"Ma Xiaotian, this is a typical case that you can't eat grapes, feel sour grapes, have no house, and envy and hate in your heart."

Wang Mengyao has no shame on her face. Instead, she smiles and says triumphantly.

Ma Xiaotian didn't speak. He touched Lin Fei and was about to dry the wine directly.

"Xiaotian, wait for a drink!" Lin Fei grabs Ma Xiaotian's bottle.

Ma Xiaotian looks at Lin Fei with helpless bitterness in his eyes.

Good brother!

Nothing to do!

"Here you are!" Lin Fei handed Ma Xiaotian a file bag he had with him when he came in.

"This is..."

"Open it up."

Lin Fei nodded to Ma Xiaotian.

Wang Mengyao squints at the lamp overhead and doesn't care about the portfolio at all.

In her eyes, what valuable things can poor goods bring out?

"Lin Fei, isn't this also a ticket?"

"Do you two have some abnormal relationship, otherwise why are you so sympathetic?"

"Since we can't bear each other, let's just go together and live together."

Wang Kai, Xu Hao and Zhu Yan stare at Ma Xiaotian. They open the file bag, but they don't stop. They are still sneering.

"House property certificate!"

Lily next to him suddenly called out.

Wang Mengyao looks back and falls into Ma Xiaotian's hands.

Ma Xiaotian is also stunned!

"Xiaotian, this house is for you. Open it and have a look." Lin Fei's face with a faint smile, said in a calm tone.


Ma Xiaotian looks surprised.

He opened the real estate certificate with trembling hands, and was even more shocked when he saw that his name was written on it.

"Lin, Lin Fei, how can this be my name?"

Ma Xiaotian clearly remembers that he didn't buy a house, I didn't go, I didn't go, how could he have a house registered by his own name?

but the ID number is written on its own, and its name is also his own, which makes him very strange.

"The last time I handled the business, I had your ID card photo in my mobile phone, so it was done directly." Lin Fei looks at Ma Xiaotian and affirms.

Ma Xiaotian

Lin Fei didn't lie. Now in the real estate bureau, the relationship between Lin Ke'er and Zhao Ren, together with his name, is as simple as a routine. It's really very simple.

"You don't have to leave Jiangnan now!" Lin Fei said with a faint smile.

"Lin, Lin Fei, where did you get the money?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Just put it away."

Ma Xiaotian hesitated and nodded.

Turning to Wang Mengyao, she raised her hand to wipe her eyes, threw the house property certificate on the table, and said in a cold voice, "I'm also a person with a house now."

Wang Mengyao's face turned red at first and then black.

"It's shameless to live in a villa by finding a rich second generation!" Ma Xiaotian then said angrily.

"Ma Xiaotian, you..." Wang Mengyao just superior moment disappeared, face a burst of white a burst of red, extremely embarrassed.

"Isn't it just a broken house? Why do you compare with Wang Mengyao's villa? You know, the villa Wang Mengyao lives in is worth five million. " Zhu Yan see Wang Mengyao eat shriveled, can't help but live on one side to fight against injustice.

"Any one of the Aegean villas is more than three million, which I can prove." Xu Hao said immediately.

"How can a broken house worth only a million yuan compare with Wang Mengyao's villa?" Xiao Pang Wang Kai also stood up.

Wang Mengyao, who had eaten shriveled, had a more relaxed face and regained her look. "Ma Xiaotian, what's wrong with my villa? If you are envious of me, just say, "if you have the ability, go and live!"

"Even if you stay in Jiangnan City, what can you do? Can't find a job, can't earn money, you live in an empty house? "

"If you can make five million in your life, I'll take off my clothes and run naked."

"By the way, Ma Xiaotian, you gave me 1000 yuan today. This is the money I thank you for." Lin Fei finished and handed a bank card to Ma Xiaotian.

"Lin Fei, you didn't take the money, and you gave me the house. I don't want the money." Ma Xiaotian pushed the money back.

After hearing the speech, Lin Fei was moved. His family was poor before, and no one wanted to deal with him. But Ma Xiaotian was willing, and Ma Xiaotian borrowed money from Lin Fei several times to help Lin Fei solve his urgent need.

Ma Xiaotian is not greedy, but also let him very moved.

There is no wrong person!

"Ma Xiaotian, thank you! But I really have money now. There are 10 million here for you to start a business. " Lin Fei puts the bank card into Ma Xiaotian's hand.

Lin Fei rewarded Ma Xiaotian 100 times, which surprised everyone at the scene."Ten million?"

Other students in the crowd screamed out with envy.

This sentence is like a single spark, instantly forming a prairie fire. Everyone looks at Ma Xiaotian's bank card and shows greedy eyes.

Even Zhu Yan has no exception. You know, even his father's company has only 20 million or 30 million assets. Lin Fei gives Ma Xiaotian 10 million, which can buy one third of his father's company!

Besides, he has never seen so much money in his life.

As for Xu Hao and Wang Kai, the registered capital of their so-called companies is only 5 million, and most of them are financing and bank loans.

Ma Xiaotian didn't react at first. The shouts and eyes of his classmates made him quickly hold the bank card in his hand, and then put it into his pocket for fear of being robbed.

Then, looking at Lin Fei, he was confused. How did Lin Fei suddenly become so rich?

Ha ha

Wang Mengyao burst out laughing.

"Pretend! It's a real show! Ten million? Lin Fei, will you have ten million? "

Wang Mengyao, who thinks she knows Lin Fei best, absolutely doesn't believe that Lin Fei will have so much money, even if she is killed.

"Lin Fei, even if someone in the world will win 10 million yuan in the lottery, I'm sure it won't be you."

Wang Mengyao seems to feel that it is not enough, and then continues to satirize.

Zhu Yan and Xu Hao are awakened by Wang Mengyao's words. They look at each other, and then they see that they don't believe each other.

"Lin Fei will really have 10 million. Who believes that?" Xu Hao took the lead.

"Look at Lin Fei's clothes. Do you think there are ten million people?" Zhu Yan goes over and points to Lin Fei's clothes.

Originally immersed in the surprise of the people, the moment quiet down, eyes showing the color of doubt.

No way!

This is a common idea of all.

"Xiaotian, call to inquire. The password is six eights." Lin Fei put his body close to the back of the chair and said very relaxed.

Ma Xiaotian also woke up from the shock. He believed in Lin Fei and his friends.

Glancing over Zhu Yan's face, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the bank's customer service with confidence

"Your balance is ten million..."

When the sweet voice of the customer service staff at the other end comes from the hands-free mobile phone, Rao Shi Ma Xiaotian is psychologically prepared and still falls to the ground with his mobile phone in his hand. He can't believe it.

Other people in the box are more like electricity, standing in the same place

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