"No, thank you." Lin Fei refused.

Lin Fei himself also realized that it was time to change clothes. On the one hand, he had no time. On the other hand, he wanted to reply and have dinner today. He wanted to keep a low profile, so he didn't implement it at all.

Otherwise -

second kill everyone.

"Well, since we Lin Fei have such backbone, we won't say anything." Xu Hao didn't continue to talk, instead, he began to laugh with the people around him.

It's not only Xu Hao, but everyone looks down on Lin Fei now. This is the society and reality. If you have money and power, everyone will flatter you. If you have no money and power, everyone looks down on you.

Even classmates, even friends!

Lin Fei didn't say much, but planned to find a place to sit down. After all, he had to wait for Ma Xiaotian, otherwise Lin Fei might have left early.

"I'm sorry, Lin Fei. There's someone here." Xu Hao stops Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't think so much. He thought someone had made an appointment ahead of time, so he planned to change the other side.

"Ah, Lin Fei, there are people here, too." Xu Hao stops Lin Fei again.

Now Lin Fei's reaction comes over. Does the other side look down upon him and deliberately refuse to let him sit?

"Lin Fei, these seats are occupied. There is no one in that position over there. Why don't you sit there?" Xu Hao pointed to a seat in the corner.

"Lin Fei, just sit there. You smell so bad." Wang Mengyao echoed.

Lin Fei raised his eyebrows, and then did not speak. He went over and sat there. He thought that after the defense today, this kind of thing would not happen again at the evening's classmate party. Unexpectedly, it would be even worse.

Now Lin Fei, no matter how generous he is, is a little upset. Lin Fei looks at all this coldly.

OK, since you have to, I'll see how you end up?

Lin Fei sat in the corner and said nothing.

Xu Hao this time took out a box of cigarettes, one by one of the hair, even the female students also mean a bit, only to Linfei here, deliberately ignored Linfei.

"Xu Hao, you forget Lin Fei, he also smokes." Xiao Pang in order to curry favor with Xu Hao, directly stood on Xu Hao's side and stepped on Lin Fei together.

"Oh? I'm sorry I forgot. " Xu Hao pretends to be sorry, and then takes out another box of cigarettes from his pocket. What he handed to others was Zhonghua cigarettes, but now he takes out a package of Jiangnan real estate cigarettes with several yuan, and takes out one and hands it to Lin Fei.

It's not stepping on Lin Fei any more. It's humiliating Lin Fei.

"Thank you! I don't smoke anymore. "

"Lin Fei, do you stop smoking? Fool the devil Wang Mengyao couldn't help exclaiming.

You know, in the past two people together, because of smoking, she complained to Lin Fei, but Lin Fei just didn't change, now it's only three days, Lin Fei didn't smoke.

Ha, ha

"I know! Lin Fei must be too poor to afford cigarettes. " Xiao Pang Wang Kai said with a smile.

Lin Fei eyebrows pick pick pick, did not refute.

He did stop smoking.

Although Mu Xinxuan didn't say it, when they were together, Lin Fei felt that she was tired of the smell of smoke, so she decided not to smoke any more.

When the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing, the box door opened and Ma Xiaotian came in.

When Lin Fei sees Ma Xiaotian, his gloom is swept away. When he comes here today, his most important friend is Ma Xiaotian.

Ma Xiaotian saw Lin Fei, squeezed out a smile and sat directly beside him.

I don't know if I was in a hurry. With sweat on my forehead, I picked up a bottle of iced beer next to my seat, opened it and drank it.

"Birds of a feather flock together." Wang Mengyao sees Ma xiaotianjin drinking from Gu Zi and can't help but satirize.

"Ma Xiaotian, are you greedy for wine? Enough wine today Xiao Pang Wang Kai immediately took over.

Ma Xiaotian didn't speak. He picked up two bottles of wine and directly opened the bottle cap with his teeth. One bottle was handed to Lin Fei, and the other one was in his hand. He held it up, touched Lin Fei and said, "Lin Fei, from now on, take care of yourself."

Finish saying, don't wait for Lin Fei to talk, Ma Xiaotian already drank directly.

"Ouch! Ma Xiaotian, you are so solemn and stirring. Are you ready to leave Jiangnan City Xu Hao saw Ma Xiaotian come in to drink, in addition to Lin Fei, other people ignore, have long been fed up with.


Ma Xiaotian smashed the wine bottle on the table, and all the cups and plates on the table made a clatter.

"What are you doing? Go if you don't want to! " Zhu Yan brow lock said.

"Zhu Yan, Xu Hao, Wang Kai, and Wang Mengyao, don't be too arrogant, and don't look down on me and Lin Fei. Sooner or later, our brother will succeed and surpass each of you."

Ma Xiaotian finished, stood up and left.

"Ma Xiaotian, where are you going?" Lin Fei spoke."Lin Fei, my train leaves in an hour. I have to go to the station right away."


"Yes! I decided to go back to my hometown and start a business! "

When Ma Xiaotian finished this sentence, a trace of desolation flashed across his face.

"In such a hurry?"

"Lin Fei, you can go too! These people are not the same as us at all. I believe that with our efforts, we will match them one day. "

Ma Xiaotian said Pathetique in his eyes.

"As we are? What are you doing? You can't even compare with me. Zhu Shao and Xu Shao, what can you compare with? " Wang Kai said coldly.

"Wang Kai, don't talk about this with these self righteous stupid x, they don't understand." Xu Hao said with a sneer.

"Xiaotian, you don't have to be in such a hurry even if you go?" Lin Fei continued.

"I, my rent is due today. If I don't leave, it will be calculated according to one month, so..."


Wang Mengyao burst out laughing.

Lin Feixin is trembling. This morning, Ma Xiaotian worried that Jiang Yezhong would not let him pass the thesis defense, and he would give himself only 1000 yuan, and he wanted to bribe Jiang Yezhong.

What is a friend?

This is a friend, a true friend.

I think the purpose of my dinner tonight is for Ma Xiaotian.

It's worth it!

"Mengyao, where do you live now?" On one side, Lily hears Ma Xiaotian's words. Instead of sympathizing, she looks at Wang Mengyao and asks intentionally.

"I live in Zhang Qi's Aegean villa."


"Isn't that big?"

Lily sees what Wang Mengyao says is extremely natural and exaggerates on purpose.

"All right!" Wang Mengyao deliberately showed modesty, but she expressed her joy and pride incisively and vividly.


"Shameless!" Ma Xiaotian snorts coldly, opens two bottles of wine again, and hands one bottle to Lin Fei.

"Ma Xiaotian, pay attention to what you say!" Zhu Yan, Xu Hao and Wang Kai cried out at the same time, and the atmosphere at the scene became tense.

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