Liu Feng knows how important his words are, and he knows people's thoughts better.

As a public official and a person with a special mission, he should be cold-blooded and ruthless.

It's just that this matter involves Lin Fei's good friend

"The matter of Comrade Wang Jianguang of the real estate bureau is temporarily suspended today and allowed to get married, but I can't leave Jiangbei County and accept the investigation at any time."

Liu Feng opened his mouth and fixed his voice.

His words were to Wang Jianguang, but his eyes were on Lin Fei.

He believes in Lin Fei.

And with his experience, a new employee has no power or contacts. What can he do?

What's more, Fang bangfei just opened his eyes to tell lies and denied asking for leave, which shows that Wang Jianguang was excluded and suppressed, which also made him more trusting.

Liu Feng's decision was obviously beyond everyone's expectation except Lin Fei.

Jiang Meng and Wang Jianguang are more excited to hold each other's hands.

"Thank you, leader!"

"I'm sure I won't run away, and I'm ready to resign. In Jiangbei County Real Estate Bureau, I'm desperate for that unit."

"I sincerely hope you can investigate the Jiangbei County Real Estate Bureau."

Wang Jianguang has already hated Songle and his father. He has no desire and no desire, so he has no scruples. It is directly equivalent to reporting the real estate bureau and their father and son.

Songle just heard Liu Feng's decision to deal with it very depressed. Hearing this, she almost fell down on the spot.

He's really upset.

"Hong Xu, haven't you given Songle yet? Oh, no, is Songshao kneeling enough in your mouth?"

Lin Fei's eyes look at Hong Xu kneeling on the ground and says sarcastically.

Hong Xu

Songle's heart trembled again.

Originally, Wang Jianguang's report was lethal. If Hong Xu's kneeling on the ground is brought out again, I'm afraid

Songle's warning eyes immediately shot at Hong Xu.

Hong Xu immediately understood. "Lin Fei, don't talk nonsense there. I just need to adjust on my knees because my legs are uncomfortable."


As soon as Hong Xu said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

"I'll go! Hong Xu is really shameless. There is no bottom line. "

"Hong Xu is really shameless. He knelt down because he was scared by that Songshao."

"Just now, even Yang Lanna's own girlfriend had to contribute to Songle. What else could he be? Fortunately, I don't have a deep friendship with him. This kind of person is not worth making friends with. "


All of a sudden, it attracted a lot of ridicule and ridicule.

Hong Xu's face is hotter.

"Jiang Meng, is there a surveillance video in your hotel hall?" Lin Fei's voice sounded again.

Songle's heart has been tightly intertwined.

Jiang Meng did not understand the meaning of Lin Fei's words, but instinctively said, "yes."

"Send someone to copy it and bring it back to the inspection team. I'm afraid there will be something they like in it."

Lin Fei looks at song Le and says with profound meaning.

Songle's heart sank completely.

"Come on, don't delay the wedding time. Let's go first."

Liu Feng finished and took the lead to leave.

The members of the inspection team nodded and turned to leave.

"Xiao Wang, you go to get the video, and then meet with the real estate bureau of Jiangbei County." Liu Feng looks to the side stop saying.


Xiao Wang agreed very readily, his face is full of smiles, for Lin Fei, he is more and more admire.

The people who follow Jiang Meng take the video. When they pass by Lin Fei, they squish at him and admire him incisively and vividly.

Songle and Fang bangfei collapsed on the ground directly, and were finally taken away by Tang Guozhen.

Although their affairs are still uncertain, at least now the real object has become them.

The scene finally quiets down. Hong Xu is still kneeling on the ground. It's not that he doesn't want to get up, it's because his legs are numb and he can't get up.

"Hong Xu, it seems that all sinners like to kneel down for a long time

Lin Fei light said a, turn to the elevator.

Ah, ah!

Hong Xu suddenly let out a cry, angry and indignant.

However, in addition to Yang Lanna, no one has paid any attention to it. His performance today has completely collapsed his previous tall image.

"Hong Xu, let's go!"

Although Yang Lanna is ashamed that Hong Xu wants to match Songle, she tolerates the thought of Hong's family property.

To help Hong Xu out of the North Hotel, he has been completely annoyed.

"No! I'm not going! If I don't slap Lin Fei in the face today, I'll never leave. "Hong Xu said, regardless of his face swollen like a pig, into the elevator, also went to the wedding hall.

When he came to the main table and sat down, the questions in the eyes of the people directly ignored. He was brewing, brewing, he wanted to

At this time, a group of students got together and began to give money to the members.

This kind of money is collected by someone.

This is the best time to show strength and force.

One by one, everyone took out the money and handed it to the person in charge of collecting the money. Then they reported their names and were recorded in the book.

Among all the students, Hong Xu is the most powerful and generous.

However, Hong Xu has been sitting there, no one dare to accept his money, which makes Hong Xu more depressed.

"Come here, this is my money."

Feeling the change of atmosphere, Hong Xu suppressed his anger and threw away his hand for 100000 yuan.

"So much?"

At the main table, those people who had just been beaten by Hong Xugang, kneeling on the ground, still looked down upon him, were once again shocked by his actions.

This gift is a little scary.

Others are a little envious looking at Hong Xu, and Hong Xu finally has the opportunity to take a breath, deliberately low-key waving.

At this time, it's Lin Fei's turn.

For Lin Fei, although we admire his mind and his brave performance today, no one expects Lin Fei to give too much money. After all, we all know his strength.

Of course, we also want to see how much money Lin Fei will give.

He just said that Wang Jianguang is his classmate, his friend and his brother.

According to this comparison, how can it be higher than Hong Xu?

But Lin Fei stepped forward at this time, took out a handful of change from his trouser pocket, and finally counted seventy-seven yuan and put it on.

"Seventy seven?" The person in charge of the gift collection was stunned.

Because in this era, you start with money, at least with a red ticket, right?

Where else are there 77?

And the students who have been waiting to see the results look ugly. Just now, the little good impression of Lin Fei disappeared, despised, looked down upon, and instantly returned.

What Hong Xu is waiting for is this moment, and the purpose of coming back is for this moment. His sneer sounds.

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