Once upon a time, I saw all kinds of people in the news reports about lovers and couples quarreling, getting off the bus in anger and walking on the high speed. I didn't expect that I became one of those people today. I think it's really depressing.

Now he really regrets that he didn't let Longnv come with him. If she

Just as Lin Fei was daydreaming, a red Ferrari slowly stopped beside him.

Looking up, there was a woman in a ponytail, black sunglasses and grey sportswear.




It gives people a warm feeling.

Of course, Lin Fei feels warmer

"Hi! Handsome, do you want a ride? "

The other side took the initiative.

Lin Fei raised his hand and wiped his forehead. He opened the door and sat in.

The next second, "Little Dragon Girl, you are in time to rain!"

Lin Fei hugs Longnv's arm and is so moved that he will lie on her shoulder.

"Stop, stop, stop! Go to your Mu Xinxuan. My shoulder is not for you. "

The Dragon Girl dodges and holds Lin Fei's head with her hand.

Lin Fei is really happy now. Just when he was driven out of the car, he still regretted that he didn't let the Dragon Girl follow him. As a result, the Dragon girl appeared in front of him.

"How do you thank me?" Longnu asked with a smile.

Lin Fei did not answer, but asked: "Little Dragon Girl, how did you come?"

"I had the foresight to know that you would be driven out of the car, so I followed."

Said the Dragon Girl with a smug look on her lips.

In fact, as soon as Lin Fei left, Longnu drove up.

She doesn't trust Lin Fei to go to Jiangbei County alone. Although Lin Fei's force is higher than her, she has developed a sense of responsibility for many years, which makes her know that she would rather lose her life than let Lin Fei encounter danger. Therefore, as a bodyguard, she should always stay by Lin Fei's side.

What she didn't expect was that Lin Fei was driven out of the car on the way, which was ridiculous.

"Little Dragon Girl, do you still have the ability to predict the future?" Lin Fei asked curiously.


Longnu continued to tease.

"See if I can be with Mu Xinxuan?" Lin Fei pretended to be curious and urgent.

"Well, well It should be OK. "

The Dragon Girl's eyes have been staring at Lin Fei. Seeing that Lin Fei's appetite is almost fished, she will continue to ask questions before giving the answer.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed with satisfaction. He seemed very happy, and then he spoke again.

"Longnu, do you know who can get on your car in the future?"

Lin Fei said, looking at the Dragon Girl's concave convex body, seems to be very interested.

"Go away! No one can

The Dragon girl was enraged by Lin Fei's eyes and scolded.

Ha ha

Lin Fei covered his stomach and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

The Dragon girl stares at Lin Fei and asks.

"Don't I get in your car now?"

Dragon Girl

The forehead is covered with black lines.

Son of a bitch!

He took advantage of himself verbally.

"Lin Fei, you want to die!"

Longnu gives Lin Fei a straight fist. It's powerful and powerful. It seems that she is not an acquaintance, but an enemy.

Lin Fei hides on his side, grabs the Dragon Girl's arm and goes to her arms. The Dragon Girl directly lies on Lin Fei's leg, and her head is just lying on the wrong position, which makes people imagine.

"Asshole! Let me go

The Dragon girl is both shy and angry.

Lin Fei also felt that the posture was not elegant, and was about to let go. As a result, his eyes just fell on the waist of the Dragon Girl, and the dazzling scar became more eye-catching in the sun.

Think of oneself spent 20 million merit value to buy to her dispel scar spirit, unexpectedly useless?

Lin Fei is a little annoyed and slaps Longnv's buttocks.

"To make you disobedient!"


The Dragon girl couldn't help crying out.

"Asshole! What are you talking about? " The Dragon girl became angry.

"Did you use the scar removing spirit I gave you?" Lin Fei asked aloud.

"I, I..."

"Me what me? Look at your waist Lin Fei finished and touched it directly.

Dragon girl was still trying to get up, but as soon as Lin Fei's hand fell on it, she was like a vented ball. Her whole body was hollowed out in an instant. Her body was soft and flushed like a burning cloud, and she wanted to get into the crack in the ground.

She took the scar removing spirit and threw it aside -

didn't believe it."How can I paint it if I can't reach it?"

Longnu thought of some scars behind her, so she had to lie wrongly.

"I'll paint it for you tonight."


"Agree or disagree?" Lin Fei interrupts the Dragon Girl directly.

"Good! All right Dragon girl feels that her waist is exposed to the air, and her sports pants are on a downward trend. What if

She did not dare to imagine, is anxious to tears.

"Little Dragon Girl, do you think this is acceptable?" Lin Fei thought of the Dragon girl asking him how to thank him for driving with him. He turned his eyes and asked with a smile.

The Dragon girl is so angry that she wants to blow Lin Fei's head, but she has no choice now, otherwise she won't agree again, and she's afraid to open her mouth

"Acceptable!" With that, the Dragon girl tried to turn her head to the side, so that she was not touched by hateful things.

Lin Fei also felt a little embarrassed and quickly released his hand.

The Dragon girl sat upright and gasped for breath. She almost burst her clothes.

Finally, she held back, knowing that she couldn't take advantage of Lin Fei, especially when she thought that the scar behind her really needed Lin Fei's help to apply the medicine

Dragon Girl quickly turned to look ahead, started the car and left.

Maybe it was too ambiguous just now. On the contrary, both of them were embarrassed. The car was in a quiet state.

In less than ten minutes, she surpassed the taxi Hong Xu had just taken.

"It seems that the Ferrari in front is Lin Fei."

The driver's eyes are sharp. Although they just flash by, they can see it.

"Cut! If he can really sit in Ferrari, I will be his grandson

"He is a poor man, and only a fool will regard him as the richest man in Jiangnan City."

"This Wang Jianguang is just bullshit. What's he doing with Lin Fei? Wait for me to meet. "

The driver's words once again aroused Hong Xu's anger.

"Hong Xu, that's enough! Are you finished? You can drive Lin Fei out of the car and throw him on the highway. "

Red Yi is still angry.

"Red Yi, did you see Lin Fei become handsome, and then you moved your heart?"

"You, you asshole!" Red Yi's eyes are red.

"Then why do you keep talking for him?" Hong Xu asked aloud.

"Hong Xu, get out of the car and we'll break up." Red Yi is completely angry.

"Good! Then you go to the poor man! That fool

"Lin Fei, you're waiting. I'll show you what you are."

Hong Xu is completely infuriated by Hong Yi, and all his anger is transferred to Lin Fei.

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