Songle is angry!

However, Jiang Meng was more angry than he was.

"Songle, don't you continue to be an idiot here, OK?"

"Please get out of here now. You are not welcome in our North Hotel."

"From now on, Songle will not be allowed in the North Hotel. If anyone lets him in, I will dismiss him."

In the support of the people, Jiang Meng's anger and domineering spirit were completely revealed and released.

This time, she's going to hit her face hard.

This time, she no longer has any scruples, because -

she has discussed with Wang Jianguang, and he will resign if it's a big deal, and she will never accept this cowardice.

So, she's going to have a good fight against Songle today.

Songle's anger is in his heart now, but he can't speak. He is really confused.

I was supposed to pretend to be a bully, but now I'm a fool, and I've been scolded and driven away by others in full view of the public. This is a great shame.

"You, you just don't know what to do."

"Don't forget that your husband is still in the real estate bureau, or under my hand."

"Today, I'm going to make your wedding unfinished. I'm going to send Wang Jianguang to tea."

Songle is about to collapse. He no longer cares about his identity and where it is. He decides to use force to suppress others.

Songle finished, took out his cell phone and began to make a call.

The first time, the other party hung up.

The second time, the other party hung up again.

Not until the third time.

Songle finished, the other party is almost gnashing his teeth agreed.

This makes Songle's heart full of friends. At the critical moment, it depends on friends and relationships. Thinking that the other party is from that special department, Songle seems to have seen the scene where Wang Jianguang is arrested and Jiang Meng kneels down in front of him, begging and letting him do what he wants.

He laughed narcissistically.

He laughed with pride.

Jiang Meng's heart is also a little up and down, his heart is uneasy, his face changes, did not expect that the other side would make such a bad decision.

"Fight with us? You don't want to see how many Jin and how many liang? "

"Wang Jianguang is a fool! Take such a wife

"Wang Jianguang just wait to go in and enjoy it slowly!"

Songle's three followers have already laughed wildly and began to sentence Wang Jianguang to death.

Jiang Meng's face changed again.

Songle's stagnant Qi disappeared in an instant, with more excitement and even more lust in his eyes.

Many people at the scene began to worry when they heard this.

On the contrary, Lin Fei's eyes flashed with disdain, and his mouth showed a strange smile.


Jiang Yelin thought of the two characters he had experienced.

Less than ten minutes later, more than a dozen people with serious facial expressions, well-dressed and dignified faces came in the North Hotel.

This group of people come in, let the air inside the house as if instantly reduced a few degrees.

Fortunately, most people here are ordinary people, and no one takes them seriously.

When song Le and his three subordinates saw these people coming in, they were subconsciously worried. In particular, song Le didn't know many people. He was looking for a friend from the special department of XXX in Jiangbei County who wanted to invite Wang Jianguang to have tea. When he saw so many people, he was confused.

However, seeing these people, Songle can only walk past with a stiff head, and the smile on his face is brighter than chrysanthemum. "Hello, Mr. Zong. I'm Songle, director of the office of the real estate bureau."

Director Zong didn't speak, just nodded, but the look at Songle was full of anger, which made Songle feel uncomfortable.

Songle's eyes turned to Tang Guozhen, who just called him.

The expression on Tang Guozhen's face was also very unnatural. He pretended to cough and said: "Director Song, I reported to director Zong about your reporting that Comrade Wang Jianguang of your unit did not implement the poverty alleviation management system according to the regulations. The people of Jiangnan inspection team happened to be here. Now they are coming to investigate together."

Although what Tang Guozhen said is quite natural, he has scolded Songle's ancestors for eight generations in his heart. The leaders attached great importance to this inspection and asked that nothing should happen. Now it's good that you should report your subordinates yourself and call during the meeting.

At that time, not to mention how depressed he was, he didn't answer the first two times. He thought Songle would give up, but Songle was very persistent. He called three times. The third time, the people from the inspection team asked him to answer, but asked for hands-free, because before the meeting, he had ordered his mobile phone to turn off.

Tang Guozhen was criticized for failing to implement the requirements. He had no choice but to press his mobile phone hands-free. Songle's report was heard by everyone, so everyone came together.

Tang Guozhen is very clear that the person who reported Songle had an accident, and his board is heavier. No accident, the meeting did not turn off the mobile phone as required, this matter will also be criticized, so he hated Songle.Songle doesn't know about Tang Guozhen's experience. It's said that it's a poverty alleviation patrol, so it's even more exciting.

"Wang Jianguang, the first Secretary of our bureau, didn't stay in the village according to the regulations, and even came back to get married without asking for leave according to the regulations, which seriously violated the relevant regulations. Please conduct an in-depth investigation."

"As his leader, I feel very sorry that he has such a thing. Adhering to the attitude of being responsible for the organization, I want to report it in real name."

"As for whether there are any other problems, please conduct a detailed investigation. If there are any problems, our bureau will not tolerate and cover them up."

Songle is full of spirit, high sounding and full of sense of justice.

Zong Qifeng's mouth twitched and looked at Songle. He didn't know how many donkeys had kicked Songle's head. How could he be so stupid?

It's too late for the superior to cover the lid. You're taking the initiative to lift the lid. It's really -


Zong Qifeng helpless, turned to the inspection team leader, "director Liu, how do you do this?"

The man, who is called director Liu, is in his forties. He has a serious expression and never smiles. This man is Liu Feng.

It's the man who invited Lin Fei to tea at the beginning. Before Lin Fei left, he said he was sick and couldn't laugh.

Since Liu Feng came in, he saw Lin Fei. After the last incident, they had become friends and had contact in private. When Lin Ke'er was treated by Yu shuikeng Qian in Jiangnan first hospital, Lin Fei called Liu Feng and asked him to check Yu Shui's backstage.

After today's arrival, Liu Feng was very curious to see Lin Fei here, but he didn't show any special, even pretended not to know him.

At first, Lin Kaifei was angry with Lin Kaifei, but now he was angry with Lin Kaifei.

You know, whenever you feel the wind of office air conditioning, you will think of the 25 million donated by Lin Fei, which makes him feel very face.

After working on the case for so many years, I finally found a good man and got a good reward.

At this time, Liu Feng spoke

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