
Jiang Meng worried about being seen by her colleagues, so she almost ran out of the elevator with her face covered.

She hates it!

She felt humiliated!

As a result, he just bumped into Lin Fei.

Jiang Meng is about 1.65 meters tall. Although he is quite tall, when he collides with Lin Fei who is 1.8 meters tall, it's like a child bumping into an adult and falling back.

Lin Fei reacts quickly. Seeing that Jiang Meng is about to fall, he quickly reaches for her arm and holds her.


Jiang Meng cried out in surprise.

Lin Fei saw Jiang Meng's face clearly at the moment and asked, "what's the matter with you, Jiang Meng?"

"Lin, Lin Fei, it's you!"

Jiang Meng quickly turned to wipe the tears on her face, turned back and said with a smile.

"Bride, is Wang Jianguang bullying you? Tell me, I promise to help you deal with him."

In high school, because Wang Jianguang had a good relationship with Lin Fei, Jiang Meng naturally had more contact with them, so they were very familiar with each other. Lin Fei directly joked.

Jiang Meng's face was hot, especially when he saw her subordinates in the hall.

"Lin Fei, let's go out first."

Jiang Meng is pulling Lin Fei to leave.

Just then, a waitress spoke in the front desk. "Jiang Meng, you are not the deputy manager of our hotel now. Mr. Bi will inform you to clear up your personal belongings."


Originally, when I saw Jiang Meng crying in the hall, the staff who were just curious were boiling in an instant.

"I was fired."

"She should have been fired long ago. She was too strict."

"You deserve to be fired!"


The harsh voice of discussion suddenly resounded in the hall.

Jiang Meng, who was about to leave, suddenly froze in the same place. Tears rolled down her eyes, and her face was full of anger, shame and reluctance.

Today's Lin Fei, is no longer the past Lin Fei, now have understood. "Don't cry, Jiang Meng. Don't we have a dinner together here? If there is a problem, we will solve it together. "

"Lin Fei, no, I..."

"Jiang Meng, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Jianguang just received Lin Fei's arrival call and hurried to see Jiang Meng standing in front of Lin Fei crying. Li Yuan yelled.

"Jian Guang!" Seeing Jiang huaiguang cry like Wang Jianjin.

Lin Fei takes a look at the Northern Hotel, which is no match for Jiangnanchun hotel. But in Jiangbei County, a poor county, it is really first-class. Marble floor, crystal chandelier, exquisite carvings, and the orderly appearance of the waiter all show the grade here. Lin Fei nods secretly.

At the moment, Longnu just stops and comes in. It seems that something has happened to Linfei. Just about to come, Linfei makes a few gestures to her. Longnu nods, turns around and goes out to make a phone call.

"Jian Guang, Jiang Meng, don't cry here. Let's talk slowly in the private room you ordered."

Lin Fei didn't want to attract attention, so he advised.

"Don't cry, Jiang Meng. Let's go in and talk!"

Wang jiangmeng embrace, soft voice said.

Jiang Meng nodded. She knew that she couldn't leave the North Hotel today. After all, she sent invitation cards to all her classmates. After a while, when we came, we couldn't find anyone. How can we behave in the future?

Three people into the advance booking of a hundred years, the door just closed, Jiang menglie in the arms of Wang Jianguang cry again.

"Don't cry, Jiang Meng. What happened?"

"Don't be afraid! Even if the sky falls, I, Wang Jianguang, will support you. "

"If you cry again, I'll die."

Jiang Meng never said that, but Wang Jianguang was in a hurry.

However, his performance is very manly, even Lin Fei listened to more admire.

Jiang Meng sat down with the help of Wang Jianguang, adjusted her mood, and slowly opened her mouth

Lin Fei just heard a few words and got angry. He went out of the toilet and called Zhao Ren in person

In the suite on the seventh floor of the North Hotel, song Xianggang just received a call from Zhao Ren, asking him to buy the North Hotel.

Zhao Ren received the notice from Longnv. He knew that Longnv was Lin Fei's bodyguard. Her words, naturally, were Lin Fei's words. He didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Song Xiang finished the phone and was getting dressed when the phone rang again.

Seeing Zhao Ren's phone call, song Xiang immediately realized that it was very important.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm song Xiang."

"Song Xiang, the North Hotel immediately bought it and wrote the name of Jiang Meng."

"All right! I'll do it right away. "

"If you can't make it, go back to Jiangnan City and I'll send someone else."

Zhao Ren finished and hung up directly.Song Xiang's forehead was sweating.

Since he Zhiping was teased by Tianli real estate on that day, song Xiang's performance has been affirmed by Lin Fei. Zhao Ren also began to cultivate him. This time, he entered Jiangbei County and directly made him the person in charge of global real estate. It can be said that he is now the speaker of global real estate in Jiangbei County. This power and opportunity are not available to ordinary people.

Smart song Xiang, when he heard Zhao Ren's words, he knew that Lin Fei must be dissatisfied with this matter. In this case, he should deal with it directly -

buy it!

Song Xiang puts on his clothes and walks directly to bi Cheng's office.

When Bi Cheng knocks on the door, he opens the door and sees that it's song Xiang. He warmly invites song Xiang to come in. He attaches great importance to and respects song Xiang, who lives in the global real estate group. This is his God of wealth!

"What do you call the manager?"

Song Xiang walks in, looks around and sits directly on Bi Cheng's seat.

Bi Cheng's face changed, but he didn't dare to get angry. He said with a smile: "Bi Cheng, just call me Xiao Bi."

"Oh! Little X


Bi Cheng's face turned into a pig liver color.

Song Xiang saw clearly that he was about to lose his temper and said, "I can't pronounce correctly."

"It's all right, Mr. Song. My last name is graduation Bi."

"This surname is good. After graduation, you can go to the society to pretend to be a force." Song Xiang said with a smile.

Bi Cheng

"I feel comfortable living here."

"That's good!" Bi Cheng has been eating shriveled, but also dare not get angry, said with a smile.

However, he has been thinking about the purpose of song Xianglai?

"I think this hotel is very good. I'm a real estate person, so I'm excited when I see a good property, so I'm going to buy it."

Song Xiang's expression was as plain as usual, and he seemed calm and calm.

Bi Cheng's heart is a tremble, almost burst of foul language, NIMA's, money wilful?

"Mr. Song, I've just started business here. I don't have the idea of selling it. You..."

Song Xiang raised his hand to stop. "I calculated according to the price of Jiangbei County, and the hotel is less than 10 million. I'll give you 15 million."


Song Xiang made an offer.

Bi Cheng took a breath.

In fact, the hotel cost only 8 million yuan, which is 15 million yuan, nearly double the amount.

My mind suddenly became active.

"You can think about it for a minute. If you don't think about it for a minute, I will..."

Song Xiang didn't go on.

"Song, Mr. Song, is that true?"

"Of course, on-site contracts, cash transactions."

"Good! I agree! "

Bi Chengsheng was afraid of song Xiang's regret. Without any hesitation, he immediately printed the contract and signed the transaction, fearing to miss it.

After the transaction, song Xiang looked and nodded, sighed and said, "I would have said 20 million."

Bi Cheng

My intestines are blue with regret.

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