Are you sure you have?"

Ren Feifei's face is more serious!


Jiang Yezhong doesn't understand Ren Feifei's meaning, but he still insists on reading it.

Zhang Guodong still did not speak, but looked at Ren Feifei, want to listen to her opinion, after all, Lin Fei's assessment, the key is in him.

Other teachers at the scene didn't know what happened. As for the other teachers in the assessment group, to tell you the truth, they didn't read the papers carefully. After all, every student's papers with tens of thousands of words, if they read them one by one, they would feel sick even if they were not exhausted.

"What do you think of a good paper?" Ren Feifei looks at Jiang Yezhong and asks.

"A good paper should be like this." Jiang Yezhong said, picked up two papers from the table and put them in front of Ren Feifei.

Ren Feifei lowered his head and scanned. He was familiar with the title. Then he looked at the respondent, Wang Mengyao and Zhu Yan.

Ren Feifei became interested, especially Zhu Yan's thesis.

After all, someone had said hello to Zhu Yan for many times before, but she didn't agree.

Now, when I see the paper, I naturally want to see what my ability is.

Just look at a page, Ren Feifei's brow wrinkled up, behind is just a cursory look, directly put down.

He picked up another Wang Mengyao's paper. This time, he just looked at it, and his face became gloomy.

Zhang Guodong and others don't know what happened. They all look at Ren Feifei and want to know what happened.


Ren Feifei suddenly threw Wang Mengyao's paper on the table, looked up at Jiang Yezhong and said, "Mr. Jiang, are you sure you have read all their papers?"

"Of course I have!"

Ren Feifei's action, Jiang Yezhong knows that she is angry.

But he was also angry.

What does she have to do with her excellent thesis?

Even if you are beautiful, even if you are the goddess in the hearts of countless men, so what?

"Wang Mengyao's paper is plagiarized, and Zhu Yan's paper is a false and meaningless one."

Ren Feifei said his judgment directly.

"You talk nonsense! You are insulting my students and my personality. "

Jiang Yezhong suddenly roared.


There was a breath in the room.

"Mr. Jiang, you can let the headmaster evaluate Zhu Yan's thesis. As for Wang Mengyao's plagiarism, I can be 100% sure." Ren Feifei said with a gloomy face.

"Why do you think Wang Mengyao's thesis is plagiarism?" Jiang Yezhong thinks that Wang Mengyao is Zhang Qi's girlfriend and has promised to give it to excellent people. Now if it's confirmed that it's plagiarism, it can't pass. Isn't it

He must strive for it!

"Because -"

"I wrote this paper!"


Many teachers at the scene broke their glasses and were full of indignation at Jiang Yezhong.

Because of Wang Mengyao's paper, Jiang Yezhong said hello to them in advance, and everyone didn't read it, so he gave it excellent. This time, he was beaten thoroughly.

"The academic journal that published the paper is on my desk. Do you need to bring it to confirm?"

Jiang Yezhong

Zhang Guodong's ugly face became more ugly.


Especially academic plagiarism, which is taboo!

I didn't expect that the students plagiarized the paper to the teacher's head. It's disgusting.

He picked up Zhu Yan's paper and turned to read it. After only two pages, he fell on the table with a slap. His eyes swept over the staff of the assessment team, and finally fell on Jiang Yezhong's face. He asked in a deep voice, "is this the excellent paper you have selected? You see, for yourself, what is this? If you shake it, you can drop water! "

The members of the assessment team all lowered their heads.

"Neither of the two students passed their defense papers!"


Zhang Guodong, the headmaster, made a final decision and announced the result directly.

The corner of Jiang Yezhong's mouth was convulsed.

At that time, I heard the result of the project."Jiang Yezhong, it's all your fault. Let's give Wang Mengyao excellence. Otherwise, how can this result happen?"

Jiang Yezhong's black face is even darker.

The gloomy is about to drip, but it can't be refuted.

His eyes saw that Lin Fei was smiling, and he immediately found the mouth of his anger.

"Lin Fei, you don't have to laugh. You can't pass your graduation thesis. All the contents are plagiarized." Under Jiang Yezhong's anger, he no longer cares about his identity.

"Mr. Jiang, you said my paper was plagiarized. Please show me the original text?" Lin Fei held out his hand with a smile, a look of schadenfreude.


Jiang Yezhong is speechless.

He just casually said that he didn't know whether to plagiarize, because he didn't read Lin Fei's paper carefully.

"The data in your paper is false!" Jiang Yefei and Jizhong immediately found a breakthrough in the paper.

"Why do you say my thesis data is false?"

"With so much data, if you want to research, how can you do it?" Jiang Yezhong has now made a determined effort to make Lin Fei's paper fail.

"Lin Fei, how did you get these data?" Ren Feifei looks at Lin Fei and asks with red lips.

"In the course of the practice of meizishuang, through visiting customers and on-the-spot investigation, we have made great achievements." Lin Fei is domineering to Jiang Yezhong, but in the face of Ren Feifei's questions, he shows a very low profile, and the most important thing is respect.

"What are your achievements in your internship?"

Ren Feifei is interested in the data from her internship.

"During my internship, I went to 11 secondary agent processors and 185 sales stores. A total of 23000 pieces of underwear were sold, and the sales profit reached one million..."

Speaking of his internship in meizishuang, Lin Fei is still full of excitement and even passion.

That, after all, is the first social experience in life.

Maybe, from now on, we don't need to live so hard, but the past life is a kind of memory, a kind of good memory.

After coming in, Zhang Guodong, who has been pretending not to know Lin Fei, can't help but be shocked when he hears Lin Fei's internship experience.

Very rare!


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