"If there is a problem, then follow the procedure." Liu Feng said lightly.

Zong Qifeng nodded and looked at Songle. "Call Wang Jianguang from your bureau, and we will investigate according to law."

"All right!" That's what Songle said.

When he looked at Jiang Meng again, his face was full of pride, even with a look of waiting for you to kneel down. "Jiang Meng, call out your favorite husband and accept the investigation."

Happy expression, excited voice, all through his excitement.

At the moment, Jiang Meng was a little nervous when she saw this posture.

He turned pale and began to shake.

She is a woman. Although she was very strong and tough just now, the name of this special department in recent years has been deeply imprinted in her mind, so she is also worried that Wang Jianguang will

If you want to add sin to it, you have no choice.

Songle obviously knew them all.

Jiang Meng is helpless. His first reaction is to look at Hong Xu.

At the moment, Hong Xu is still kneeling on the ground, his face is swollen like a pig's head. Just now, Jiang Meng continued not to give Songle face. He had already let him hate Jiang Meng.

Now seeing Jiang Meng's eyes for help, Hong Xu's eyes are not only without any expression of sympathy, but more ruthless.

The reason why he fawns on Wang Jianguang is that he hopes that he can make a difference in the future. This is a long-term investment.

Now that Songle has been eradicated, he has guessed the fate of Wang Jianguang. Naturally, he will not help Jiang Meng, let alone offend Songle.

Jiang Meng is more nervous now.

When everyone was at a loss, Lin Fei spoke.

"Jiang Meng, call Jianguang down. I believe they will give him a fair treatment."

Although Lin Fei's words are stupid words in song Le's and Hong Xu's ears, they ignite a hope in Jiang Meng's heart.

Of course, this hope is not from Lin Fei, but from his belief in the organization.

She immediately took the phone from Hongyi and dialed Wang Jianguang.

At the moment, Wang Jianguang is busy with all kinds of things in the wedding hall. He doesn't know what happened next. When he sees Jiang Meng's phone call, he presses the button to get through.

"Jianguang, go to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel immediately. It's urgent."

Jiang Meng also wants to continue to say that Tang Guozhen has stepped forward, grabbed the phone and hung up directly.

He is worried that if Jiang Meng tells the reason, Wang Jianguang will run away.

Similar things have happened many times.

This time, he couldn't understand why Liu Feng didn't send someone to arrest him.

However, the opportunity of self redemption can never be missed.

For Tang Guozhen's move, Liu Feng and other inspection team members did not stop it, obviously they have acquiesced.

Less than two minutes later, the elevator door opened and out came a man in a black suit, white shirt and a little red flower on his chest -

it was Wang Jianguang.

As soon as Wang Jianguang appeared, the crowd around Jiang Meng made way for an instant.

"Meng Meng, what can I do for you?" Wang Jianguang's eyes are full of tenderness at the moment. He didn't expect anything to happen here, let alone care what happened.

Jiang Meng did not speak, but looked at the people of the inspection team.

Wang Jianguang's eyes just fell on Songle.

"Director Song, what are you doing here?"

Thinking of Songle's dirty ideas about Jiang Meng, Wang Jianguang is on fire and gnashing his teeth in hatred. This is definitely a man he meets in society.

When he thought about deliberately making obstacles for himself in his work, deliberately arranging for himself to go down to help the poor and so on, Wang Jianguang was even more resentful and frustrated.

Huaxia is an official oriented country. He wanted to make a difference in this system under the education of his parents since he was a child, but his experience made him want to go.

"Wang Jianguang, as your leader, I feel very sad that you violate the regulations of staying in the village without asking for leave."

"In order to rectify the discipline, I took the initiative to report your behavior to the XXX department. Now it happens that the inspectors are here, and they will investigate the matter."

"Wang Jianguang! As a newly recruited civil servant, I have the leadership responsibility for what happened to you. In the past, I didn't supervise you enough, so that led to today's situation. For this, I am deeply remorseful. "

In the face of Wang Jianguang's inquiry, Songle even put forward a set of leadership style and set up an image of selfless and righteous

People who have just witnessed everything at the scene have run through countless grass mud horses in their hearts.

They don't know what the thick skin of Songle looks like?

"Songle, I have asked for leave from the organization."

When Wang Jianguang heard about the inspection of the XXX department, he was also worried. He still understood the system.

However, he immediately calmed down and asked for leave. Why should he be afraid?"Leave? Who did you ask for leave from? "

Songle has a puzzled expression.

"Asked director Fang for leave." With that, Wang Jianguang looked at a fat man in his forties beside Songle. His big round face was like a big cake.


Song Le was puzzled and looked at director Fang.

Director Fang's head has turned into a rattle.

"Director Song, Wang Jianguang is lying. He never asked for leave. If he asked for leave, how could I not report it to you?"

Director Fang is Fang bangfei, deputy director of Jiangbei County Real Estate Bureau. In his 40s, he became deputy director. It's thanks to Songle that he can get to this step.

After song Le became the director, he could not take up the responsibility of the director. What should he do?

So he found Fang bangfei, who is capable but has no backstage and has never been successful, and asked his father to make him a deputy director to take charge of all the dirty and tiring work in the office, while he just sits and gets his grades every day.

Fang bangfei did not complain about this arrangement. On the contrary, he was very happy. For this position, he has been fighting for more than 20 years. From his age like Wang Jianguang to now, his hair is white and has not come true.

Now, Songle has given himself a chance. How can he miss it?

Therefore, Fang bangfei did not hesitate to agree. From then on, he became the deputy director and the follower of Songle.

Today, he told Songle about Wang Jianguang's marriage. His original intention was to ask Songle if he would send someone to show it. After all, he was also under his own department, but Songle was furious.

Just now Songle was beaten and so on, he didn't stand up, not in a hurry, but to find out Songle's real idea.

Now, it's 100% certain that Songle is coming to Wang Jianguang for trouble. Of course, it's necessary to support Songle.

Thinking that the note was still in his desk, he was ready to burn it down.

"Director Fang, you signed my leave slip. You even said that you wanted to report it to Director Song and told me that I could leave. Otherwise, how could I leave?"

Wang Jianguang's expression was tense and his tone was trembling, as if he was afraid.

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