"Gu lanyue, do you really accept me?" Zhang Qi's excited voice echoed in the box.


The scene was even more startled.

Wang Mengyao was in tears, unable to believe or accept the facts in front of her.

Even Ma xiaotianxin is a pain, the bus is the bus, even this kind of flower heart radish can take a fancy to.

Gu lanyue, who has never uttered a word since he came in, holds flowers in his left hand and a diamond ring in his right hand. He doesn't speak, but he has quickly walked to Lin Fei, who is sitting in the corner.

As for Zhang Qi's questions, they were directly ignored.


Everyone's eyes all look at Gu lanyue.

Gu lanyue's pace is very fast. With her every step, her slender dress is swinging and swaying. It turns into a mature charm and envelops the whole box, adding infinite charm to her.

It can't be said that all living beings are upside down, but it has indeed upside down the men in the box, including Ma Xiaotian, but it doesn't include -

"Lin, Mr. Lin, I, I love you!" Gu lanyue goes to Lin Fei's body and kneels down on one knee. She looks directly at Lin Fei and speaks with infinite tenderness.


There was a scream at the scene.

Wang Mengyao stares at Gu lanyue and Lin Fei and covers her mouth in surprise.

Zhang Qi kneels on the ground and becomes a background wall.

"Gu lanyue confesses to Lin Fei?"

"Well, what's going on?"

"She, is she Gu lanyue?"


The voices of discussion and exclamation echoed in the box.

Gu lanyue is worthy of being an actor. She has seen a lot of big scenes, but she ignores the comments in the box.

At the moment, she knelt down in front of Lin Fei, with a smile on her face, very sincere.

As long as Lin Fei nods, she can let Lin Fei deal with it, even if

In her world, it is very realistic to live a rich life. Because of this, in the past, she tried every means to get rich, even if she became a man's plaything.

Just yesterday, Lin Fei in her eyes, still nothing, even the most cattle homeowner, with more than 200 houses, still can not really move her.

However, when "dark night" was released less than 24 hours, it had already made 200 million box office and received a lot of praise. Gu lanyue immediately realized that Lin Fei, as the largest shareholder, would make a lot of money.

To this end, she put down all, even put down dignity, want to find Lin Fei, even kneel in front of Lin Fei to lick, she is willing to.

Coincidentally, she was living in Xinyuan Hotel. When she saw Lin Fei come in, she quickly cleaned herself, dressed up and came.

Now, even in the face of Lin Fei, she is determined to let Lin Fei accept her.

Lin Fei is also shocked by his love?

Fool the devil!

"Gu lanyue, which play are you playing?"

"Mr. Lin, I know you have a bad impression on me, but I know I'm wrong. After yesterday, I really fell in love with you."

"Ha, ha..."

"Mr. Lin, I know you have a problem with me, even think I'm dirty, but I'm sincere at the moment. I'll leave it to you as long as you like. "

Gu lanyue didn't care about everyone's surprise and Lin Fei's sneer. She said with a blush on her face.

Even though Lin Fei has no feelings for Gu lanyue, he still can't help but get excited.

Gu lanyue is a very observant woman. Lin Fei's hesitation immediately looked in his eyes, raised the diamond ring and said, "honey, if you can accept me, I will be your woman all my life, at your command."

In order for Lin Fei to accept himself, Gu lanyue has put down her final dignity.


The other students who have been surprised behind can no longer calm down at this moment.

"She is really Gu lanyue!"

"Gu lanyue proposed to Lin Fei, sincerely. It's too hard to imagine."

"If I were Lin Fei, I would promise how beautiful Gu lanyue is, how perfect she is and how famous she is. Only by conquering this kind of woman can I have a sense of accomplishment."


Zhang Qi has now stood up from the kneeling ground and turned to look at Gu lanyue kneeling on the ground behind him. His heart can't hate him. Finally, he focuses all his hatred on Lin Fei. His eyes are full of resentment and anger.

Zhu Yan and Xu Hao are so surprised that they both tell the story of the prince and Cinderella. Now how can they turn around and become the story of the princess and the poor boy!

The most embarrassed and angry is Wang Mengyao.

Zhang Qi, who had been arranged to propose to her, gave Lin Fei a fatal blow. But now, in front of Mei se, Zhang Qi directly abandoned her, and even the diamond ring and flowers of the proposal were gone.This is not the heaviest blow. The heaviest blow is that Gu lanyue proposed to the man she abandoned.

Hard to accept!

In her eyes, Gu lanyue is a high goddess, which is an idol. Compared with her, Gu lanyue is just like the contrast between firefly and starlight, which is basically

She has an urge to bleed.

"Lin Fei, promise her!"

"Lin Fei, Gu lanyue is countless times more beautiful and famous than Wang Mengyao. Don't miss it."

"Ha ha, it seems that Wang Mengyao left you on her own initiative. She really has no vision. She deserves not that blessing."

Ma Xiaotian opened his mouth on one side. Although he was also shocked, he was more happy and proud.

Since then, their two poor brothers have become targets of attack and suppression in everyone's eyes. Even if Lin Fei gave him a house and 10 million venture capital, it is difficult for others to identify with them.

Gu lanyue's kneeling proposal is undoubtedly the best embodiment of Lin Fei's value and charm, which must be cherished and must not be missed by Lin Fei.

As the best brother, he came forward enthusiastically.

"Promise her!"

"Promise her!"

"Promise her!"


Ma Xiaotian's words were like a fire, which immediately burned in the box. Many students, even if they were full of envy and hatred, still yelled, with only one purpose -

to witness a miracle!

Gu lanyue kneels on the ground and her legs hurt, but she still keeps smiling and holds the diamond ring in front of Lin Fei.

The shouts behind her brought her motivation and encouragement.

Looking at Lin Fei affectionately, she really hopes Lin Fei will accept her!

Lin Fei has been very calm sitting there, thinking of many things in his mind, but not an idea is to accept Gu lanyue.

Lin Fei's eyes inspect the crowd. At last, his eyes fall on Gu lanyue's face. Gu lanyue immediately greets him with a smile.

Lin Fei spoke

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