Big brother Fei is so confident, thanks to Li Qingfeng.

This trip to Jiangbei County is the first time for their security company. In order to make a big hit, they specially sent a brave and tough big brother Fei to take the lead. The remaining seven security guards were also selected carefully.

Big brother and others hold a rubber stick. Thinking of the self-defense under surveillance, they immediately feel confident. They wave it and sweep away a large area.

What we encounter is almost like a gust of wind blowing through the crowd.

For a moment, scream again and again!

Big brother Fei, who rushes in front of him, is like a tiger rushing into the sheep. Wherever he rushes, the scream will ring.

Of course, thanks to the Chen brothers.

Originally, Chen Sheng took the lead to rush here, but at the moment when he was about to contact him, he suddenly stopped and directed his younger brother to charge, playing the role of cannon fodder. This group of rookies faced seven people like big brother, tiger and wolf. It's not bad luck, it's abuse.

After half of them fell, big brother Fei finally met Chen's three brothers face to face.

At the moment, although Chen's three brothers did not shrink back, their hearts began to tremble, and they were shocked by Dafei's terrorist fighting capacity.

You know, in their view, if you were an ordinary person, one-third of them would be able to be defeated by the siege. Now half of them are defeated, which is extremely terrifying.

"Three turtles, do you want your little brother to be cannon fodder?" Big brother Fei raises the rubber stick with blood in his hand and points to Chen Sheng.

Chen's three brothers couldn't hang their faces for a moment. Although they didn't speak, they all looked at the three people with the same doubts.

There are more people who add icing on the cake and less people who send charcoal in the snow.

Who would be so stupid to die now?

Chen's three brothers originally thought that seven security guards would solve the problem face to face. They kept their strength to deal with the abnormal bodyguard Longnv in the mouth of Ba Ye. Now

"Come on! I challenge you three with my fist. " Big brother Fei threw away the rubber stick in his hand and said to Chen's three brothers.

"Boy, if you want to die, it will help you!" Chen Sheng snorted coldly.

Chen Sheng stepped forward. Chen Zhe and Chen Feng kept up one after another. Through the performance of big brother Feifei just now, they knew that big brother Feifei was unusual, but they didn't know his real strength, so they chose to play together.

"Go to hell!" Chen Feng was the first one to do it. He yelled, and his strong iron fist came to big brother Fei.

"Why, harder than fist? I'll satisfy you

Big brother Fei's eyes flashed cold light, a fist smaller than Chen Feng appeared, and he welcomed it lightly.

Seeing that big brother Fei dares to fight with himself, Chen Feng sneers, "boy, if you don't die, you won't die. What I practice is fists. I practice hitting steel plates every day. Don't say that a person, even a cow, can fight to the ground with one punch. You dare to fight with him. It's just a death.

Chen Feng grins grimly and blows.


The dull sound of two fists colliding.


The crisp sound of bone fracture came, and then a man flew out backwards. It was Chen Feng.

At the moment, Chen Feng's smile is still on his face, but the pain in his heart makes his whole arm like a lightning strike, completely unconscious.

"Third brother!"

When Chen Sheng and Chen zhe saw this scene, they were obviously shocked. Among them, Chen Feng was the most powerful and the most powerful. Unexpectedly, they were solved with one punch, which was a little terrifying.

"Big brother, second brother, let's go together and kill him!" Chen Feng was also fierce. One Gulu got up, one arm drooped, and the other picked up an iron bar to attack big brother Fei again.

"Good! Come on, come on Big brother Fei was also inspired to be bloody, and suddenly he was full of pride.

Dafei's playing method is very simple, that is, direct fist hard bang.

Chen Sheng and Chen zhe saw with their own eyes that Chen Feng suffered a loss, so they naturally refused to fight against him and dodged one after another.

Chen Feng waves the iron bar and sees big brother flying with his bare hands. Suddenly, evil comes from his heart and smashes him from the back of his head.

At the moment when he was about to hit the target, big brother Fei quickly moved to his left. Then he hit Chen Feng's ribs with a fist. Suddenly there was a scream. Then Chen Feng's body was like a broken kite. He fell more than ten meters and hit the ground heavily. His seven orifices were bleeding and he was in a coma.

This move, full of momentum, domineering full, immediately all the people on the scene were deterred.

Chen Sheng and Chen zhe react to each other immediately after a short period of dullness. "Son of a bitch, pay for my brother's life!"

They said, waving their fists, exerting all their strength, and fighting towards big brother Fei.

Big brother Fei was just infuriated by Chen Feng's cruelty. Now when he saw that the two villains complained first, he was even more angry. He clenched his fists and met him directly.

Bang bang!

After two dull noises, their bodies fell directly a few meters away. The two arms that had just collided were exposed. The whole arm was instantly wet with blood, but they had already passed out of a coma without even calling out.And the rest of those little brothers, seven security guards, like seven tigers, ran around in the crowd, kicking, beating, cutting, chopping, beating, hundreds of people, now less than ten people are standing.

It was less than three minutes and they were crushed.

"Stop it Big brother called out.

Seven people stand firm body, immediately back to big brother Fei's side.

Big brother Fei took a look at seven people. He had some footprints on his body, some clothes were torn, some of them were hit on his face, but there was no big injury on the whole, which made him breathe.

Big brother Fei knows that this is not a battlefield of life and death. It's not good to make a big scene. It's better to find someone to clean up the mess!

"You call your boss immediately and ask him to send someone to clean up the people." Big brother Fei looked at the last remaining seven people and said.

Seven people are going to be petrified now. If big brother Fei didn't shout just in time, they would have been a member here.

Seven people did not dare to hesitate, but someone called Lord ba.

"What's the situation?" As soon as the phone was put through, PA Yeh asked urgently.

"Pa, PA ye, failed, all, all abandoned."

"What, what?" PA Ye's swollen head was dizzy and almost fell down on the spot.

Hang up and make a few calls immediately.

Half an hour later, several buses came and carried the people away.

Big brother Fei didn't stop him and didn't report to the police. He was born as a bastard. Of course, he knew what a bastard was afraid of. Now that the warning came, he had to wait for master BA's next performance to decide his fate.

Good performance, nothing is wrong, bad performance, so sorry, you wait for more violent revenge!

Lin Fei didn't know what happened here. He slept soundly and even returned to his hometown in his sleep.

The next morning, when he went out, song Xiang and big brother Fei had been waiting at the door for a long time. They told Lin Fei what happened last night. Lin Fei nodded and said flatly, "someone will clean up next."

Song Xiang and big brother Fei don't understand, but they keep silent.

After breakfast, Lin Fei asks Longnu to drive the truck song Xiang has prepared for him towards Heping Village.

At the moment, Lin Fei's home in Heping Village is full of people. Someone is making a coffin outside. Lin Fei's father, lying on the Kang, can only breathe out, but hardly breathe in.

Lin Fei's home is already full of onlookers and helpers.

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