"Let's fight. We don't have to do it anyway." Lin Fei looked at the angry red Yi and said with a smile.

"Hoo Mi Jian took a long breath and kept shaking his sore, swollen and numb hands and arms. He looked at Lin Fei and said, "I really have no strength."

"No more?"

"No, I really can't move." Mi Jian said with a bitter smile.

"How many hits?"

"I can't remember." Mi Jian himself couldn't count.

"How about ten million?"

"Ten, ten million?"

"What? Too little? "

"No! no Enough, enough Mi Jian felt that his soul had gone up to heaven. This was the number he could not even dream of.

"The most generous boss I've ever met." Mi Jian was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"Give me the account number and I'll transfer it for you."

Lin Fei didn't say a word.

Mi Jian takes out the bank card and hands it to Lin Fei respectfully.

Lin Fei picked it up and took out his mobile phone to transfer the money. In less than two minutes, the money arrived.

Mi Jian stares at the mobile phone bank to tell a short time, looked for more than ten seconds, just one by one zero clear.

Finally, he knelt down in front of Lin Fei with a plop. "Boss! Thank you

With that, he banged his head three times and turned to run out.

Life to make money, but also life to spend money is the hard truth, MI Jian obviously understand this truth.

Lin Fei turns his eyes to his classmates again. "See? Lin Fei's money is easy to earn, but only if you can do it and have the courage to earn it. I understand what you think, and I, Lin Fei, also understand you. To be able to come today is to give you a chance, but it's a pity... "

"You don't want to compare with Wang Jianguang and forget the friendship between us. Since he came to Heping Village to help the poor, Lin Fei's father has been treated as his own father. This alone is enough to make Lin Fei appreciate him."

"If you want to be my friend, you must have the courage to share the hardships with me."

With that, Lin Fei turned and walked out.

Leave a group of silly classmates.

At the moment, Ma Xiaotian, a classmate of jiupinzhai in Jiangnan City, is about to cry.

Ma Xiaotian ordered the most luxurious private room in jiupinzhai, and invited Xiao Mengshan, Feng Ke, Ruoshui, Gu lanyue, Lin Ke'er, Huo Dongfu, Yorkson, Alice and Tom to celebrate the successful signing of the image spokesperson of earth network company's latest game "universe".

As an image spokesman, Han Bing sits at the dinner table with a very serious expression.

She kept the style of the studio, and still took a fresh route, basically without any decoration. In order to make it more fairy like, the whole shooting was mainly white, with snow-white skin and white skirt shining each other, as if a real fairy came to the world.




Every woman sitting at this table has her own characteristics and style. They are all top-notch beauties with graceful posture and delicate face.

Xiao Mengshan, Ruoshui, Han Bing, Lin Ke'er and Gu lanyue make the men in the room feel blinded. They all sigh in their hearts that one such woman is perfect enough.

Especially think of Xiao Mengshan, Ruoshui and Han Bing three beauties are very familiar with Lin Fei, many people even began to admire Lin Fei.

Some people envy, others worry!

Worry is Han Bing, originally said to come back to meet, she has even made all the preparations, even at the temptation to go to bed Lin Fei, but, from the plane began to despair, meet her is Ma Xiaotian.

When he saw Ma Xiaotian's fat body and not Lin Fei's handsome face, Han Bing's heart was tight.

However, the result of the inquiry was that Lin Fei had a meeting in Jiangnan City and could not leave, which made Han Bing take a breath.

In Jiangnan City, in order to finish shooting quickly, she even had no rest. She went to shoot directly, and now she is.

To bring the restaurant, still did not see Lin Fei.

Ma Xiaotian's explanation is that there is something urgent in Lin Fei's hometown. He rushed home and asked him to apologize to Han Bing.

Han Bing is a smart woman. She has been in the same class with Lin Fei and Ma Xiaotian for four years. She has already seen through that. Lin Fei is not here at all.

"Ha! Jiupinzhai's food is very special. Everyone can have a taste of it. You can order more what you like! "

Ma Xiaotian has complained about Lin Fei many times, but now as the host, he has to play hard.

What's different is that Xiao Mengshan, Ruoshui and others want to know more about the relationship between Han Bing and Lin Fei. Xiao Mengshan, in particular, saw and heard Lin Fei touting Han Bing as the first prize that day, and spent more than 200 million. In her opinion, that's the practice of brain damage.The princess of the world laughs!

A smile of gold?

With a woman, with a beautiful woman, she had no reason to give birth to the heart of contrast.

Han Bing puts the water cup on the table and looks at Ma Xiaotian.

"Ma Xiaotian, do you remember my position when I was at school?"

"Monitor!" Ma Xiaotian instantly concentrates all his mind and attention. He doesn't know what the purpose of Han Bing's question is.

"Since you know that I am the monitor, you know that I have a lot of contact with every student, don't you?"

Ma Xiaotian nodded and felt more empty.

Others look at Han Bing and don't know what she wants to say.

"Ma Xiaotian, your eyes and actions betray you. If I'm not wrong, Lin Fei doesn't want to see me. You've been lying to me!"

Han Bing said, eyes staring at Ma Xiaotian, tears in the eye circle straight.

Delicate appearance, big beautiful eyes, full of tears, people pity.

Ma Xiaotian's forehead perspired instantly.

Xiao Mengshan turns to see Han Bing. She is sure that Han Bing has a deep love for Lin Fei. However, I admire her cleverness and guess that Lin Fei deliberately evades.


People's eyes are looking at Ma Xiaotian, do not know how he explained.

Ma Xiaotian complained in his heart. "Boss, boss, don't you pit me? You were so bold at that time. Now you are hiding from others. No one can agree with you? If you give me 200 million yuan, I can bend it! "

Ma Xiaotian looked hard at Han Bing, "monitor, to tell you the truth, Lin Fei left as early as two days ago."


Han Bing's tears rolled down in an instant.

Gu lanyue stares at Ma Xiaotian and wants to beat him to death. Isn't that adding fuel to the fire?

Xiao Mengshan and Ruoshui instantly confirm that Han Bing likes Lin Fei. The difference is that Xiao Mengshan knows that Lin Fei is avoiding Han Bing, and Ruoshui is deeply thinking

Han Bing wiped the corner of his eyes and spoke.

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