Hong Yi is completely angry with Hong Xu. As soon as she gets off the freeway, she asks to get off, and then goes her separate ways with Hong Xu.

She is not a vain girl. She has real feelings for Hong Xu. You really want to be with Hong Xu, but I didn't expect that Hong Xu would be like this.

Ridicule Lin Fei in the car. Her advice doesn't work. She puts up with it. She never thought that she would drive Lin Fei out of the car. For such a fickle man, Hong Yi sees clearly and gives up completely.

Looking at Hong Yi's back, Hong Xu just scolds her, but doesn't keep her.

As the general manager of Honghao real estate in Jiangbei County, countless women surround him every day. Those sales ladies are eager to take the initiative to throw themselves in their arms and get his blessing at any time.

As for his secretary, that is the type of secretary who has nothing to do, otherwise he is not with Hong Yi, how can he vent his excess hormones?

The reason why we attach so much importance to Hongyi is that we don't love Hongyi very much. In the past, we paid attention to Hongyi's family situation, but now we pay attention to Hongyi's work unit -

global real estate company.

This time the earth real estate company entered Jiangbei County, it was Hongyi who provided the information in time and acted as a link in the middle that made Honghao real estate company climb the tree of the earth real estate company. Now that the goal has been achieved, he will not give in to Hongyi.

What's more, red Yi's Feige, listening in his ears, is absolutely great stimulation and anger.

The black taxi driver was blinded by them all the way, and now he is silent, just driving in silence.

Jiangbei County North Hotel, which is the most upscale hotel in Jiangbei County.

At the moment, there are two people in the manager's office, a man and a woman.

The man looks quite handsome, medium high build, good looks, but the eyes are very small, giving people a kind of mean feeling.

Women wear striped white shirt, black skirt, white high heels, long hair and shawl.

His face and skin were very white, and he wore a light costume. His eyes were firm and his face was full of anger.

They looked at each other as if they were angry.


The man's Adam's apple suddenly wriggled and made a loud swallowing sound.

Facing this top-notch beauty, Bi Cheng, as a manager, has been salivating for the deputy manager Jiang Meng for a long time.

He has even been obsessed with it for countless times. However, just a month ago, he got the news that Jiang Meng was going to get married.

As the deputy manager of the hotel, she applied to set the wedding place in the North Hotel. On the one hand, she has face and grade, on the other hand, she can get a discount on consumption, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Although Bi Cheng is extremely upset when she hears that she is going to get married, he still can't do anything about it. He even agrees to set up a hotel.

However, just now, he called Jiang Meng and informed him that the wedding day after tomorrow in the north hotel could not be used. The reason was very simple. He was rented at a high price.

Jiang dream to theory, Bi Cheng said more directly, she did not pay deposit when booking.

Originally, booking a hotel requires a deposit, but Jiang Meng and her fiance Wang Jianguang have just worked and don't have so much money, so they rely on the relationship of their deputy manager. At that time, they agreed that they don't need to pay the deposit. Now the invitation has been sent out, everyone has been informed, everything is ready, and the wedding place is gone. How depressing do you think it is?

The most important thing is that Jiang Meng is still the deputy manager here. It would be humiliating to say so.

"Manager Bi, I hope you can accommodate me in this matter. After all, I made the reservation first, and I'm the deputy manager of the hotel. I'm also an employee. Don't you violate the employee priority principle advocated by the hotel?"

Although Jiang Meng was extremely depressed, he still didn't give up and was still striving for it.

"Manager Jiang, you are right. We do have the staff priority principle in our hotel."

Bi Cheng said with a smile.

Jiang Meng had a happy face. "Manager Bi, since that's the case, would you please give me some accommodation?"

Bi Cheng looks up at Jiang Meng who is full of hope. There is a touch of disdain in his mouth. Stupid woman!

"But, Jiang Meng, you can't!" The name of Bi Cheng has changed.

"Manager Bi, why can't I?" Although Jiang Meng didn't feel right, she still suppressed her anger and asked.

Bi Cheng didn't say anything. Instead, he opened the drawer, took out an envelope, threw it directly in front of Jiang Meng, and said, "manager Jiang, you have been dismissed. This is your salary. We have given you 1000 yuan more as your wedding money."

"Manager Jiang, why should you fire me?"

Thinking of the house he and Wang Jianguang just got married and bought with a loan not long ago, what would they live on without a job?

Jiang Meng brain suddenly short circuit, as if hit by a bolt from the blue.

"Jiang Meng, I'm the manager here!"

Bi Cheng said with a banter smile on his face.Jiang Meng

Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Jiang Meng, a woman is only a few years young. She either makes money by her face or marries a good man. Don't believe in love. That's a trick."

Bi Cheng's face was full of complacency, but he took out a sincere voice to persuade him.

Jiang Meng's heart was full of bitterness. He picked up the envelope and went out with a blank brain.

"Jiang Meng, for the sake of colleagues, I remind you that it was Songshao who used this hotel that day."

Jiang Meng's body is stagnant. There is a man in his eyes who looks obscene and wants to stare at the flesh when he sees a woman.

The most exasperating thing is that he even touched himself in front of his boyfriend and forced his boyfriend Wang Jianguang to agree to give him up. However, Wang Jianguang resolutely refused and clashed with him, which made Jiang Meng love Wang Jianguang more deeply -

that's a real man.

Of course, the result is even more terrible. Wang Jianguang, who has just been admitted to the real estate bureau of Jiangbei County, was sent to the countryside as the first Secretary of poverty alleviation.

The reason is very simple. Songle's father is the director of the real estate bureau. Wang Jianguang has just been admitted to the real estate bureau. It is under his command that no one is willing to go to the hard work of being the first secretary.

Jiang Meng knows everything and understands it.

"Jiang Meng, song Shao said, if you are willing to accompany him for one night, the hotel will be used normally, and the problem of your husband's desperation can also be solved."

Bi Cheng sees that Jiang Meng's spirit is lost. Thinking of song Shao's promise to himself, he quickly changes his voice and persuades him.

"You scum!"

Tears rolled down Jiang Meng's face.

"Cut! Sooner or later, it's not a despised bitch! " Bi Cheng said angrily.


Jiang Meng slammed the door and walked out of the hotel, crying and running to the downstairs hall.

At the moment, Lin Feigang just got out of the car and was walking towards the hotel hall.

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