In the defense room, because Jiang Yezhong had instilled in advance, the members of the assessment team who had a bad impression on Lin Fei also listened carefully at the moment.

As for Jiang Yezhong, he always thought that Lin Fei was bragging.

"Headmaster Zhang, I want to make an on-site assessment of Lin Fei's reply. What do you think?" Ren Feifei said after listening to Lin Feishu that he was more interested. He applied to Zhang Guodong.

Zhang Guodong was very happy, "yes!"

Ren Feifei turned to Lin Fei and said with a smile, "Lin Fei, you can be ready now. I'm ready to assess you."

Beautiful voice, gentle smile, severe eyes with appreciation, let Lin Fei calm heart can't help but waves.

In the past, he always wanted to go to graduate school, but because his family conditions did not allow him, he could only suppress this idea.

Today, as the terms of donation, although some shameless, but in Lin Fei's view, it is also deserved.

However, he knows Ren Feifei's preciseness, and knows that he will not agree easily.

The criticism of Zhu Yan and Wang Mengyao's thesis just now has reflected her rigorous teaching style.

Now, to test yourself in person, on the one hand, it's assessment, on the other hand, it's understanding.

This makes Lin Fei very excited and excited.

Jiang Yezhong didn't expect this plot to appear, and he was immediately displeased. However, Zhang Guodong himself allowed it, and he didn't dare to speak out against it.

"Lin Fei, the most powerful homeowner in history appeared in Jiangnan City yesterday. What do you think about this?"

Investment is an important branch of management. Ren Feifei wants to see Lin Fei's idea of investment.

Lin Fei didn't expect to ask this question. He laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"Most cattle homeowners, first of all from the starting point of the purchase of analysis, if for speculation, bad behavior."

"If it's an investment, it depends on where he bought the house. It is said that the house he chose is either in the old urban area or along the subway line, which shows that the goal of his choice is very strong, that is, to invest in the transformation of the old urban area and convenient transportation. "

"More than 200 houses are not only investment, but also management problems. The establishment of a company can be managed, and the entrusted intermediary can also be managed, but the purpose of all this is to make money. If we take the house purchase as a long-term investment, and let the house play a role in serving the society, get social recognition, and get social returns, I think this kind of management is really scientific management. "

"To sum up, the key to evaluating this matter lies in the purpose, direction and pattern. If the three can be taken into account at the same time, this investment is meaningful and valuable."

Lin Fei always looks directly at Ren Feifei and speaks out his inner thoughts.

At the beginning of Lin Fei's reply, many people's eyes were still full of disdain. When he finished the first point, it began to change. When he finished the third point, many people on the scene were still thinking and immersed in Lin Fei's reply.

Ren Feifei was also shocked by Lin Fei's reply. It's not surprising that a president, chairman or a successful person would say these words. After all, life experience and personal conditions make them have such insight.

Lin Fei is just a student. To be exact, he is a poorly dressed student. This kind of state and pattern is hard to find among thousands of people.

"What do you think is the root of a person's wealth?"

"It's my mind and morality! In the final analysis, it is our own virtue! Only when you are virtuous can you carry things. "

Ren Feifei was forced to ask the second question, and Lin Fei's answer was beyond her imagination.

Only by virtue can we carry things!

Zhang Guodong kept repeating this sentence in his heart. Recalling the relaxed and casual virtue Lin Fei donated 20 million yuan, he really has a virtue that surpasses ordinary people.

Looking at Lin Fei's eyes, at first, the view that he was only rich and just a dandy has disappeared, and replaced by a strong sense of appreciation.

Ren Feifei on the other side has started to ask crazy questions, while Lin Fei always keeps a calm answer.

In the twinkling of an eye, question and answer has lasted for nearly an hour, Ren Feifei asked the last question.

"If one day you become rich, how will you repay the society?"

Lin Fei not only smiles when he hears this question, but is he rich now?

"Make more money!"

Ren Feifei was in a daze. Her eyes were always astonished, and she suddenly showed the color of regret. Isn't it

"Give the society more returns!"

Lin Fei seems to be deliberately watching Ren Feifei's reaction. The second sentence is delayed for three seconds.

Ren Feifei

Lin Fei smiles calmly.

After a brief adjustment, Ren Feifei turned to look at Zhang Guodong, nodded first, and then said, "my assessment is over. I gave Lin Fei 100 points for his defense. He is the most wonderful defense I have ever had in Jiangnan University of science and technology. It can even be said to be the most excellent reply. "Hiss!

Ren Feifei's evaluation has just been exported. Other members of the on-site assessment team can't help but take a breath and look at Zhang Guodong with nervous eyes.

It's true that they are teachers or professors, but their gold content and status in Zhang Guodong's mind are far inferior to Ren Feifei. Moreover, from the perspective of actual social impact, they are indeed inferior to Ren Feifei. Now

This pit is big!

This digger, Jiang Yezhong, is the worst digger!


Qi brush's eyes looked at Jiang Yezhong. His eyes were full of indignation. Some people even clenched their fists and teeth. They wanted to rush up and beat Jiang Yezhong.

Zhang Guodong has a panoramic view of everything. He is in the best mood at the moment. Lin Fei has three conditions. Now he is recommended to graduate students, and Ren Feifei's nod has passed. As for dismissing Jiang Yezhong, isn't this the best chance?

"Jiang Yezhong, you have cancelled the qualification of students' defense for no reason, confused students' defense papers, and confused right and wrong. Now I announce that you are expelled from the school! Get out of here now The more Zhang Guodong thought about it, the more angry he was. He ignored his identity and used the word "roll.".

"What? Is that why you want to fire me? " Jiang Yezhong's face was uglier than eating excrement, and his forehead began to sweat.

"Zhang, principal Zhang, you are not teasing me, are you? Even if my thesis review is not serious, I don't have to be expelled, do I? " Jiang Yezhong tried to calm his fear and said with a smile.

"Are you kidding? Lin Fei such an excellent student, you even do not give the opportunity to reply, but also directly declared that the reply is not qualified. Don't you know who proved unqualified? " Zhang Guodong said mercilessly.

"Headmaster, I am wrong. Please give me a chance."

"Secretary Wang, let the security in." Zhang Guodong called to the door.

Just as the voice dropped, two security guards came in.

"Zhang Guodong, you..."

Jiang Yezhong saw the security guard, knew that it could not be changed, and called Zhang Guodong's name directly.

"Since you decide not to allow Lin Fei to reply, I have decided to fire you."

"Why do you want to stand for Lin Fei? Do you know Lin Fei?"

"I didn't know before today, but now I do." Zhang Guodong waved his hand directly. "Security guard, get him out of school for me!"

Two security guards immediately went forward to hold Jiang Yezhong.

"Mr. Zhang, you have a lot of money. Please forgive me. I'm wrong! I'm wrong. "

The security guard didn't pay attention to Jiang Yezhong's yelling and dragged him out directly.

Zhang Guodong said to the teacher in the reply room: "after each person withheld half a year's bonus", he also left the reply room immediately.

At this moment, the whole reply room fell into a strange silence.

At this time, the students waiting to see Lin Fei's jokes outside the door are already boiling.

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