"Lin Fei, you've gone too far, haven't you?" Hong Xu's voice rang.

Although there was a leak in the voice, everyone could hear it clearly.

"What's going too far?" Lin Fei frowned.

"You said that Wang Jianguang was your classmate, your friend, your brother, and you only gave me seventy-seven yuan?"

Hong Xu asked sarcastically.

"Do you mean it?" Yang Lanna next to Hong Xu also sneers.

"How much is just an intention. Besides, what does it matter to you how much I give you?" In Lin Fei's eyes, Hong Xu is a rubbish. Although other students give him a bad impression, he doesn't want to worry too much, so he always keeps calm and low-key.

But Hong Xu just knelt down in front of Songle like a dog, and now he brags again, which makes him angry.

People can't go too far.


"Well, it's the same. People can give as much as they want. We can't control it." Hong Xu looks at Yang Lanna and deliberately persuades her.

However, his voice is a strange tone of yin and Yang. With his leaky mouth, his deep sense of disdain is instantly increased by countless times. It is estimated that even an old monk who has practiced for many years will be instantly angry.

"What kind of friendship is there?" Yang Lanna said angrily.

"Nana, stop talking about it." Hong Xu insinuates.

"I said, you guys, I've seen the friendship of my classmates very much. I hope you can stop just now. Otherwise, from now on, everyone will be passers-by." Lin Fei cold mouth way, also can be regarded as the last warning to these people.


"What do you mean by that?"

"It means you still look down on us, don't you?"

"I remind you, here you are the poorest, you are the most incompetent!" Hong Xu is infuriated by Lin Fei's words again. He also wants to stir up everyone's anger and deliberately pull everyone in to make everyone hate Lin Fei.

It worked.

"Lin Fei, it's your own business to be poor. You can't blame others."

"If you want others to look up to you, you have to show your strength to prove yourself."

"Even if you are standing on your knees, you have dignity."


Under the shock of Hong Xu's 100000 yuan, some students began to express themselves one after another.

"Well, what is this for? Everyone is a classmate

"What's more, it's a wedding. It's not suitable to make a scene. Everyone should calm down."

"We all know that Lin Fei has no money. Let's not embarrass him any more."


Some people come out to pick things up, others come out to be peacemakers, but that way is very fake and ironic.

"Do you think he's going too far?"

"You are so tall, but you are so stingy when you do things?"

"It's really nice to take it out. In exchange for being someone else, I'd rather not take it out than lose face."

Hong Xu sneered.

"Look at Hong Xu. He's got a hundred thousand. What's a classmate? What is the meaning of love? "

"That's it

"If I have a chance later, I will say it in front of you." Yang Lanna said unconvinced.

"Dear guests, friends and relatives, welcome to the wedding of Mr. Wang Jianguang and Ms. Jiang Meng. Now it's only a few minutes before the wedding officially starts. If you have any blessing words, you can come to the stage and say it. " The master of ceremonies stood on the stage and said with a microphone.

The MC's words interrupted the quarrel here. However, as soon as it was over, some students rushed up and expressed their wishes to Wang jiangmeng and Wang Jiangguang.

Just when it was Hong Xu's turn to bless, a flash of anger flashed through his eyes. Then he showed a sneer and walked slowly towards the platform.

When Hong Xu came on stage, the people below were all looking forward to the good play.

Hong Xu is today's celebrity. Before the arrival of Songle, he was a star here. Many people, especially when they heard that he was the general manager of Honghao real estate, looked at him with flattery and flattery.

Songle's arrival has become a watershed, and his performance has become a laughing stock.

At the moment, no one can look up to him except the people at the same table who saw him throw away 100000.

This makes Hong Xu's arrogant heart more hit, more determined to hit Lin Fei hard.

Hong Xu grabs the microphone directly, politely says two words of blessing, and then suddenly sneers.

"I shouldn't have said anything more on this big day, but I really can't see it. I can't see some people."

"Wang Jianguang, Lin Feigang, who regards you as a classmate, a friend and a brother, has just taken money with him. It's not enough. He only paid seventy-seven yuan. "

"This is your good friend. This is the good friend you asked me to pick him up in Jiangnan City. It's extremely stingy.""Do you know his name? His name is Lin Fei, who has the same name as Lin Fei, the richest man in Jiangnan City who just knocked down the Ye family. He even claimed that he was Lin Fei, and he just gave up such a little money? Is this the so-called friendship of classmates? Is this the money that a so-called richest man should follow? "

Hong Xu's passionate speech attracted everyone, and even made everyone look at Lin Fei. Even Wang Jianguang, Jiang Meng and Hong Yi didn't expect that Lin Fei would follow the money.

However, when Wang Jianguang thought of Lin Fei's father's poverty, he immediately put it down. On the contrary, he was equally happy with Lin Fei's seventy-seven yuan.

Friendship is priceless.

Just as he wanted to speak, Hong Xu spoke again.

"Lin Fei, if you are a man, stand up and let everyone see who you are? Let's have a look at who this person is, who is a classmate, who is a friend and brother. "

Hong Xu points to Lin Fei and shouts.

Although no one spoke at the scene, everyone looked at Lin Fei.

At this moment, he has only one idea, that is to make Lin Fei lose face, lose face, let him just lost face in front of Songle, Lin Fei double back.

Lin Fei's expression is still light, he slowly stood up.

"What a handsome man

"I can't imagine that under such a handsome face, people would be so hypocritical."

"It seems that we must not judge people by their appearance!"


Lin Fei attracted a lot of disdain.

In fact, this can not blame anyone, people live for a face, is for a vanity.

Just like today's wedding, even if you don't have any money, you can spend 100 yuan. At least it's the same thing to let people see it. But you spent 77 yuan. What's the shame?

Just when everyone guessed how Lin Fei would explain, Lin Fei walked slowly and lightly towards the stage

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