Song Le's gaze in Yang Lanna's flesh is abruptly interrupted by the woman's voice.

In the twinkling of an eye, a woman wearing a red Qipao is coming. She has a beautiful face, a good figure and a very feminine taste. But the anger on her face makes people feel very uncomfortable.

It is Hong Yi who is talking. She is Jiang Meng's Bridesmaid today.

But Songle's eyes immediately moved away, because his eyes had fallen on another woman.

Another woman is Jiang Meng. She wears a white wedding dress and draws delicate makeup, which makes her beautiful face more attractive.

My slim figure, set off by the wedding dress, is like a fairy who came down from nine days.

Songle feels that his heart is beating violently. The woman he wants to push down is this woman. It's just for this woman that he comes up with this strategy. Now, it's worth it! Great value!

It's just, I'm sorry, it didn't work.

"Hong Xu, what happened here?" Jiang Meng saw Hong Xu straight on the ground, immediately surprised to ask out.

Jiang Meng could imagine anyone kneeling down in public, but she never thought it was Hong Xu. In her eyes, Hong Xu was the best among the students.

Hong Xu's face is even more ugly. Originally, he wanted Yang Lanna to accompany Songle at night. He wanted Songle to let loose the fire and eliminate the fire. As a result, he was seen by Hongyi and Jiang Meng.

He didn't know how to say it.

"Mengmeng, what else can I ask? You see, this guy is a sex wolf. He must have taken a fancy to Yang Lanna, and Hong Xu agreed to please nature!" The glib red Yi, very not to face, directly pick out the words.

Hong Xu's face is even more ugly. Even Yang Lanna, who pretends to be confused and pure, can't hang up.

"Hong, Hong Xu, is what Hong Yi said true?"

Bitches want to build archways, too!

"Nana, don't listen to Hong Yi. I'm..."

Hong Xugang wants to say that he won't. seeing Songle's eyes, he suddenly swallows his voice.

Song is glad to see that Hong Xu is too scared to go on. He knows that Yang Lanna is already a Chinese dish. Although he has lost Jiang Meng, he also has a beautiful girl. She is in a better mood and has more smiles on her face.

Of course, he did not let Hong Xu go on, but also worried about his identity.

"Waiter, call your manager. I have to deal with the occupation of the wedding hall." Song Le looks at the front desk attendant and shouts.

The waiters have been scared silly for a long time. Yesterday, Hong Xu's performance in the hotel made many of them seduce. They wanted to catch up with the rich second generation. Unexpectedly, in a twinkling of an eye, they were beaten into dogs and didn't dare to resist. Naturally, they were even more afraid of Songle.

"The manager has come." The waiter said timidly.

"Where is it?"

"Right here." Jiang Meng stepped forward and said aloud.

Ha ha

Songle heard it and laughed.

"You, aren't you a deputy manager? How do you mean you're the manager

"This Bi Cheng is really incompetent. He hasn't fired you yet?"

"I'll call Bi Cheng now and ask him to fire you."

Song Le pointed to Jiang Meng and laughed for a long time before he stopped laughing.

"Songle, call Bi Cheng now!" Jiang Meng raised her mouth slightly, thinking of Bi Cheng and song Le's shamelessness, her face was full of sarcasm, as if she were looking at a fool.

Although song Le is confused, driven by anger, he still picks up his mobile phone and dials Bi Cheng.

However, it is a pity that the call is still not through.

"Well! Bi Cheng didn't get through, but I'd like to remind you to apologize to me immediately and make compensation for robbing my wedding hall, otherwise I'll be rude. "

"Grab your wedding hall?" Jiang Meng's face is cold, and frost asks in reply.


"Songle, why do you say it's your wedding hall?"

"That's it!" Songle finished, picked up the receipt that was on the front desk when he came in.

Ha, ha

Instead of looking at it, Jiang Meng sneered, "Songle, can you stop being such an idiot? Your receipt is empty. You didn't pay. Our Northern Hotel didn't receive your money. "

"You, you said I didn't pay? You call out Bi Cheng. " Songle is more puzzled. Only he and Bi Cheng know that he didn't pay. Why does Jiang Meng know? "I gave the money to bi Cheng." Songle continued.

"Then you can find Bi Cheng! This is the North Hotel, not the hotel of Bicheng. " Jiang Meng said impolitely.

"The North Hotel is bi Cheng's hotel. When I look for the North Hotel, I look for Bi Cheng."


Lin Fei laughs beside Songle.

"What are you laughing at?"

Song Le covered his red and swollen face and asked in an angry voice."Hong Xu, tell him who is the manager of the hotel now?" Lin Fei looks at Hong Xu who is still kneeling on the ground and says.

Hong Xu

There are countless grass mud horses running in my heart.

Can't we ignore our own existence?

Now is not the time to brush the possibility of being.

If we can, he really hopes that we can treat him as air, or even as a pile of garbage to throw out!

What a shame!

However, Lin Fei always seems to forget him, always timely carry him.

"Hong Xu, what's the matter?" Songle is not a fool. He has realized that there is a problem. He shouts at Hong Xu, who is full of depression.

"Pine, pine less, North Hotel Bi Cheng has been sold to the earth real estate." Hong Xu is more painful than eating a fly, almost squeezing out of his teeth.

"Sell, sell?" It's easy to put an egg in.

"Hong Xu, tell him again who is the manager here." Lin Fei seems to deliberately want to Hongxu and Songle duel, seems to want to make Hongxu embarrassed, continue to say.

Songle's eyes have locked Hongxu, Hongxu dare not answer, not to mention how subdued.

"Songshao, now the manager of North Hotel is, is..."

"What is it?"

"It's Jiang Meng!"

Hong Xu said helplessly.

"What, what?" Songle's red and swollen face seemed to be whipped by the sole again, which was hotter and more uncomfortable.

This, this face is a little big.

"Songle, I'm the manager." Jiang Meng's voice followed closely.

"What if you're the manager? I, I still let you... "

"Don't you want me fired? Come on! Get rid of me

Jiang dream to her husband Wang Jianguang's grievances, she also completely broke out.

Song Le

Why do you want to get rid of people?

"Songle, you fired her?"

"Yes, you fired her!"

"What about your arrogance? What about your aggressiveness? What about your confidence? "


Led by Lin Fei, the people on the scene attacked.

Songle was completely infuriated.

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