"Lin Fei, shut up!"

Zhu Yan's face turns red and looks at Lin Fei. He roars angrily.

"Excellent talent, it turned out to be shameless!" On the cold side of the path, Ma Fu.

"Lin Fei, Ma Xiaotian, you wait. I'll make you regret it." Zhu Yan to this moment, no longer just the kind of gentleman and self-restraint, look at two people, angry roar.

"Secretary Wang, let the security guard drag Zhu Yan out, he was fired!" Zhang Guodong turned to his secretary and said aloud.

"I'll make you regret it!"

Zhu Yan until out of the meeting room, the echo of this sentence is still resounding in the building.

The meeting room quieted down again.

Chen Guoning, who has been silent for a long time, looks at Lin Fei's face with his eyebrows stretched out. Other people don't see anything, but a tacit understanding and communication have been formed between them.

"Students, do not forget the original intention, in the final analysis is a moral, if a person has moral problems, then where will his original intention be?"

"To live up to youth, in the final analysis, is a pity. If a person doesn't know how to cherish, isn't his time wasted?"

"Not forgetting hometown, in the final analysis, is a responsibility. If a person has no responsibility, how can he fulfill his mission?"

"The real anonymous donor of 20 million is among you. He still has a lot of shocking moves. It's his excellence that surprised me and made me come here in my busy schedule. I just want to encourage you to learn from him."

"It's a pity that this kind of thing happened to Zhu Yan. I hope you can really learn a lesson. You can really be open-minded, fraternal and tolerant, and contribute to the development of Jiangnan City together. You can really learn from this classmate around you."

Chen Guoning finished, looked around the students again, stood up and walked out.

Zhang Guodong and others rushed out. Only students were left at the scene, from 250 to 249. Everyone looked at each other and wanted to know who it was. Unfortunately, everyone except Lin Fei was shaking their heads.

Lin Fei didn't shake his head, but no one believed that he would be the classmate who donated 20 million yuan anonymously.

The crowd left the room with speculation and fantasies.

Just before leaving the meeting room, Wang Mengyao reminded everyone not to forget the dinner party in the evening.

She seems to have jumped out of the pain of not passing the thesis defense, and her eyes are full of ease and joy.

Ma Xiaotian originally wanted to take Lin Fei with him, but Lin Fei refused because of something.

Lin Fei just walked out of the meeting room, suddenly came to mind "Ding!" The super money generation system is coming again.

"The system prompts that the third task is completed."

Soft and cute loliyin makes Lin Fei feel better.

When I just arrived at school in the morning, I heard Jiang Yezhong privately let out the wind that he could not pass the thesis defense. At that time, I was still a little depressed, especially when I thought of the system task and asked to go to graduate school.

Thesis defense does not pass, unable to graduate, Graduate School is bullshit.

However, I didn't expect that after some operation, the successful counter attack could be regarded as a miracle.

"Have you got the reward for this mission?"

"Here we are."

"What is it? Tell me Lin Fei can't wait.

"Reward two million merits."

"100 million in cash."

Soft and sweet loli sounds again.

"I don't have an investment. Why do I have cash rewards?"

"You donate 20 million to solve problems and successfully complete tasks. It's an invisible investment, and it's also rewarding."

"Oh, that's a pity. I should have donated more." Lin Fei said with regret.

"Are you questioning the intelligence of the system?"


"All right!"

Lin Fei is a little speechless.

"Are there any new tasks?"

"Yes! But the task is hard! "

"How hard is it?"

"Find an investment with a potential return of 100 times."


When Lin Fei heard this standard, he called it out.

"You want to give up?"

"No! I accept it

Lin Fei secretly clenched his fist and said aloud.

"Come on, master. The first three tasks have been accomplished very well. I'm optimistic about you!"

Soft sweet loliyin finish, again restore quiet.

Lin Fei returned to reality and looked far away. His pride came naturally.

It's exciting to think about investing in a project with 100 times the value potential.

He took out his mobile phone to call Lin Ke'er and Zhao Ren respectively, arranged for Lin Ke'er to set up a stock trading team, and urged Zhao Ren to deal with the second-hand housing trading company. After he was busy, he went out to the school alone.……

Jiang Yezhong, Zhang Qi, Wang Mengyao and Zhu Yan sit together in the impression cafe outside Jiangnan University of science and technology.

There was a cup of coffee in front of everyone. Except for Zhang Qi and Zhu Yan, the other two didn't move.

"Zhang Shao, I lost completely today for the sake of Mengyao!" Jiang Yezhong is no longer a teacher of Jiangnan University of science and technology, and his name for Zhang Qi has changed from Xiao Zhang to Zhang Shao.

"Zhang Qi, who are you looking for to write the paper for me? Oh, it's a plagiarized paper. Why don't you look at the author's name? " Wang Mengyao does not wait for Zhang Qi to respond to Jiang Yezhong, but complains.

Zhang Qi took the coffee in front of him and sipped it again.

"Mr. Jiang, your business can be like this..."

"All right?"

Jiang Yezhong's eyes brightened after hearing it.

Still, he asked Zhang Qi.

"Don't worry! That's what they fear most. "

"Good! Then I'll go now! "

Jiang Yezhong finished, stood up, nodded to Zhang Qi and walked out.

Zhang Qi looks at Jiang Yezhong's back, and his mouth is full of pride.

Dog bite dog, a mouth hair!

"You can push his question like this. What about mine?" Wang Mengyao pursed her lips and asked.

"Mengyao, it's easier to solve your problem. You're Zhang Qi's woman. You don't need anything. Do you still care about that diploma?"


"Don't worry! When Jiang Yezhong really makes a big noise, your problem will be solved. " Zhang Qi said with a smile and a wave of his hand.

"Zhang Shao is really good at fishing in troubled waters." Zhu Yan is laughing to praise a way in the side.

"Zhu Yan, I think you are relaxed!" Zhang Qi said with a smile.

"Why worry about what's done? What's more, as long as you have money and are willing to spend money these days, what is a broken diploma Zhu Yan said very relaxed.

Wang Mengyao looks up at Zhu Yan, holding the coffee in her white hands, and then looks at Zhang Qi affectionately. Her eyes are full of infatuation.

As long as you have money!

As long as you are willing to spend money!

How realistic!

She is happy to leave Lin Fei and choose Zhang Qi.

"Good one, as long as he has money and is willing to spend money, or we'll have one..." Zhang Qi looked at Zhu Yan and whispered.



Zhu Yan and Wang Mengyao praised at the same time.

Then, the three burst out laughing, looking forward to the graduation dinner in the evening.

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