Soon it was evening, and the place of graduation dinner was arranged in Xinyuan Hotel.

Lin Fei is no stranger here. He just came here yesterday and had a good time here. It's easy to come back today.

Today, Lin Fei comes here for two purposes. One is to say goodbye to his four-year classmates, the other is to find someone who has investment potential. After all, it's exciting to think about a 100 times return investment.

Of course, even if not, he will do one thing

Lin Fei's taxi just arrived in the courtyard of Xinyuan Hotel. A BMW that was originally parked in the parking lot suddenly started and drove directly to the door of the hotel, just blocking Lin Fei's taxi.

Thanks to the sudden start of BMW, the taxi driver responded quickly, otherwise there would be a rear end collision.

The taxi driver is going to scold when he is angry in the car.

However, when he saw a man in a Versace suit coming down from the car, he immediately swallowed his words.

Lin Fei was sitting in the car. Just now he braked hard and almost hit his head on the back of the chair.

If the system had not given him Xuan level force, he would have a red and swollen forehead.

Originally very angry Lin Fei, when the eyes fall on the young man, recognize is Zhu Yan, just smile, nothing to say.

Pay, open the door, get out.

Extremely natural!

At the moment, there are security guards at the door coming to Zhu Yan who got off first.

"Park the car for me!" Zhu Yan finished, throwing the car key to the security guard.

Lin Fei didn't care about it at all. He even knew that Zhu Yan was waiting for him on purpose just now. He wanted to drive in front of him on purpose.

It's just that it's someone else's freedom.

Zhu Yan didn't expect Lin Fei to be so calm, which made him not calm.

"Why do you let everyone in your hotel?" Zhu Yan pretended to have just seen Lin Fei, then moved two steps to the side, a pair of want to stay away from the appearance, said to the security.

The security guard at the door takes over Zhu Yan's car and sees that it's worth millions. He is in a distracted state and doesn't see Lin Fei at all.

Hearing Zhu Yan's words, he looks at Lin Fei.

At a glance, the security guard felt the brain buzzing.

The next second, he quickly to the chest of the walkie talkie shouting: "manager Li, VIP to!"

"I'll meet you in person at once." At the other end there was an immediate response.

Zhu Yan heard clearly, thought that the so-called VIP was himself, and suddenly his eyes showed a sense of satisfaction.

"Ouch! Isn't this Lin Fei? That's what you're wearing for today's graduation dinner? Don't you think it's an insult to the Xinyuan Hotel? "

"Security! Get rid of him! How can such people enter your hotel? "

Zhu Yan a pair of extremely disgusted expression says.


a hurried footstep came, followed by a thirty year old woman with heavy makeup, blue eyeshadow, high hair, and a long black skirt. She hurried out of the hall.


Security did not respond to Zhu Yan's words, but looked at the hall and said.

"Are you the manager? Let people drive this poor beggar away immediately. The arrival of such a person is not only an insult to your hotel, but also an insult to our guests. "

Zhu Yan was originally dissatisfied with the security attitude. Seeing the manager, he immediately pointed to Lin Fei and said aloud.

The manager didn't pay attention to Zhu Yan at all. Instead, he came directly to Lin Fei and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, you are welcome."

The manager's every move can be said to be flattering to Lin Fei's politeness.

Zhu Yan is a Leng!

Manager Li then turned to look at Zhu Yan, still with a smile, but the voice is very cold. "Sir, if you think it's insulting, you can leave now."

Zhu Yan

"Which private room did you order, Mr. Lin?"

Manager Li shook hands with Lin Fei and asked with a gesture of empty invitation.

"Our classmates from Jiangnan University of science and technology have dinner together."

"I know! Come with me Manager Li said, and the silver collar Lin flew to the hall.

"Sir, your car was originally parked. If you drive here by yourself, please stop by yourself."

Security finished, the key into the hands of Zhu Yan, and then turned back to his post.

Zhu Yan holding the key, looking at the back of Lin feiyuan, a burst of depression in the heart.

This is a series of measures to crack down on Lin Fei discussed with Zhang Qi. Unexpectedly, the first one failed and was beaten in the face.

Don't mention how disgusting!

Zhu Yan cold hum a, feel ashamed.

However, thinking of all kinds of programs in the evening, he put down his anger, stopped his car and walked into the hotel.

"That's not funny. Go in?" The security guard glanced at Zhu Yan and said to another security guard."When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds."

Zhu Yan

His face turned red and he quickened his pace.

The laughter of two security guards was left behind.

"Mr. Lin, please enter the elevator." Manager Li called the elevator and said politely.

"You go ahead and I'll go by myself." Lin Fei waved his hand and felt that he had better go first.

Lin Fei just looked at the time, it seems that he came a little early.

But it's OK. I just contacted Ma Xiaotian. Ma Xiaotian seems to be in a traffic jam. It will take a long time to arrive.

It doesn't matter whether others come or not. Ma Xiaotian comes first.

Entering box 9, there are several people in the box now.

The student in charge was dressed in a black suit, with black sunglasses, and his hair had been specially shaped. Sitting there, he had a certain social demeanor. The most prominent thing was the Land Rover keys on the table.

Lin Fei has a look, this is Xu Hao.

In his four-year memory, Xu Hao seems to have looked down upon himself since he entered school.

In addition, both of them used to like Wang Mengyao, and finally Wang Mengyao interacted with himself, which made the relationship between them very tense.

However, due to face, there was no conflict between us, but we are definitely old and dead.

Xu Hao and Zhu Yan are close friends.

And the other few people are not bad, are a famous brand, as if just out of school, one by one are successful people in general.

In this way, Lin Fei seems very casual. He wears a suit of washed white suit without a brand on it. It looks very shabby and casual.

Several people are talking and laughing around Xu Hao at the moment.

Xu Hao's family is relatively rich. His father is a contractor. Ma Xiaotian said in private that it seems that an engineering team will be set up soon to join the real estate construction industry in China.

In the past, when it comes to working on the construction site, I think it's ridiculous, even pathetic. During his internship, Lin Fei knew that some jobs were not as good as those on the construction site. Besides, he was a contractor and was in charge of supervising the work. How could he work by himself?

In this way, Lin Fei admired Xu Hao.

It's just -

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