Lin Fei didn't move. The divine consciousness had entered the system.

"Little Laurie, my father is critically ill. What should I do?"

It's none of your business.

Facing his father's serious illness, Lin Fei is also in a mess.

"Cut! You're a loser The voice of little Lori's disdain came.

"Stop it! Now it's important to save people! " Lin Fei thought that little Lori was going to tease herself again, and roared angrily.

"What's your name? Don't you know how to save your father with such a big system and so many things? "

Little Lori said with great disdain.

Lin Fei immediately felt shocked, but also instantly sober. He quickly opened the system. In the storage space, a bottle of primary life agent and a bottle of intermediate life agent lay quietly in the space. In the transparent glass bottle, the golden liquid glittered.

Lin Fei suddenly remembers that uncle Tao was seriously ill that day, and a bottle of primary life medicine brought him back to life. Now Dad

His divine consciousness fell on two bottles of life potions, which disappeared in an instant and appeared in his pocket.

"Is Lin Fei scared?"

"He is still too young to be hit too hard by such things."

"Ah! What a poor child! I lost my mother since I was a child. Now I have just come back, and my father is critically ill. What a pity


Standing on the side of the people looking at the front of Lin Fei, can not help but send out a voice of sympathy.

"Lin Fei, it's natural for people to get old and die of illness. Heaven's law reincarnates. Don't be too sad, or..."

The old village head Dongshu wants to persuade Linfei. As a result, he sees Linfei push away the people who are preparing to change their father's clothes and yells: "I can save him!"

Lin Fei was very excited and his voice was loud, just like a crazy lion.

The busy crowd stopped and looked at Lin Fei. The scene was quiet.

The tears on Lin Fei's face are still there. His eyes are red and his lips are wriggling. All of them are anxious.

The next second, Lin Feidong took out two transparent glass bottles from his trouser pocket, which contained yellow liquid, one was light yellow, the other was dark yellow.

"What's this, Lin Fei?"

Uncle Dong wakes up from Lin Fei's action and asks Lin Fei.

Lin Fei also felt that he had behaved a little bit, but he couldn't tell the truth, so he had to lie: "Uncle Dong, this is the medicine I bought for my father, which can cure his illness."

Uncle Dong has no doubt. After all, Lin Fei's father has been ill for many years. Lin Fei is very right to prepare medicine. "Great, then give your father a drink." Uncle Dong came forward to help.

At this point, however, there were people speaking in the crowd.

"Lin Dong, are you stupid? People are dying. Nothing can be saved by drinking."

"Unless you can get a panacea now, you think those two bottles are the panacea?"

"Even if Lin Fei is a child, he is stupid. As the village head, are you stupid?"

Lin Fei looks up and knows Zhang Xueyuan, Secretary of Heping Village.

In his fifties, he was of medium build, dressed in a grey Chinese tunic and combed his flat head, which made him look very imposing and dignified.

At the moment, he had no sadness in the eyes of the Lin family, and even a trace of schadenfreude in his eyes.

"Zhang Xueyuan, this is our Lin family's business. You don't need to take care of it." As a village head, Lin Dong has a very bad relationship with him.

"Lin Dong, if I wasn't the village secretary, I wouldn't have come and cared who you Lin family loved."

Zhang Xueyuan said with a sneer and a cold hum.

"Go away!" Lin Fei's anger came out of the elixir and exploded in Zhang Xueyuan's ear.

Zhang Xueyuan was startled. In his eyes, Lin Fei was a thin and weak child, which could not be compared with him. However, the roar was loud enough and frightening enough.

"Look, Lin Dong. You Lin family are uneducated."

"You told me to get out of here, didn't you? Good! How about a bet? "

"If we can save Lin Chong, all the people surnamed Zhang in Heping Village will move away. If not, all the people surnamed Lin will move away."

Lin Fei's anger also angered Zhang Xueyuan. He straightened up and looked at them angrily.


Everyone on the scene looked at Zhang Xueyuan, Lin Dong and Lin Fei. How can saving people become a bet now?

There are only two surnames in Heping Village, one is Lin and the other is Zhang. People with other surnames can't get in and stay here. Just because of this, Heping Village has become a struggle between the two families of Zhang and Lin in recent years. The result of this struggle is that the whole village is divided into two factions, and each faction is very united.

Lin family settled down in Heping Village earlier than Zhang family. At that time, it was the title of clan head and village head. So later in the new society, when he became secretary, it was all Zhang family members who became village heads, and the village heads were all Lin family members. As a result, the two surnamed families restricted each other."Zhang Xueyuan, I know that over the years, you zhangjias have always wanted to monopolize Heping Village and drive our Lin family away, but don't forget that the Lin family settled down here first."

"What's more, you're betting on Lin Zhong who is critically ill. Do you really think everyone is a fool?"

"Even if you are selfish, you should pay attention to the timing and the occasion. Do you think this is the right time? Is your role as a village secretary suitable? "

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Xueyuan and asked with an iron face.

Two people fight for a lifetime, naturally know each other's ideas.

"Lin Dong, it's not that I don't know that the situation is special, but Lin Fei prevents everyone from dealing with his father finally. If he really dies in bed, what will happen to the whole village? I'm thinking about the whole village. "

What Zhang Xueyuan said, Lin Dong was speechless.

Every place has its own customs. Their custom here is to change clothes and carry them to the ground before people have no breath. They can't die in bed. Now Lin Fei stops them, and there is treatment. Zhang Xueyuan takes the opportunity to make trouble, but he has feelings to make it happen.

Although the other villagers in Heping Village did not speak, everyone had the same concerns in their eyes.

Zhang Xueyuan stopped talking, but his eyes to Lin Dong were full of provocation.

Lin Dong looks at Lin Fei.

"Zhang Xueyuan, I'll bet you that if my father can't be saved, all of us surnamed Lin will move out of Heping Village. If you are saved, please get out of here

"Lin Fei, you can't agree!"

"It's a losing bet."

"Son, this is not going to work."


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, people of both surnames Zhang and Lin began to offer advice.

Lin Zhong's illness is seen by everyone. People surnamed Lin are afraid of losing.

As for the people surnamed Zhang, some of them watched Lin Fei grow up, and even Lin Fei had their meals, so they couldn't bear to add fuel to the fire.

Everyone looked at Lin Dong.

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