At the gate of the North Hotel, all the lights are turned on, and the door and parking lot are illuminated as if it was day. Big brother Fei has people pull a few large light bulbs to keep the dead end.

The purpose is to make the light here better and make the camera shoot more clearly.

Today, after he arrived, he heard what happened. With the lessons of meizishuang, big brother Fei immediately arranged the deployment.

At the moment, big brother Fei is sitting on a rocking chair specially set up at the door. His body shrinks in the rocking chair. People are very leisurely and give people a sense of harmlessness.

There was a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes. On the contrary, he was more alert, more fierce and more fighting spirit.

According to his experience, some people make trouble during the day, and they will definitely come back with a bigger and crazier impact at night. Lin Fei has been relaxed and not taken seriously, so it's time for him to take it seriously.

"Big brother Fei, everything has been arranged according to your requirements. What shall we do next?" A security guard with three people went to big brother Fei and said.

"Good! very nice! Better light! We must perform well in acting later. Remember! Make sure you don't do it first. "

"I understand!"

"Take your batons and remember to perform your security duties."

"Big brother, don't worry!"

These people used to be gangsters. Now, although they are white washed and work as security guards, they are all experienced in fighting, and they are also very smart. Big brother Fei's words have understood many meanings.

In the suite.

After checking inside the room and making sure there was no danger, the Dragon girl looked at Lin Fei who was going to take a bath and said, "I'll go down and have a look!"

"No more." Lin Fei denied it on the spot.

"Can they do it?"

"Just think of it as a military training. If the overlord of a county can't solve it, how can I go to other cities to expand territory and how can I ensure the safety of my company?"

Lin Fei said a meaningful sentence.

The Dragon Girl gazed at Lin Fei for three seconds, nodded and said nothing more.

Ten minutes later,


There was a sudden brake.


The door opens and the sound sounds.

In an instant, hundreds of people appeared at the gate of the North Hotel, full of momentum and awe inspiring. The first three were the three brothers of Chen family.

The security guard of the North Hotel stands up straight, holds the rubber stick in his hand, looks at big brother Fei first, and then looks warily at the people coming.

Big brother Fei didn't move in his chair, but his eyes were colder.

Did not expect that a small county hunzi should be arrogant to this state?

His eyes fell on Chen brothers' faces. He was also surprised that he was a Huang level master.

However, he quickly took back his mind and took a look at the seven security guards. Although the number was small, they were all eager to try, without any intention of shrinking.

This makes him very satisfied!

Thinking of Lin Feigang's explanation, Dafei has understood and is determined to fight a beautiful battle.

The front desk attendants in the hotel are pale with fright. They have never seen such a scene before. The other party is not good at seeing it.

Ha ha

"The business of our North Hotel is booming! It's supposed to be a lucky day today. How can so many people come here to stay? "

"Today, I'm working on site. Please line up and register one by one."

"Pay first, then check in, don't give money, don't let live."

Big brother Fei sat on the chair and said with a smile.

In his eyes, it seems that the people in front of him really came to stay in the shop.

Chen's three brothers have been running rampant in Jiangbei County for many years. They also have No.1 on the road. They usually open rooms in various hotels, which are the best rooms and the most enthusiastic hospitality.

As the best hotel in Jiangbei County, the North Hotel comes most frequently, and the security guards know him.

Now, the security guard actually sat on the chair and talked to him like this, their anger rose instantly.

"Stay in the shop, I'm here to smash the shop, OK?" Chen's three brothers stopped and looked at big brother Fei like an idiot.

Chen Feng, the third elder, even touched his nose and said aggressively, "clear the road!"

"Yes Suddenly there are seven or eight younger brothers, Hula came forward, holding the stick in hand, rushed to big brother Fei and the security guard.

"Bang bang!"

A series of noises.

These people are faster on the road and faster on the road.

Ah, ah

The screams continued.

They were all thrown down by the security guards under big brother Fei.

Although there are only seven people around big brother, the number is small, but the action is clean and neat,.

"Oh! I can't see that. You're extraordinary! It seems that we despise you Chen Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly and his face showed a strong sense of coldness, but he was more alert.Big brother Feige is extraordinary, and his strength is not under him at all.

"Who are you and why do you come to our hotel to make trouble?"

big brother Fei has already taken advantage of the opportunity and changed his momentum.

"Boy, you're just a security guard. Just earn your money. I advise you to leave as soon as possible and don't delay our work. I tell you, today this northern hotel has to be demolished, and there is a pair of dogs in it. Men and women have to be abandoned. If you stand in the way, you will be dead. " Chen Sheng looked up and down at big brother Fei in a low voice with a strong threat.

"We are just security guards. Our duty is to ensure the safety of the hotel. As for what you said, I don't know and I don't want to know."

"If you come to stay, I welcome you. If you come to make trouble, I advise you to go back as soon as possible, and don't provoke me. "

"In addition, it's not that there are too many people, it's still strength."

Big brother is fearless and confident.


Chen Shengle sneered.

"It seems that in Jiangbei County, there are a lot of bull people coming all of a sudden! Good. To be honest, we are here to make trouble and find people. To be exact, we are going to smash the hotel and take the man named Lin Fei away. Can you stop us? "

Chen Shengyin measured said, face full of disdain, body with a strong self-confidence.

"Since you are looking for trouble, you should call the police directly." Big brother Fei said, turning to the front desk attendant.

The front desk clerk picked up the phone with shaking hands and was about to dial it.

"It's no use calling the police!" Chen Sheng suddenly let out a shout of anger, which made the waiter shake his hand, and the phone fell down with a bang.

"Brothers, come on, smash it! Hard hit Chen Sheng finished, and the first one rushed to the eight of them.

There are hundreds of people, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

Big brother Fei, who was originally sitting on the seat, also stood up and took the lead to meet Chen's three brothers with a rubber stick.

Seven security guards saw big brother Fei take the lead and immediately followed him. Suddenly, eight of them were like eight tigers going down the mountain. They were full of power and domineering.

Big brother Fei is a real tiger like a sheep. Although his security clothes are loose and fat, his muscles are vertical and horizontal, full of explosive power. He can deal with the three brothers of Chen's one by one. As for the rest of the little brothers, seven security guards are more than enough.

A battle to defend the hotel is about to start.

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