"Lord Ba, give the order!"

"We must kill him today."

"Kill him! He demolished the North Hotel. "


In the unforgettable time KTV, PA Ye's younger brother is crazy.

Master Ba is also going to be crazy. Although his face has been dealt with, he still looks like a pig's head. His ears are roaring, his eyes can hardly see clearly, and his brain is in a mess.

He's a bully. He's been in Jiangbei County for more than ten years. Today, he was beaten, or was he beaten by one of his own men. How can you tell.

"Niu Er!"


Voice just fell, out of a big head, big eyes, loud voice, arms tattooed with a dragon man.

"You immediately send someone to search Mi Jian for me. When you find him, you directly break his fifth leg and bring him to me."

"Don't worry, I will make him miserable enough!"

With that, Niu Er turned his body and walked out.

"Pa ye, shall we start now?"

Another tattooed man, covering his face and rubbing his arm, came out.

He is the leading gangster in the private room, and he can be regarded as master's right hand. Unexpectedly, today, dozens of people are all abandoned by dragon girl. Although he feels terrible, he is also more resentful, which makes him want to revenge.

"Mahu, wait a minute. There are still three people who haven't arrived. We'll set out when they come."

PA Ye looked at Ma Hu with satisfaction and said.

Mahu nodded and retreated.

At this moment, at the gate of the unforgettable time KTV, an off-road vehicle stops and jumps from the car. Three men, strong and matchless, with cold eyes and fierce eyes, are afraid to look at each other. One is wearing leather clothes, the other is wearing vest, and the other is bare back. They walk into the unforgettable time KTV side by side.

These three men are the three pillars of Lord ba. They are Chen Sheng, Chen Zhe and Chen Feng. They are the three dead men raised by Lord ba. They are afraid to do nothing for money.

In the past few years, the three of them have helped to deal with the people who are against Lord ba. At least 20 or 30 people died in the hands of the three of them and more than 100 people were injured in their hands.

If these five people are divided according to the realm, they are all in the later stage of the Yellow realm. Among ordinary people, this is quite powerful. Among a thousand Huns, there is not necessarily a master of the Yellow realm.

It is because of the existence of the three of them that master Ba is so domineering and confident enough to stand in Jiangbei County.

In Ba Yezi's opinion, although Lin Fei's Dragon girl can fight, she's just a woman. Ordinary gangsters can't clean up. It's not easy for them, Chen's three brothers?

He has already thought that after catching Lin Fei and Longnu this time, he should get all the money from Lin Fei, and then trample Longnu in front of Lin Fei. Only in this way can he vent his hatred for Longnu and Linfei.

"Pa ye, what kind of person is worth the three of us to go out at the same time?"

The leader is a big, bearded, slovenly man with a strong breath, a dull voice and a twinkling cold light in his eyes. He is the eldest Chen Sheng.

His cultivation is the highest among the three. The last time they performed a task at the same time was three years ago. It was to destroy a rising Gang, in which there were six mid-term yellow level masters. The power of Baye was strongly hit. The three men took action in time to subdue the six mid-term yellow level masters and wipe out their opponents. Since then, they have never performed a task together, usually one One person is enough.

"Well, three brothers, sit down first and listen to me slowly!" Master Ba greets and pours tea for several people in person. They are very close to each other. The three of them are not polite. They sit down one after another and listen to master BA's details.

"So it is! It's a piece of cake. If we deal with one person, any one of the three of us can get rid of him. How about fighting again? How many of us are there? I'll go by myself. I'll beat up the men and catch the women and have a good time! "

After listening to PA Ye's words, a man of medium height, extremely strong and arrogant stood up.

He is Chen Feng, the third eldest son. Compared with the eldest son, he is more irritable and vicious in killing people. There is only one end to him, that is death!

He has a biggest hobby, is like women, especially like the rough possession of women, just like his bloody character.

"Third brother, don't underestimate the enemy. Since the Lord has called us all, it shows that the strength of the other party should be not weak. It's better to be careful," said Chen Sheng, the eldest. He has some scheming and ponders for a while. He looks rough, but his mind is very delicate.

"Big brother is right! But it's no big deal. There are three brothers here. Don't worry. I will help you clean up this one called Lin Fei. "

Another man interjected that he was Chen Zhe.

He is the ugliest and darkest of the three. Even his facial features seem to be stitched together. If you see him at night, you will think that he has seen a ghost.However, this man's Kung Fu is extremely high, and he has the potential to surpass Chen Sheng.

Three people's words, let PA ye not from of secretly nod, in the heart seem to have bottom. "Ha ha, thank you. After today's work is finished, money and beauty will make you suffer more."

"I've transferred 500000 yuan to each of you. I'll check them all. There's no problem, just three of you." PA Ye clapped the table heavily and said with fierce eyes.

"Well, good," said the three men, looking up their account numbers and looking happy

Lin Fei and long Nu just drove back to the North Hotel, and the security guard at the door immediately welcomed them.

"Mr. Lin, you are back." A familiar voice came.

Lin Fei looked up and saw that it was Zhang Fei, Li Qingfeng's big brother, who was the first group of security guards sent by Li Qingfeng to meizishuang group. On that day, he struggled with the troublemakers in Chengdong district for a long time. He was very manly and impressed Lin Fei deeply and very well.

"Zhang Fei, why are you here?"

"Lord Feng, oh, No. Mr. Li said that where your industry goes, our security guards will go. This time, I will be specially responsible for the security work of Jiangbei County. "

"I got a phone call today, saying that the security guard of the North Hotel didn't dare to stop even a second ancestor, so I brought someone over and replaced them."

Lin Fei listened and nodded with satisfaction. Li Qingfeng implemented his own requirements very well and firmly.

"Zhang Fei, you've done a good job. There may be retaliation these days. Remember to keep good evidence. As long as you dare to make trouble, you can teach me a hard lesson without killing anyone."

Lin Fei thought of offending Lord Ba, and he had a guard in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Fei nodded and took the Dragon girl inside.

In the dim night, the lights are brilliant. From the unforgettable time KTV parking lot, dozens of vehicles of different sizes, including high-end cars, vans, and buses, form a long line, and fight to the North Hotel. The off-road vehicle is at the front.

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