"Lin Fei, are you sure?" Lin Dong looked at Lin Fei and asked in a low voice.

The surnames of Zhang and Lin in Heping Village have been fighting each other for decades. Everyone knows each other's purpose very well. Zhang Xueyuan uses reason to suppress Lin Dong and Lin Fei. Now he forces him to gamble and gamble on a losing result. As the head of the village and the clan of the Lin family, he is also very hesitant.

"Lin Fei, hurry up, just your dead father! If you don't, you'll die. "

Just as Lin Dong was waiting for Lin Fei's answer and the Lin family were waiting for the answer, someone spoke outside the crowd.

Looking up, Lin Fei is wearing a black T-shirt. He's almost twenty-five years old. His face is black.

Lin Fei's face was as gloomy as a dark cloud in June, and it was about to drop into the water.

"Lin Fei, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Your father must die today. Your Lin family will all move out of Heping Village today, and this will be our hometown in the future. Ha... "


Zhang Quan said very freely, only half of his laughter was interrupted by the clear sound.


The next second, Zhang Quan vomited a mouthful of blood mixed with white teeth from his mouth, and the left half of his face puffed up.

It was the Dragon girl who did it.

She came in from the outside, listening clearly, and her anger was burning long ago.

People standing around the Dragon girl feel the strong breath of the Dragon Girl and withdraw one after another.

Staring at the Dragon Girl, she was surprised. Why does such a beautiful woman have such violence?

"Zhang's people have been beaten!" Zhang Xueyuan called out and ran to help Zhang Quan.


Zhang people from the yard to hold sticks, will besiege Longnv.

"Dragon Girl, forget it! In addition to Zhang Xueyuan and Zhang Quan, other people used to treat me well. "

Lin Fei saw that the Dragon Girl's eyebrows were frowning, and he was about to start. He said quickly.

When the Lin family saw that the Zhang family wanted to fight, they all started to fight each other.

Zhang Quan's words were so vicious just now. Not to mention Lin Fei, but the Lin family were all angry. It was even more indignant to think of Zhang Xueyuan's shameless bet.

"Ouch! Dad! I've been killed. You should take it out for me Zhang Quan covered his face and said in tears.

"Shut up Zhang Xueyuan saw that he was at a crossfire now. He thought of his purpose and yelled at him.

Seeing Zhang Xueyuan's face, Zhang Quan understood immediately. At last, he closed his mouth and did not speak any more. However, he was already waiting for revenge.

During his years in Heping Village, Lin Fei has seen conflicts between people with two surnames. He knows that there are many contradictions. He just didn't expect that at this critical moment of his father's illness, people with the surname Zhang would come forward to make sarcastic remarks and gamble on his father's life, which makes him unbearable.

Now seeing the full smell of gunpowder, although he was angry, he still held it down.

"Zhang Xueyuan, take your family members and go away immediately. If you delay treating my father, I will let you be buried with me."

Lin Fei has never said such cruel words to people. For the first time, he was very angry.

"Xiao Lin Fei, don't think that you've become a city dweller after going out to school for a few days. Your father and your grandfather were city dwellers at the beginning, and they were still very beautiful. Didn't they lose all their property and flee back in ashes?"

Zhang Xueyuan retorts directly at Lin Fei's rebuke.

Lin Fei was so angry that he clenched his hands and stared at Zhang Xueyuan.

"Zhang Xueyuan, don't you think it's shameful for people of your age to say such things to Lin Fei?"

Lin Dong asked with fire.

"Lin Dong, since you say Lin Fei is a child, how about we two finalize the gambling agreement just now?"

Lin Fei agrees. Zhang Xueyuan is not at ease and asks Lin Dong.

"If his medicine can save Lin Chong, we Zhangjia will move out of Heping Village. In the future, Heping Village will only have your surname Lin, otherwise, it will only have our surname Zhang."


Lin Dong took a breath. It seems that Zhang Xueyuan is determined to solve the problem this time.

Surnamed Lin and surnamed Zhang have been competing for many years and have been trying to drive each other away. I didn't expect to put forward this at this time today. This

"Can you decide all the people in Zhangjia?" Lin Fei looks at Zhang Xueyuan and asks coldly.

"Of course!"

"That's enough. I've just agreed." Lin Fei said first.

"Lin Dong, Lin Fei has agreed. Don't you dare to agree?"

"You're not going to die as much as a young man, are you?"

"We all agree, don't we?"

Lin Fei once again promised that Zhang Xueyuan was happy and continued to provoke Lin Dong.

Lin Zhong is on the verge of death. This time, he will lose.Lin Dong sighed with disappointment.

Lin Fei's decision is not brilliant and bad, but as the head of the Lin family, he must not lose to Zhang Jia in momentum.

"Uncle Dong, we..." People surnamed Lin are nervous.

"Stop talking. Listen to Lin Fei." Lin Dong made the final decision on the spot.

"Yes! Believe Lin Fei. " Just now the man in blue trousers and yellow cloth coat stood up and supported.

He is Lin fan, Lin Fei's cousin.

Although some people in the Lin family were dissatisfied, they still kept silent.

However, their expressions are very nervous. They stare at the medicine in Lin Zhong's and Lin Fei's hands and pray silently, hoping that a miracle will be born.

"I hope you don't regret it!" Lin Fei finished and looked down at his father.

"Ha ha Regret? You Lin people are waiting to move out of Heping Village! "

"Take a person who is going to die as a gamble. It is estimated that there will be no one but you Lin family."

"Silly X! It's an absolute idiot

Zhang Quan, who had just been slapped by the Dragon Girl, kept abusing in the crowd, his face full of pride and excitement.

The Lin family didn't respond, but everyone's expression was very serious. Obviously, they agreed with what he said.

Zhang Xueyuan stands beside him, with his hands behind him and a smile in his eyes. He wants to drive the Lin family out of Heping Village. This is the goal of the young people of Zhang Jia. Today, he finally finds the opportunity to realize it on himself. His face is full of excitement.

Lin Dong, on the other side, looks at Lin Fei with solemn expression and mixed feelings. He is not sure about the bet, and even feels that he will lose. But Lin Fei agrees with the bet. As a member of the Lin family, he can't shrink back and can only stick to it.

If people's minds are dispersed, the team will not be easy to lead.

Today, the Lin family relies on unity, so he has to support Lin Fei.


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