Lin Fei's every move is full of confidence.

If it wasn't for the idea of seventy-seven yuan in everyone's heart, Lin Fei's every move would have shocked countless people and maddened countless women.




"Lin Fei, don't you need to give us an explanation?"

Lin Feifei is calm, and the more unable Hong Xu is to calm down, the more indignant he is.

Lin Fei didn't speak. Wang Jianguang looked at Lin Fei and said something.

"Lin Fei, we are classmates, friends and brothers. No matter how much money you want, you are my friend. I, Wang Jianguang, recognize you as a brother."

Wang Jianguang said that he was sincere and sincere, and his face was full of a smile from the heart.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Is he stupid?"

"Can't he tell the good from the bad?"

"There must be something wrong with this man's brain, otherwise he couldn't lead him like that just now."


A stone stirs a thousand waves.

Even Hong Xu is a bit of a fool.

I've been doing it myself for a long time, but I've sublimated my friends' feelings. It's depressing.

Jiang Meng clenched Wang Jianguang's hand, this is the real man, he did not choose the wrong, can not be attracted by fame and wealth of men, is the real man, is really worthy of love.

On the contrary, she was grateful for Lin Fei's seventy-seven yuan, which strengthened her love for Wang Jianguang.

Many years later, when Wang Jianguang had become a feudal official, whenever he talked about Lin Fei, the richest man, what he was most grateful for was today. It was this incident that made him get real love and friendship.

Of course, if it wasn't for Lin Fei, there would be no future for him.

However, these are afterwords.

Friends go together all their lives

there is no longer a word in those days

all their lives

love a glass of wine

At the grand wedding scene, I suddenly think of Zhou Huajian's "friends", which was originally sarcastic and repressive. Many people were moved. The real version of friends, touched by the scene.

Among the students at the scene, many exclaimed that Lin Fei was lucky to have a friend like Wang Jianguang.

"Lin, Lin Fei, you are really a koi." Think of let Linfei bear all the wedding, the North Hotel take the initiative to stand up.

Now such a good time to slap on the face, Wang Jianguang even cherishes friendship, which makes Hong Xu speechless.

At the moment, Lin Fei has stepped on the stage.

He gave Hong Xu a little smile, took the microphone in his hand, looked at the crowd and said, "I'll pay seventy-seven yuan, which means that my good brother Wang Jianguang will get up all the way."

The scene was still touched by the music, and no one spoke.

Ha ha

Hong Xu is the first to laugh, and he laughs. "Lin, Lin Fei, you are so special that you can give such a high sounding reason to your own stinginess. I don't think you can find a second person."

Lin Fei did not speak, but looked at Song Xiang.

Just now, he let the music play backstage. When he heard Hong Xu beat Lin Fei with his classmates, friends and brothers, he thought of arranging it temporarily.

Lin Fei guessed it, so when he saw it, he appreciated it more.

"Mr. Song, you are here!"

Hong Xu originally wanted to continue to attack Lin Fei. Seeing song Xiang, he immediately went to say hello.

Song Xiang stares at Hong Xu's swollen face and says in disgust: "which psychiatric hospital did you come from? Call and see them off. "

"Song, song Zong, I'm Hong Xu!" When Hong Xu said this, his face was more painful and uncomfortable than that of Songle.

"The general manager of Honghao real estate? Who are you being beaten by? A partner like you is just an insult to our global real estate. I think we should forget about the cooperation! "

Song Xiang said with disgust.

"Mr. Song, don't! We... "

Song Xiang no longer pays attention to Hong Xu, holding a red box in his hand and walking towards Lin Fei.

"Give this to Jian Guang and Jiang Meng." Lin Fei said with a smile to the microphone.

The voice just fell, the scene a curious, eyes are locked in Song Xiang.

"What did you send, Lin Fei? Isn't it a gauze towel? "

"Lin Fei, don't embarrass Wang Jianguang and Jiang Meng any more, OK?"

"No, I'll see what it is!"

With that, Hong Xu grabs the box in Song Xiang's hand.

Because of the sudden accident, song Xiang is unprepared and wants to get back. He is stopped by Lin Fei.

Hong Xu opened a red box and saw it directly.

When he opened the house property certificate, Hong Xu's eyes were straight, and people were stupid. He stared at the certificate for a long time, then muttered to himself: "impossible! It's impossible! It's absolutely impossibleWhoa!

The scene was filled with surprise, "what's impossible?"

Hong Xu's expression is too special, too shocked, too unbelievable.

"Hong Xu, what is impossible?"

Yang Lanna comes over and grabs Lin Fei. She wants to expose Lin Fei and beat him in the face.

As a result, the moment I saw the certificate, my face became very pale, and I muttered to myself: "impossible! It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible

Two people, two people who also hate Lin Fei, made the same voice, the same evaluation, which attracted all the people on the scene.

Finally, red Yi can't stand it. She walks over and grabs the real estate certificate. When she sees the words on it, she also stares round her eyes, and even rubs her eyes hard.

Finally, Hong Yi looks at Lin Fei and calls out. "Lin, Lin Fei, what's going on?"

As she stood beside Jiang Meng, Jiang Meng also saw it and was stunned. Wang Jianguang also saw it and was stunned.

This makes the following people even more ignorant and surprised.

"Dear guests, welcome to the North Hotel. I am the former manager of the North Hotel, but I am afraid I am also the shortest manager in history, less than 24 hours."

Song Xiang takes the microphone from Lin Fei and laughs.

Originally curious people, focusing on him, were amused.

"I now announce that the manager of the North Hotel is Ms. Jiang Meng."

As soon as song Xiang's words came out, there was a lot of discussion.

"What's the curiosity? Didn't you say that yesterday? "

"Make a mountain out of a molehill."

"It's hypocrisy. I have to go through it and show it."


Song Xiang laughed off these comments, not only didn't care, continued: "Ms. Jiang Meng is not only the manager of the hotel, but also the owner of the hotel. This big hotel, which the earth real estate company spent 15 million to buy, was officially presented to Wang jiangmeng and Wang Jiangguang as the wedding gift of our chairman Lin Fei."

Song Xiang suddenly sped up and raised his voice.

However, when his words were finished, the scene was quiet, no applause, no surprise, because -

everyone was shocked.

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