All this, in song Le's eyes, is more happy, he made a wink at Fang bangfei.

"Wang Jianguang, when did you ask me for leave? If you ask for leave, I will definitely arrange other people to take charge of your work. Would you ask other people, "is there anyone in charge of your work?"

Fang bangfei finished and looked at the two men next to him.

Two people shake their heads at the same time, no one admits.

Songle's heart has already blossomed with laughter. Fang bangfei is really not simple. He is not only quick to understand his intention, but also quick to respond. In two words, he plays Wang Jianguang to death.

"Director Zong, the situation is basically like this now. Do you think we should investigate it according to your steps?" Songle suppressed his ecstasy and made a look that I was very sad and disappointed.

Zong Qifeng didn't respond to Songle's words. He turned to Liufeng. "Director Liu, people have come."

Liu Feng nodded, Lin Fei just said, he heard, has shown that Lin Fei and the front of the Wang Jianguang is to know, and a good relationship.

I don't know if he loves his family. Thinking of Lin Fei's character, he has a natural belief in Wang Jianguang.

Of course, as people like them, they can't be compassionate. Everything is based on facts.

Just as Liu Feng was about to speak, Wang Jianguang suddenly looked on one side. The tension and fear just disappeared, and then sneered.

"Songle and Fang bangfei, don't think you are very smart. There are no idiots in the world. I know what you think. I'm even more defensive!"

Wang Jianguang finished, took out his mobile phone, shook it in front of Fang bangfei, and then turned it on.

"Director Fang, I plan to take a week off to get married."

"That's a good thing. No problem. Congratulations."

"Director Fang, this is my leave slip. Please sign it for me."

"No problem!"


The conversation between Fang bangfei and Wang Jianguang came from the mobile phone.

Everyone at the scene was quiet, and their eyes fell on Fang bangfei's face.

At the end of the recording, there was a dead silence. Fang bangfei's face turned into a pigliver color. He could not imagine that Wang Jianguang would be on guard against him even if he asked for leave.

"You, you're playing with me?" Fang bangfei pointed at Wang Jianguang with his hand. He felt like eating Xiang.

"Director Fang, it's not that I'm on guard against you, it's that you and Songle have formed a peerless double pride in the real estate bureau. In order to protect myself, I have to."

"You, you..."

Fang bangfei's fat body was so angry that his belly was undulating.

Songle is also depressed, especially Wang Jianguang's description of the peerless double pride, which makes his heart tremble. He looks at Liu Feng and finds that his face is very ugly, and there is a cool wind on his back.

"Wang Jianguang, if you do this, you are killing yourself. In the future, who else will believe you and get along with you in the unit?"

Songle takes out a posture of educating subordinates and says it painstakingly.

Ha ha

When Wang Jianguang heard this, he burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Songle, with a scum leader like you and a father like you, I don't want this job in the real estate bureau."

"Let me, a young man who just graduated from university and knows nothing, help the poor. But you are the person in charge of helping the poor. The responsibility is all mine and the credit is all yours. You father and son can do it."

"Songle, you are coveting my wife. You have joined with Bi Cheng, the former manager of North Hotel, to dismiss my wife and let us have no place for our wedding. Today, you come here to make trouble. How can you continue to work with such a leader as you?"

Wang Jianguang was also completely angry, and let out the anger and anger that he had repressed in his heart.

Songle's face turned red and white, and finally turned black.

"Wang Jianguang, don't be presumptuous! It's a lack of education for you to talk to the director like this without going up or down. "

"That's right, Wang Jianguang. You've gone too far."

"You should go back and reflect."

Fang bangfei and the other two root classes saw that Songle was depressed. Regardless of the presence of the inspection team, they directly denounced Wang Jianguang.

Ha ha

"Write check?"


"I don't think so."


"Because I'm ready to resign, I think it's a shame for me to say that I'm a staff member of the real estate bureau of Jiangbei County."

Wang Jianguang and Fang bangfei asked and answered questions.

"You, you wait to go back to accept the punishment of the organization!"

Songle finally suppressed his anger and said fiercely.

"Punishment? I'm not going to do it. I'm going to resign. You can punish me as you like. "

Song Le"Songle, and I'll tell you, I don't know if you and your father will give me a chance to punish you."

"But it's you. Don't let me see the day when you wrote your confession."

"It's natural. I believe there is justice in the world. I believe you will be punished."

Wang Jianguang will suppress the anger and depression for a long time in this moment completely vent, completely release.

The outbreak of Wang Jianguang not only shocked Songle and Fang bangfei, but also Liu Feng and others.

However, no one found that there was a flash of brilliance in Liu Feng's eyes. To be exact, it was a flash of light. He seemed to see himself in his youth.


Applause broke out in the hall.

But it was the applause of one person.

It was Lin Fei who followed the reputation.

"Good! What Jian Guang said! Heaven's reason is clear, there will be retribution in the end. "

Lin Fei ignored people's eyes and said.

"You, you again?" Songle has been unlucky ever since he saw Lin Fei. When he heard Lin Fei stand up and say hello, he didn't mention how disgusting and depressed he was.

"Jian Guang, you are a man."

"Jiang Meng, you didn't choose the wrong man."

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is a happy day for my classmate, my friend and my brother Wang Jianguang. I support Wang's choice. I hope leaders can make a detailed investigation and do not affect the time."

Lin Fei ignored song Le's reaction, but his eyes swept over the faces of all the people in the inspection group, and his voice said solemnly.

"Who do you think you are? What makes you say that? "

"Even if Wang Jianguang asked for leave, I would report him for violating the rules and accepting our gift."

"He has to be investigated, too."

Songle still does not give up. With that, he focuses on Liu Feng and others. He hopes to take Wang Jianguang away to investigate.

At the moment, Liu Feng becomes the protagonist of the scene, and everyone's eyes are on Liu Feng. His words can decide Wang Jianguang's fate, and even today's wedding.

Jiang Meng's hand tightly grasped Wang Jianguang's hand, palms are sweat, face is nervous.

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