"Ma Xiaotian, you and Lin Fei are not good things. They have joined hands to cheat me." Han Bing, who has always been quiet, is so angry that he utters rude remarks.

Ma Xiaotian was scolded, and he was bowed in his heart. However, see Han Bing tears, immediately also anxious, hands around the body touch, suddenly in the pocket of a hard thing, eyes a turn, have an idea.

"Monitor, Lin Fei left. He really had something to do, but he left his sincerity to you."

"What do you mean?"

If it works, Han Bing picks up a paper towel, wipes his tears and asks.

Other people are curious to see to Ma Xiaotian, don't know what is really in his mouth?

"Monitor, this is what Lin Fei asked me to give you." Ma Xiaotian said that he had a red one in his hand, which was printed with the mark key of a horse with two high front hooves. He put it in front of Han Bing with his palm.

The key is simple and convenient, the overall design is low-key, but it does not lose the demeanor of a big brand. The classic red color has attracted everyone's attention.

It's the key to Lin Fei's limited edition Ferrari.

"This is..."

Han Bing seems to have guessed something, but he is still puzzled.

"The boss said, beauty is like a horse, only a little bit of Conquest can have flavor, he gave you this car worth 30 million, hope you can become a noble, personality horse."

Ma Xiaotian's face is serious and serious, but it really gives people a sense of truth.

Han Bing's face turned red in an instant.

Women are like horses.

Words although very common, but listen to let a person heartbeat numb, mood in a mess, no reason for some excitement.

When other people see this scene, they stare at Ma Xiaotian, as if they want to confirm whether it is true?

Ma Xiaotian gave full play to his thick face. With a serious look on his face, he said: "monitor, Lin Fei really likes you! But as you know, he is very expert in using emotions. He was cheated and beaten by Wang Mengyao in the past. At last, when Wang Mengyao left meizishuang group, he was not embarrassed. We can see how deep his feelings are? "

"For you, you must know where you are in your heart, but he hopes to give him a little time to come out of the past, and then slowly let your love sublimate."

"Monitor, I think Lin Fei is the most manly Lin Fei. What do you think?"

Man's mouth, liar.

Ma Xiaotian can be said to play it to the extreme.

Han Bing had some doubts, but the last sentence, let her all doubts are gone, tears rolling down, can not help nodding, face full of happy smile.

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly became strange. Xiao Mengshan, Feng Ke and Lin Ke'er knew very well that Lin Fei held a meeting that day. This luxury car was a reward Ma Xiaotian asked for to solve today's problem with Han Bing. Now it has played a role, but Ma Xiaotian has given it a special meaning. It seems that Han Bing's love for Lin Fei is deeper, and in her heart, Lin Fei is I really love her.

As for Ruoshui's heart, it seems to have pressed a stone, heavy and even sour.

Gu lanyue stares at Ma Xiaotian. She is lying, but she can't see it. This gives her a new understanding of the fat man.

"Lin Fei is the most honest man I've ever met. I believe his words must be true." Huo Dongfu hastened to comment.

"Lin is the most honest person. I think so, too."

"Lin is the most honest person. I think so, too."

"Lin is the most honest person. I think so, too."

Yorkson, Alice and Tom strike while the iron is hot.

Han Bing's heart completely melted, just like Lin Fei's own confession to her.

Face has been red to the root of the neck, tears into a broken line of pearls. "Ma Xiaotian, give Lin Fei the key to the car. I'm in Yanjing and I can't use it. You tell him that I believe his words and will wait for him all the time."

Han Bing is also a strong girl, tears can be sad, can be moved, but absolutely unambiguous.

"Yes! I listen to the monitor Ma Xiaotian put the car key back with a smile, secretly pleased in his heart, successfully solved the problem, and ensured that he did not lose the car.

In the private room, the atmosphere gradually improved. After a meal, everyone had a good time.


"Does Lin Fei really like Han Bing?" On the way back, Gu lanyue looks at Ma Xiaotian, who is sitting in the co pilot's seat and drinking faintly, and asks.

"If he likes it, isn't it here?" Ma Xiaotian picked pick eyelid, very dissatisfied said.

"Are you cheating Han Bing?" Gu lanyue finally confirmed his judgment.

"Wife, I can't help it. How about today's meal?"

"What should Lin Fei do when he knows?""What can we do? He didn't make it himself. If he gave 200 million to any woman, she would be unhappy? "

Gu lanyue's heart is also filled with emotion. Lin Fei's reward on that day is indeed heroic. She is a woman, and she is shocked and moved.

Just, think of Ma Xiaotian to Lin Fei dig this deep feeling pit, she can't help but have been sighing, I'm afraid it's hard to fill!

Han Bing returns to the hotel and calls Lin Fei immediately.

Lin Fei is driving back to the North Hotel from the unforgettable time in Longnu's car. When he sees Han Bing's phone call, he also has a headache, but he still picks up today's signing.

However, because the mobile phone is in hand, it answers quickly, which makes Han Bing feel that Lin Fei seems to be waiting beside the phone all the time, with a happy smile on her face.

After the phone was connected, both of them didn't speak. It seemed that they could hear each other's breath and heartbeat in silence.

"Did the signing go well?"

After a long silence, Lin Fei broke the silence and asked over the phone.

"It's going well. How's your side?"

"Good! Why don't you go to bed so late? "

"Ma Xiaotian, please have dinner. I just got back to the hotel."

"Then call me. Do you miss me?" Lin Fei feels that the atmosphere is a little depressed and laughs.

"Well! Originally, I was thinking, thinking, thinking... "

Although Han Bing across the phone, but already red like a ripe cherry, are about to drip.

Lin Fei understood in a moment. Lin Fei said with a smile: "Bingbing, it's very late. It's time to go to bed. All beauties come out of bed."

"I hate it! They're not pigs! "

"But you are a beauty! You need more sleep. "

"All right! Thank you for today's gift. I hope to see you soon, and then... "

"And then what?"

"I won't talk to you, villain!"

Han Bing said, directly press hang up, Lin Fei's ear came a beep.

Originally, she wanted to say that she would be a strong horse tamed by Lin Fei, but she didn't mean to say it.

Lin Fei didn't know that Ma Xiaotian had dug a deep hole for him. Although he was confused, he put it down.

It's just that Lin Fei can't afford to fill this pit in the future.

However, these are afterwords!

Lin Fei is in the dazed and unforgettable time KTV. At the moment, hundreds of people have gathered. They are looking at the angry Lord

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